Call Me Crazy Just Get Outta My Head

Under City Lights

"I love Warped Tour." I smiled as I walked of our tour bus into the dead of night.
The parking lot the buses were in was clean. A good way to tell that Warped had not happened yet in the great city of Chicago.
I walked around getting some fresh air after the guys had got a revenge prank pulled on us by the guys of I See Stars. Now way I was cleaning up that stink bomb and whipped cream.
'Hmm who should i go bother. Better question who's awake right now...'
"Hey Tay!" a voice called out as if on time or something.
I turned to see who it was but there was no one in the direction where the voice came from.
"Oh Kay..." I said scratching my head.
I turned back around and who was it who jumped at me making me fall back with a scream?
None other then Sierra Kusterbeck.
"Sierra what the fuck?!" I yelled, glaring at her.
She giggled and took my hand.
I pulled her down and she landed on top of me.
'Good thing it's dark because I think I'm blushing.'
"Hahaha did I scare you Tay?" Sierra asked looked down at me as she sat up kind of straddling me.
'Now I know I'm blushing.'
"No I just screamed for the sure hell of it." I said rolling my eyes.
She grinned and flipped her hair. "So what are you doing up so late? Looking to get some action?" She winked.
By now I'm probably redder then a fire truck. "Uh.. I was just getting some fresh air. We got pranked."
"Oh that blows." she laughed.
"Yeah um.. what about you?"
"Well I wasn't looking for action but I think some found me." She smirked leaning down.
"Sierra um.. are you ok?" I mumbled.
"Yes. Why do you ask?" She whispered as our faces got closer
♠ ♠ ♠
That's all you get for now.
This story is for Emily!