Status: ... Will go until finished!!!! Don't worry If I don't my friends will kill me... Litterally... I won't get any cookies!!!


Ninja War!


Sweetie broke the tense silence. Every time people are in the room and it is silent she always has to make a noise.

“No.” I stated simply. Miss Talahan gave me an incredulous look.

“What do you mean no?” She asked.

“Yeah Violet, what do you mean by no? ‘Cause I know that I want to go.” Ayden piped up. “I mean, what if their different from the others?”

“What if their not?” I said looking over at Ayden. “What if their the same as the others? What if when you tell them of your past they look at you with disgust and say it’s your fault? What if when you need them most they turn their backs on you? What if you think that their good people and then turn out to be monsters?” I started to hyperventilate getting worked up over the memories.

Mr. And Mrs. Sadlowski telling me that it was my fault. Mrs. Hans not believing me when Mr. Hans beat me unconscious. Mr. Philips raping and murdering his wife then pulling the trigger on himself.

“Violet.” Ayden said running towards me taking my hands in his. “Listen to me. Look in my eyes and breath.” I stared into his kind worried eyes and started to get my breathing under control. When he saw that I was breathing regularly he started talking again. “You won’t know until you give them a chance Vi. Remember how you gave me a chance? How you thought I was crazy when I said that I could move things with my mind?” I smiled at the memory. I was 6 years old when I came to the orphanage and a mute at that time too. Ayden was talking to me about being to quiet then out of no where he said he could move things with his mind. I had looked at him like he was crazy so he decided to prove it to me. He took a marble out of one of the vases and threw it in the air. Telling me that he moved that with his mind, it came falling back down and hit him on the head. He screamed out that we were under attack by invisible forces and hid under the table. After that we became best friends. “Now you need to give them a chance.” Ayden finished.

I looked at him utterly defeated and muttered a ‘fine’.

“See! I knew you would see it my way! This calls for a victory dance!” Ayden screamed standing up about to pull me up with him but stopped when he remembered Sweetie on my shoulder. “Sweetie, I’m going to steal your mom for about 37 seconds for the victory dance.” He grabbed her gently in his hands and placed her on the couch scratching her behind the ears. “You’re a good kitty. Yes you are. Yes you are.” He started cooking at her. She bit his hand. “OWIE!!!” Ayden screamed. “You like the taste of my blood don’t you? Yes of course you do. Cause I taste good! Now me and Violet have to do the victory dance!” Ayden stood up and ran back to me. He looked at me expectantly.

“I’m not the victorious one.” I told him. He pouted at me.

“I’m so victorious that I couldn’t contain it all so I gave some to you so you are victorious. So you have to do the victory dance or the world will end. Now we’ve wasted 10 seconds of my time now cone on and dance woman!” Ayden yelled at me, grabbing my hands and pulling me up. He struck a waltz pose, putting one hand in the air and the other around my waist. He pulled me around the room and started singing.
“I’m a Barbie girl!
In a Barbie world!
I’m made of plastic!
It’s so fantastic!
Brush and curl my hair!
Undress me anywhere!
Life is your crea-!” Ayden stopped dancing around the room and threw me on the couch next to Sweetie. “Times up! Sweetie you can have her back now. I wanna do my awesome cool moves.” He started moon walking across the room and bumped into one of the guys. Who were still here. And he ran into the biggest one here. “Violet! I didn’t know we put a new wall up.” Ayden looked up to look at the mans face. “I thought you left! Cause if you did then I would of danced with Violet anyways. But I wouldn’t of done my awesome cool move so you wouldn’t decide to steal it!”

The man gave him a confused look and opened his mouth to reply when Ayden threw his hands up. “No! Don’t apologize! It’s to late. Waffles already took over the world!” That just made the man more confused and back up towards the stairway.

“I’m just gonna go.” He murmured going up the stairs. The three other men followed him but the tallest one stayed. He had black hair and striking blue eyes. Eyes, that seemed oddly familiar. He wore reading glasses and a dark suit with tattoos on his hands and fingers. He looked familiar but I didn’t remember from where. Pulling my knees up to my chest I stare at him and he stares at me. We stay like that for about 30 seconds until Ayden screams.

“I see why I recognize you! You look just like the guy version of Violet, except she has purple and blue eyes. Which are awesome. I wish I had her eyes. Such a pretty purple and blue, bright blue in the middle and then a light and dark purple surrounding it, so pretty.” Ayden stopped talking for a moment, cocking his head to the side. “When you die can I have your eyes? Even though, we’re going to live forever.” I smiled at him and nod my head yes. He turns to star at the blue eyes man. “When are we leaving?” Ayden asked bluntly. The blue eyed man took his eyes off of me to look at Ayden.

“Whenever you’re ready.” He shrugged.

