Status: Paused

Oh, What a Year...

Invited to our senior year graduation celebration!

Well like any teenager that had just graduated high school. We went to go celebrate at our favorite place. To you that may be going to a party or something. But to us, that meant going to Smoothie Island to get our smoothies or ice cream or whatever we wanted to have at the time.
Jacky pulled into a parking space and we all jumped out of the car and ran into the mall. After we ordered our regular which is a strawberry/ raspberry smoothie twist. So we ordered 3 of those and went over to a table near a couple of other kids that went to our school. But there was 3 of them that I don’t ever remember seeing around school at all.
So we were just talking about what we are going to do when go to different colleges and what will happen to Jacky’s band. Then one of the people from the other group that was near my table came over with Andy, a kid that was my partner in crime in my world history class for three years straight.
“Hey guys.” Andy said and took a seat next to me. His friend just stood there, as if he was waiting for an invitation to sit and talk.
Andy’s friend was sort of tallish, he had the typical skater boy hair. It was straight sandy brown hair that was swept over his face. He looked liked he worked out, like I can see that he is strong and what not. Also he had his lip pierced. Anyway…
“Hey” -- Jacky
“Yo!” -- Lynne
“Ello history buddy.” I said.
“So did you guys hear about the race that is going on tonight?” Andy said.
“Well I just did now. Where is it at?” Lynne asked.
“On the boarder of Ohio and Kentucky.”
“Oh yeah real specific Andy. You do know that the boarder line is a very long line.” I pointed out.
“Well it’s the part where its all open and desert like. No cops go there at all so there is no way we could get caught.” he said.
“And it’s a really good spot to have the best parties or just to watch the sunset or rise.”
Just then everyone’s attention turned to the no name person, that I accidentally forgot about. But hey not my fault he is so quite.
“So he can talk…” Lynne said more to herself than everyone else.
“So are you guys going to go? Jacky I know this chick that really wants to meet you. Oh and Lynne, Pat will be there too.” Andy said trying to bribe Lynne and Jacky to go. But that kind of stuff wont work for me.
“I’m in!”-- Lynne
“Is she hot?”
“If she wasn’t I would of told her to screw off.”
“Ok, I’m in too.”-- Jacky
“Now that just leaves you Baker. You in or out?”
“Hmm… how about out. I refuse to go to some stupid race.” I said in my ‘I mean what I say’ voice.
“Oh come on Baker! Don’t be a party pooper. Everyone will be there. Its our senior year graduation celebration!” Andy put on his puppy dog eyes that any girl would fall for, if she was a hopeless romantic and believes anything and everything.
“I think you forgot to put the word ‘extravaganza’ in that title. And Andy I’m not going to fall for your puppy dog eyes. They have never worked on me and they never will. You also made my reason not to go even more stronger by saying that everyone will be there.”
“Oh you know what I meant. Don’t worry Fisher won’t be there. And if he does show up Jesse, David, and Tony will beat the crap out of him and make him leave. Just come on. Its going to be really fun.” Andy said begging me now.
“And besides you have to go. Your supposed to be spending the night with us! And you already told Mama Baker that your staying at my place for the night. So HA! You have to go.” Jacky had a big smile on his face like he just won a million dollars
“You know he has a point Hanna. You can’t bail on us now. Please come and have some fun with us?” Lynne asked with such sadness in her voice and I think she was about to cry.
“Ok first of all. Andy who the hell is Jesse, David, and Tony?! They sound like they belong to the flipping mafia! And fine I’ll go. Only cause I don’t want Lynne to cry.”
“I’m Jesse.”
“Oh snaps! I thought you would have left and went back to your table!” I basically jumped out of my seat while having a heart attack cause I had no idea that Andy’s friend was sitting right behind me.
“Ha- ha, sorry I didn’t mean to scare you. But I’m Jesse, the semi- tall one with the long black hair is David, and the short blonde one is Tony.” Jesse said pointing to the two guys that I didn’t recognize. Only problem is that Tony, the “short blonde one” wasn’t really short in my book. He was more like, tall!
“Yeah, short.” Lynne and I said simultaneously. Jacky and the other two laughed because to them he was short. Just then the one called David came over and whispered something to Andy and then walked away to his group that was just about to leave.
“Well I have to go. Make sure to be at the place by 10, cause that is when we are starting the races. See you guys there and Baker?”
“Loosen up and live a little. Let your hair down for the night and have fun. Just think we are back in history.” with that, a hug, and a kiss to the forehead from Andy, him and Jesse walked away and left. We left Smoothie Island and went shopping around the mall for a bit. Me and Jacky bought some sheet music for his band and guitar strings. Lynne went and bought me and her something to wear tonight, although I have no idea why I just couldn’t wear something from my closet. Oh well I won’t complain, the clothes were cute.