Status: going slowly

I'll Love You For Enternity

The rest of the day

So since no one came and got me out of my other classes before lunch. I assumed Zacky had talked to the head guy and told him about what happened. We sat down at a table with Jamie.

"So, I need to know how this came about" Jamie said.
"Only Miss. Holton's class needs to know. Who knows what other vampires are nearby. Come over later, I'm sure my parents won't mind" I said.
"I'm sure your dad wants to talk to you Clarissa said. I forgot my dad was going to be here in Cali and probably does want to talk to me but I wanted to hang with my new friend.

"We have gym and then Science and then study hall. Wanna skip saying we don't want to attack the humans" Jamie asked.
"Yeah, I'll make sure you wear something of mine" I said to Rissa.
"I already smell like you guys probably" Rissa said.
"She does but I knew you were human" Jamie said.
"That's cuz you half" I pointed out.
"Touche" Jamie said. So lunch was over and I made sure to not drink my blood leaving me thirsty and we walked to gym.

"Whoa Ways and Kneeland go get some blood in you" the gym teacher said.
"okay" we all said and walked out of the gym. As soon as the door shut we busted out laughing.
"That's Mr. Gardner, the baseball coach and also one of the best teachers ever" Jamie explained.
"Is that why I saw a Baker 7 Jersey hanging in the office on the other side" I asked her.
"According to him Zacky was his favorite" Jamie said. Speaking of Zacky, I sniffed the air and still smelled him. I followed the smell and saw him leaning up against the building smoking a cigarette.

"What are you doing out of class" he asked me.
"We had gym and we purposely didn't drink the blood mom packed us to get out of it" I replied.
"Why Gardner is the man" Zacky said.
"Apparently you are too in his eyes" I said as I stole the cigarette.
"Nope" Zacky said taking it back and handing me a water bottle.
"Fine" I said taking it and drinking it.
"Don't want your dad know you smoke" Zacky said.
"Momma knows she gives them to me but I should quit" I replied.
"And you are starting now" Zacky said as he put his out. Jamie stood there in shock.

"What's with the half" he asked.
"She is just in aw" I replied smacking her arm.
"The half has a name and it's I mean my name is Jamie Kneeland" she said.
"Don't tell me your Brad Kneeland and Gena's kid" he asked her.
"Yeah, that's why I'm half" Jamie said.
"What's so bad about her parents?" I asked him in a thought.
"Her mother wanted me badly in high school. It's pretty funny how a vampire who never ages is married to a human and probably doesn't even have the balls to change her. Speaking of change Brian wants to know when your gonna change Clarissa" Zacky thought to me. I just gave him a look about talking about it later and he nodded.

"Isn't it weird seeing your mom age while your dad doesn't" Zacky asked her.
"Yeah it's weird but whatever" Jamie said as she took the bottle from me after seeing my eyes back to their normal color. She drank and her eyes went back to normal.

"Are you doing something after school here" I asked him.
"I'm helping Gardner and I'm your ride so you guys have to stay" Zacky said.
"I feel like joining something but I don't know what" I said.
"Do cheering" Zacky said.
"You just want to see me in a cute little cheering outfit" I pointed out.
"You cheered in Jersey" Zacky said.

"How did you know that" Clarissa and I both said.
"Remember, I've been in your life forever. Frank always told me when there was a game, that way there while I'm helping Gardner for sports like football, basketball and baseball you'll have something to do" Zacky pointed out.
"Good point" I said.
"You wanna be one of them" Jamie asked.
"Your mother was one" Zacky said and chuckled.
"That's why I dislike them" Jamie said.

"Trust me when Clarissa and I cheered we never turned bubbly like them and preppy we stayed who we are" I said.
"I guess I can deal with my new Bffs as cheerleaders" she said. Clarissa and I hugged her as the bell rang.

"Time for Science with Dilman" Jamie said.
"He plays epic music, he might even play some Avenged" Zacky said.
"Oh he does" Jamie said as we walked back into the school and followed Jamie to our science class.

"Ah Sophia and Clarissa Way nice of you to come to this school. Since everyone has lab parents take the table behind Jamie" he said and we followed. Jamie was sitting next to a cheerleader and she scoffed.