“I’ll be ready before you’ll be ready Violet!” Ayden screamed running up the stairs and slamming the door shut. I sigh, getting up and walking towards the wall by the stairs, not wanting to be alone with a complete stranger. I push the red couch away from the wall and look for the crack that I know is there. When I see the clean dark line in the all I push at it to no avail. Getting frustrated I kick it and it swung forward hitting the wall with a loud bang.

“A door?” The blue eyes man said. I looked behind me to see his bewildered face then turned back to crawl through without answering him. When I was fully inside I turned back around.

“Sweetie.” I called to my kitten and kept saying her name so she would know where to go. When she was safely in my arms I put her on my shoulder then looked at the Blue-eyes man. “Can you get my guitar?” I asked him with an innocent expression.

“Sure.” He replied, grabbing my guitar and swinging it over his shoulder.

“Thank you.” I told him turning back around to climb up the ladder on the opposite wall. “You coming?” I called back over my shoulder. Climbing up the wooden ladder I stopped halfway up and turned into the square hole in the wall.

“What the fuck.” The guy muttered behind me. I continued forward with sweetie when we reached the end of the tunnel. Stopping, I grabbed the handle on the square door and pulled it towards me and crawled into a closet. Blue-eyes crawled in after me and I shut the tunnel door. Standing up I dusted off my sweats and tank top to get the dirt off then did the same to the guy. Ruffling his hair I did the same to mine and Sweetie’s. I knew he was looking at me strangely but I didn’t care. Looping my arm with his I stood straight and gave the closet door a good hard smack then waited for three seconds. Opening the door I stepped out with Blue-eyes and shut it behind me. Keeping a straight face was difficult when I saw Ayden’s shocked one.

“How did you get in the closet!” He screamed at me in shock.

“Teleported.” I told him, shrugging like it was no big deal. Ayden stared at me bug-eyed and mouth agape. Stepping forward I closed his mouth and stepped around him to my bed so I could start packing. Pulling the backpack from under my bed I shove all my clothes in it.

“You never told me you could teleport!” Ayden screamed, getting over his shock. I shrugged my shoulders.

“It didn’t seem important.” Blue-eyes started laughing in the corner and left the room. I turned around and headed towards the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth. Staring at myself in the mirror I spaced, thinking why those men would want to adopt me when they barley even knew me. Running through the possibilities in my head I dismiss many of them keeping a few. One, they could just want to see if they like me, like one of those families who adopts, sees what the child is like, then makes a decision. Two, they could be some of those people who give you everything, act like they care, and then when you make a minor mistake, they send you back. Or three, the least possible.

They could be my real family.

As unbelievable as it was I couldn’t dismiss it. I had never met my real parents. Just foster home, after foster home.

“Mew.” I looked at Sweetie, still perched on my shoulder.

“No.” I stated firmly, grabbing my things from the bathroom and walking back in the room to shove them in my bag.




“No.” Zipping my back up I sling it on my opposite shoulder and walked downstairs into the living room. The walls and floor were an off-white while the couches were tan. All five men were in there, but I paid them no mind. Slipping my bag off my shoulder with a dull thud I gently extract Sweetie form my shoulder and place her on the couch that wasn’t occupied. I turn around and walk to the other couch that was supporting three grown men. Ignoring them I reached behind their heads to grab my jacket, I shrug it on and walk back to Sweetie zipping it up along the way. I could feel their eyes burning a hole in my back but I continued to ignore them.

“Mew!” Sweetie meowed at me seeming agitated.

“No.” I replied automatically. She slumped on the couch pouting. “Pouting won’t make me do it.” I told her. She didn’t answer, just laid there. “Gah! Fine, if I do it, then you can’t go chasing any midget dogs for a week.” Suddenly she perked up and started purring loudly. “No, you so did not win.” She got a smug look on her face, and if possible, purred louder. I stuck my tongue out at her even though I knew she couldn’t see it. Walking back to the place I entered the room at I stood pressed against the wall waiting, with every ones eyes on me. The only people in the room were the five men so I’m guessing that Mess Talahan took everyone outside.

Suddenly I heard fast heavy footsteps on the stairs, then on the landing. Hearing them walk towards the living room I slowed my breathing, when Ayden came into view. I waited until the perfect moment then silently ran after him and jumped in the air shouting ‘Ninja Attack!’. He spun around quickly screaming ‘Noooo!’ when I slammed into him knocking us both on the floor. He let out a loud ‘Oomph!’ and laid there staring up at me.

“You know what this means right?” He asked me in a low voice.

“Umm…” I batted my eyes at him, pretending to think. “Ninja War?” I asked innocently. Ayden stared at me for a few seconds, then a sly smirk crossed his lips.

