Status: Paused

Oh, What a Year...


Loud cheers emitted from the crowd as all of us seniors turned our tassels on our caps, symbolizing the journey from the past to the future. Before I knew it, the same 817 navy blue caps flew through the air, and the ceremony concluded. It was all crowded as everyone was trying to get back home. Everyone but me. I was still sitting in my seat dreading the moment I get up I would see him.
Five minutes later and a lot of people were still at school, but still a lot had gone and I was still sitting in my seat. Just then I saw my two best friends Kay Lyn and Jacky.
Ok lets pause for a bit and let me introduce Kay Lyn and Jacky. Well Kay Lyn or also known as Lynne or Kay has been my best friend since the 4th grade. I met her because she was getting picked on by two 8th grader boys and she was so defenseless and was scared too. So I went to her rescue and stood up to those scary 8th graders. Ever since that day we have been best friends.
Now for the story of how I met Jacky. Well it was 8th grade and me and Lynne were on our way to our hangout spot that is located in the back of the school. But when we got there we saw these two kids fighting Jacky and Jacky looked pretty beat up and like he was going to pass out at any second. So me being the aggressive person that I am jumped into the fight and helped Jacky out. We won the fight and me and Lynne won a new best friend. But it turned out the reason they were beating up Jacky was cause he was a new student that was from Liverpool, England. But back to the original story.
I saw my two best friends standing by my car. I went to get up and go met them there until I heard someone call me.
“Baker! Baker get over here, now!” A stern voice called/ yelled at me. I got up and turned around to see that Mr. Adams was the one that was calling me. I did as I was told and went to him. I thought I was in some sort of trouble, because he had a mean looking face on. “Baker you see this school?” I looked to the school and then back at him and I nodded. “You see this face?” I nodded again. “Don’t forget them. Got it?” again I nodded. Now his face had a smile on it. He pulled me into a hug and said this: “Baker, you were my favorite student I have ever had. Out of all my years I will never forget you.”
“Mr. Adams, come on. I bet you say that to all of your students.” I said to him.
“I may say that to all my students but when they come back to visit me I forget who they are. Now when you come visit, I wont forget your name.” I saw him look up and he saw someone. “Smiths, Patrick! Get over hear.” Just then Jacky and Lynne were at my side. “You three better stick together this summer. I don’t want my three favorite students getting into trouble.” We all laughed and agreed and promised that we would stay out of trouble. (If only he knew.)
“Hanna, who is this?” I turned around only to see that my lovely mother was standing there looking pretty as ever, with her lovely dark brown hair (that I thankfully inherited) that was neatly tucked behind her ear.
“Oh, mom this is the best and coolest teacher in this school.” I said and Mr. Adams just looked at me and smiled.
“Ok that’s nice dear but that doesn’t help tell me who he is.” She said and gave a little laugh.
“Oh you must be Mrs. Baker?”
“Miss Baker. But you can call me Maria.” My mother said.
“Oh well Maria I am Mr. Adams. I was you daughters English teacher for all four years. And Baker if I am the best and coolest teacher how come your mother doesn’t know of me? Hmmm…” Mr. Adams said.
“Oh he-he about that. Well I don’t really talk about school that much. You should know that from my grades. Psh if I was your favorite student, why couldn’t you figure that out?” I said back to him.
“Touché.” was all he said. My mother and him were talking for a bit and I noticed that a lot of people had left, so I took the advantage.
“Hey mom, I’m going with Lynne and Jacky for the night. We will be at Jacky’s, but his mother wants you to call her cause she said…”
“She said that she wants to talk to you about the wedding dress she has picked out. She don’t think it will fit her when the wedding comes around.” Jacky said as he rudely cut me off.
“Ok and I’ll talk to your mother. I’ll most likely stop by later on tonight.” She said and then went back to her conversation with Mr. Adams.
“Peace out Mr. Adams. We shall return to terrorize you soon.” We all said at once. And with that we jumped into my car and headed to the major hangout spot in town. THE MALL!
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It's going to be a tad boring the next couple chapters. Just stay with me though, it will get better. I promise.