"Hi" she said as she turned around.
"Hey, umm my sister and I were wondering is there still cheer leading tryouts" I asked.
"Of course after school at the football field" she said, "I'm Arianna."
"Nice to meet you Arianna" I said.
"Jamie, why didn't you tell me you had new friends" Arianna said.
"Because" Jamie said.
"How do you know each other" Clarissa asked.
"Jamie and I are best friends even though she doesn't like cheering we have been since she did it in middle school" Arianna said. Clarissa and I looked at each other and shrugged. We already knew what was going on in the lab and we did it before so it didn't take us long to do it. Then that class was over and all four of us walked to our lockers. I opened mine and saw a single rose in it.

"Oh someone has an admirer" Arianna said. I shook my head and smiled smelling it. My phone went off in my pocket and I opened it.

Surprise babe-Vengz
It's lovely, Arianna thinks I have an admirer already on the first day-Soph
I should kick his ass lol-Vengz I laughed and smiled.

"Someone is getting love texts" Clarissa said softly and I just blushed. I put my stuff in my locker and grabbed the flower as we walked to Study Hall. The rules in study hall was pretty much do whatever as long as your doing something and not trying to burn down the school.

"So what he say" Rissa asked me. So I pushed my phone over and let her read the text.
"Such a dork" she said.
"Whose a dork" Arianna asked.
"My best friend" I lied.
"aww you have another one" Arianna said.
"Yeah this one is male" I said. Just as I said that my phone went off on the table and it said Jimmy Soph's BFF.

"Speaking of which" I said answering it.
"Zacky told me where you were so I figured I would call you. He is being super uber romantic and it's making me sick" Jimmy said and I laughed.
"You can't let my best friend make my girly best friend get all gaga and gooshy. I need someone to gossip too" Jimmy said.
"I promise I want get all gooshy" I said laughing. Clarissa just looked at me and I mouthed it's Jimmy. She ripped the phone out of my hand.

"Why are you saying gooshy instead of gush" Rissa asked him. I heard him say put my best friend back on and she handed me the phone.

"Rissa stole you from me" Jimmy said.
"Poor Jimbo" I said as Jamie once again had her mouth drops.
"Jeez um Jamie your gonna get flies in your mouth" I said to her.
"That sounds nasty. I wanna meet your girly friend Jamie" Jimmy said.
"I'm sure she would love to meet you" I said as she nodded.
"Yay and then I can tell her about Leana too" Jimmy said. Then I got a beep.
"Hold on Jimbo" I said as I looked at my phone and it was Zacky.
"I'll call you back" I said to him.
"No don't leave me" Jimmy said.
"You'll see me later then you can steal me away from your love sick friend" I said to him.
"Okay sounds good to me" Jimmy said hanging up and then I switched it over.

"Yellow" I said.
"Haha, so you liked my gift" Zacky asked me.
"Of course" I said.
"What does this admirer already have your cell" Arianna asked.
"The admirer is her boyfriend" Clarissa said.
"Why didn't you say that before" Arianna asked. I just shrugged my shoulders.
"More friends" Zacky asked me.
"Of course, she is a cheerleader and she hangs out with Jamie" I said.
"Awesome, so I'll see you trying out your moves later" Zacky said and I could hear the smile in his voice.
"Perv" I said and then hung up causing Jamie and Clarissa to laugh. Five seconds later he called me back and I saw him peeping through the window.

"Stop being such a creeper" I said making us all duck down so he wouldn't see us.
"How do you know" Zacky asked. Mrs. Carter looked at Zacky and shook her head. She opened the window.

"Mr. Baker what are you doing outside my classroom" she asked.
"Umm just looking for someone" Zacky replied.
"Go back to Gardner's office please" she said. We all tried not to laugh.
"Okay" Zacky said and he walked away.
"Girls you can unhide yourself now" Mrs. Carter said.

"You were in there grr" Zacky said causing me to laugh.
"Yep, I'm a tricky one" I said as the bell rang.
"I'll see you after the tryouts okay" I said to him.
"Yep" Zacky replied and hung up. I opened my locker again and saw a teddy bear.
"When is he getting time to do this" I asked.
"I don't know but same with Brian" Rissa said as she opened it and saw four purple roses and a teddy bear.
"There in conhoots together if that is a word" I said grabbing my back pack.

"Do you have clothes" Arianna asked us as we both shook her head.
"Good I have some that will fit you" she said as we walked to the girls locker room.
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