“Uh-oh.” I said, quickly trying to get up, but was stopped by Ayden grabbing my waist and standing up while holding me. Twisting I tried to get away but he had a tight grip on me. “Please put me down?” I say pouting. He shook his head at me. “I’ll give you a cookie if you put me down.” I pleaded with him.

“Deal. No take backs.” Ayden screamed dropping me on the couch. The couch that had people on it, and he had dropped me in the lap of one of them.

“Gammit Ayden! This means Ninja War!”

“I thought it already was Ninja War!”

“I just finalized it!” Finally looking up to see who I was sitting on, I looked into beautiful bright green eyes. “Hello.” I said shyly.

“Hello.” He said back looking skeptical.

“Well… I’m just gonna… Yeah…” I said quietly getting up. The whole while Ayden was laughing. Doing the most mature thing I stuck my tongue out at him causing him to laugh harder.

“Jerk.” I muttered.

“Loser.” He shot back.


“Retarded Cupcake!”

“Deformed Muffin!”

“Melted Ice-cream!”

“Yellow Strawberry!”

Ayden fake gasped, “You take that back!”

“NEVER!” I screamed at him. He started to slowly circle around me and I spun around keeping him in my sights. Striking a Ninja Pose I do the finger move telling him to come get me.

“Ninja Battle!” We screamed in unison, charging each other. Attacking each other with our Ninja Moves we didn’t notice Miss Talahan until it was too late.

“Ayden. Violet.” She said looking pointedly at each of us. We instantly stopped fighting and gave her twin innocent looks. “What did I tell you about acting like ninja’s in front of people?”

“Nothing, ‘cause we’re not acting, we’re just showing our true selves.” Ayden replied somehow keeping a straight face. But the look on Miss Talahan’s face made him confess. “Alright, Alright! You said not to be Ninja’s in front of other people because it will scare them off. But in my defense I completely forgot about them! And Violet started it!” Ayden yelled with a frightened look on his face. She turned her look on me.

“Umm… I couldn’t fight the urge?” I said, but it came more as a question.

She just sighed at us and looked at the men. “That reminds me.” She said. Suddenly she started laughing and left, most likely going to her office. When I heard the door slam I turned to stare at the men. They were still looking at the place where she left with confused expressions.

“That means we can leave.” I said. They all turned to stare at me and I shrugged my shoulders. “Miss Talahan is Miss Talahan. You never know what to expect, so are we going to go or do we get to stay?” I questioned.

“Let’s go.” The biggest one said standing up quickly and walking towards the door with the other men following. I quickly got my bag and cradled Sweetie in my arms. Walking out the door with Ayden behind me, we get in a big black truck-van thingy car. I don’t really know cars okay?

The big guy was driving with the man with the Fedora sitting in the passenger seat. Ayden and I sat in the middle and Blue-eyes, Green-eyes, and the Short one sat in the back. When the doors were closed and we were all buckled, we were driven off to most likely, our new home.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!
It's like... 1:30.... In the morning...
Sorry this chapter took so long
But I had to write it out then i was lazy with the typing it up...
but you can't blame me a whole lot
It was a LOT of pages... Like....
Let me count hold on...
The last one was like 8...
And my cats are getting potty trained
Okay that has nothing to do with this but I'M JUST SO PROUD OF THEM!!!!!!!!
They used it the first time today and I gave them treats...
I also saw a black widow...
I wanna cookie now...
Can I have love and a cookie since I'm tired???
Cause you know...
I love you all...
Just not in the lez way...
and for the guys!!!!!!!!
Not in the inbred hick way!!!!!
Way6To6Be6Chrissy43 - THANK YOU I LOVE COOKIES YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! And you stole this stories virginity :'( I'M JUST SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!!
gazing at stars; - AWE YOU THINK MY STORIES CUTE!!!!!!!!! I think your cute... But not in THAT way... Like the girl likes girl way... In like the Friends way. AND OMG I ALWAYZ WANTED A BROTHER LIKE HIM TOO!!!!!!!! Or a best friend... I WILL FIND SOMEONE LIKE THAT ONE DAY!!!!!! And he shall be my friend... And we shall share an ice-cream cone together... Yeah... That sounds good...
Drenched. In. Syn. - I already sent you a message to your profile missy... EH!!!!!!!! I WANT THAT CYBER COOKIE!!!!!!!!!!!! NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOMMY!!!!!!! It was good... THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Savanna's Plague - :O LIES!!!!!!!!! We are equals Miss Savvy, trust me on this O_o OMG LOOK AT THAT FACE ISN'T IT SO WEIRD AND ADORABLE!!!!!!!!! Oh... Off topic... I LOVE YOUR STORIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well... COOKIES FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only because I love you guys
If I didn't then none of you would get cookies... Trust me on this O_o