Status: Initiated - Phase 2

The Iron Cross

I have come back in order to foretell this story of evil, most vile, but also, of hope. There is a friend of great power behind me. The one who saved me, in my moment of dire needs.

Will you listen, for but a moment, and will you hear, what I have to say? If not, I fear you are to parish, when the time come.

If ever, someone just like what came to me, is to stand before you, but enough of that now. I know nothing of you, and who you are.
What I know is what was about to befall upon me, if it had not been for her?

Ps: I know what the "Iron Cross" was.

Think what you want about the once using the symbol, still it did constitute a certain degree of honour, to recieve the mark, even if you will say it was working for the wrong side.

If you did not know, it was common practice to steal symbols of others.