Status: ... Will go until finished!!!! Don't worry If I don't my friends will kill me... Litterally... I won't get any cookies!!!



I sat alone in my room staring out the window at the stars, marveling at the beauty of it. My kitten Sweetie was curled up next to me on the bed, purring contently as I pet her soft multi-colored fur in gentle strokes. The boring white walls of my room reflected the gentle moonlight streaming through my window. It was a full moon tonight and I could see the clouds starting to invade the sky.

Mom and Dad were supposed to be home by now. They probably went out to dinner again. They never take me because they’re scared I’ll cause a scene with the bruises on my body. The last time they took me to dinner the lady spilled coffee and it got all over my shirt. My shirt was burning me so I did the most reasonable thing at the moment and took it off. I shouldn’t of taken off my shirt, but it hurt so bad. But it hurt a lot worse when we got home. They didn’t want people to see my bruises, so now they keep me home so that wouldn’t happen again.

I heard loud knocking on the front door making me jump and my cat bolt under the bed. I got up from the bed and down the stairs thinking that my parents forgot the keys again. I open the door only to see two people who weren’t my parents. One was a large man in a police uniform and had no hair on his head or face. The second was a woman in a light brown suit holding a suitcase. She had short blond hair in a pixie cut.

“Hello.” I said quietly, not sure what else to say. I’m not even supposed to talk to them. They were strangers. The woman looked down at me with a plastic smile.

“Hello sweetie, are your parents home?” She asked in a sickly sweet voice. I shook my head no, wanting them to leave. A look of relief crossed her face and she murmured a ‘Thank God’ then looked at the man next to her. “Get her in the car and I’ll get her stuff and leave the notice.”

The man quickly did what the woman told him and picked me up in his arms and walked towards the car. I stayed quiet and didn’t fight. I didn’t want to get punished. Daddy and his guy friends always gave the worst punishments. He took me to a police car and gently placed me in the back seat. He shut the door and walked to the front of the car getting in the drivers seat.

“Where are we going?” I asked. The man turned to me, not expecting me to say anything.

“We’re taking you someplace safe.”
♠ ♠ ♠
FIRST CHAPTER!!!! Okay prologue... I know it's SHORT but it's the beginning I PROMISE the first chapter (The real first chapter) will be A LOT longer... Well I hope it will be!!!! Okay it will be.
Can I have a cookie??? Or a comment??? So I know I'm loved??? Cause the first commenter gets a lengthy comment on their profile!!! PROMISE!!!! I'll give you cookies and cake and icecream and and and and and... well You'll have to find out >.O
Oh and I own the police officer and the lady... And my cat cause well... I clean their cat litter box, so I own them.