Status: going slowly

I'll Love You For Enternity

Cheerleading Tryouts

Arianna handed us some clothes to change into and I laughed at how they matched our shoes we brought just in case we had gym. After we all changed and I put my hair up we walked out and I saw Zacky starring at me.

"I bet you he is thinking dirty things right now" Rissa said noticing Zacky's stare.
"Yep probably, hey Anna" I said. She stopped walking and turned.
"Yeah" she said.
"Wanna meet my boyfriend" I asked her.
"Yeah, let's put our stuff down first" she said as we walked over to a bench and set our stuff down.

"Careful Soph, you might make him excited" Rissa said as I slowly bent down. I heard a bunch of football players hoot and holler.
"Along with the rest of the team" Rissa said chuckling. I stood back up and laughed.
"Damn girl you got the team's eyes all on you" Arianna said.
"I try" I said and smiled. I headed over to were Zacky was standing and I ran and jumped on his back.

"Hey babe" Zacky said.
"How did you guess" I asked him.
"Your smell" Zacky replied.
"Oh yeah" I said as I got off his back.
"Way to make my team want you" Zacky said turning to face me.
"It was only a show for you" I said to him. Arianna got closer with Rissa.

"So Coach Baker is your boyfriend" Arianna asked.
"Yep" I said as I hugged him.
"Damn, Zacky is that your girl" a guy with a 15 on his jersey asked.
"Yeah she is, now go get your team warmed up Chris before Gardner comes out here and kicks yours ass" Zacky said. He nodded and ran over to where the rest of the guys were and started stretching.
"That's pretty neat" Arianna said.
"Zacky, this is Arianna, Arianna this is Zacky" I said introducing them.
"Nice to meet you" Zacky said.
"I already knew who you were" Arianna said.
"I'm still being polite" Zacky said. I just shook my head and then hit him lightly.

"Hey what was that for" Zacky asked me.
"Because I can" I replied.
"Baker, hands off my students and get the defense going" Gardner said.
"See you after practice" Zacky said running toward the field. I blew him a kiss and he smiled. Clarissa, Arianna and I headed toward the benches and looked up to see Jamie in the bleachers looking at us making faces.

"Jamie, you should really try out it's loads of fun" I yelled.
"Nope, I'd rather watch the hunky football players" Jamie yelled back.
"As long as you don't stare at my hunky Zacky" I said.
"Don't plan on it" Jamie said laughing. Another girl came over dressed in the same outfit we were but in yellow.

"Who are these girls" she asked Arianna.
"Well my wonderful co-captain they are Sophia and Clarissa Way. They are here to try out and since technically they only need us why don't we get them started" Arianna said. The girl looked me over.
"We need more fliers and she is short" she said pointing to me, "what's your name?"
"I'm Sophia" I replied.
"Your in because I don't feel like watching you do things" she said. I nodded and then she looked at Rissa.
"Have you ever cheered before" she asked Rissa.
"Yep, at our old school" Rissa answered.
"If Arianna brought you here so I guess welcome to the team" she said, "I'm Lilly."
"Nice to meet you Lilly" we said and then her and Arianna started to show us the routine by time the rest of the girls showed up. There were girls who glared at us and the noticed my shortness.

"New flier" a girl asked.
"Yep now come on we gotta practice" Arianna said as we all got in our spots and went over the routine fully. We got it done packed and she was proud. We then walked back into the locker room where she handed us our uniforms.

"Now go shower up because Zacky is creeping out the girls" Arianna said. I looked toward the door and every time it opened there was Zacky.
"Nah, ready Rissa" I asked her as Jamie came in.
"Your boyfriend is such a creeper. Zacky this is the girls locker room" Jamie yelled.
"I know" Zacky said as we grabbed our stuff out of the locker.
"We'll bring these back tomorrow" I said to Arianna.
"Keep them" she said as we walked out.

"Stop being creepy" I said to Zacky as he laced our fingers together.
"I'm sorry" Zacky said putting his head on my shoulder, "ew you are all sweaty."
"I worked hard today" I said laughing as we walked to the car. Clarissa and Jamie got in out back while I got in the passenger seat.
"So do I get to see the uniform on you" Zacky asked.
"Yeah, at the games" I replied with a smile. He pulled out of the parking lot and started the journey home.

"Shit, I never called Jimmy back" I said pulling out my cell phone and dialing his number.
"About time BFF remember I'm stealing you" Jimmy said.
"Yes I know, sorry I had cheerleading tryouts" I said.
"Oh, bet Zacky liked that" Jimmy said.
"Oh yeah he so did" I said to him as we got closer and closer to the house.
"I'm so excited I get to steal you" Jimmy said, "oh my god I see Zacky's car." I looked out the window and saw Jimmy waving at us like a crazy person.

"I see you Jimmy" I said and before Zacky could stop the car, I hung up with Jimmy and ran and tackled him.
"My bestest friend" I said hugging him.
"Hey" Clarissa and Jamie said.
"My male one" I said to them as he stood up and carried me into the house.
"Jimmy put my daughter down" I heard dad say.
"Daddy" I yelled as I got out of Jimmy's arms and ran to him. He hugged me and looked at me.
"You didn't wear that too school" he asked. I rolled my eyes and laughed at him.