Status: New. Active

Don't Speak, Don't Say A Word

Help me

I couldn't move, it was as if I was literally frozen in time and place. All I could really feel was the horribly disgusting feeling on my lips, almost like I had kissed a frog's tongue. I felt so violated it was insane. All I felt like doing was running back to the room, locking both the dorm room door and the bathroom door, and getting a shower in water as hot as I could make it. It was either that or take a bath in hand sanitizer. Anything to get rid of the revolting feelings eating away at me.

The fight was progressing, but it was almost invisible to me. I vaguely felt someone shaking my shoulder, then growling. It wasn't enough to snap me out of my daze though. I did however start paying attention to the fight, my tail curling around my torso and my ears flattening completely against my head, a small whimper leaving my lips.

Right after Zeke managed to land a few jabs at Myka's ribs, I heard a snarl come from him before something terrifying happened. He began morphing, eventually turning into a large and pure black wolf. I figured he was something of that sort, considering his 'friends' had thrown that paper at me on the bus of them as wolves and beating me up.

Not even a second after, several other wolves ran up. They didn't engage in the fight though, only one truly growling and ready to pounce if needed. The others were there as backup I suppose. Wolves were pack animals, so I'm guessing werewolves are the same, even if they don't like one of the members they would stick up for them. I wish people in general were like that in that aspect, then there wouldn't be fighting.

"Fucker!" I heard Zeke snarl, snapping his teeth at Myka's tail and barely missing, getting a cut right across his cheek from the sharp edge at the end. I saw Shawn standing beside me, a disturbed look on his face as well. It figured he didn't like this either, angels like piece, whether they are angels, fallen angels, or dark angels.

I let out a squeak when I felt something hit my leg, looking down to see one of the wolves glaring at me and getting ready to snap at my tail, making me jump back and grip my tail protectively. Tails were one of the most sensitive things on my kind, besides ears. If my tail was broken, or injured, it would be taken off if it couldn't heal, then I would be considered 'lesser' of my kind. I was already low enough in the food chain as it is, I couldn't afford to sink any lower, knowing that the beatings would increase at home if either of my parents somehow noticed the appendage now missing from my body.

The wolf was tackled away by another, making me get confused, but I shook it away almost immediately, hopping to my feet and scurried over to a tree, clenching my fists on the way til my nails elongated. It was painful, just a little, to make that happen, and it'd take an hour or two til they went back to normal, but it was worth it. I clung to the bark of the tree, climbing up the trunk and onto a branch that was somewhat high up, making sure the wolves wouldn't be able to get me. Well, at least while they were wolves that was.

Punches, kicks, bites, scratches, jabs, and slashes were continuously thrown between Myka and Zeke, making me worried greatly for my new roommate. Even if I was uncomfortable around him, he had been nice so far, and stood up for me when the werewolf had shoved me then placed his lips against mine. I still felt violated, whimpering once more as I slightly curled up and watched the fight some more.

I hated fighting.

--Shawn's POV-

My wings flattened against my back considerably, shaking a little as I backed up against a tree myself. I know, "Why aren't you using your wings dumbass?!". Well, right after Xander ran to his own tree, I tried following, resulting in my black wing getting snagged on a thorn and the angry wolf that had attacked the neko biting my wing. Owwie!

"G-g-g-go a-away...?"

I wasn't very convincing or threatening. I was the average height of a barely teenage girl and some people thought I looked like one. You don't expect me to be a body builder and agressive do you?!

I only got a growl in return, the silver and furry canine had followed me after biting my wing, now pinning me against the tree. I wanted Mitchy...I wanted this to be a nightmare, and any minute I'd wake up and be in his arms.

I was afraid, my thoughts immediately comparing this image to my life at home.

Injury? Check.

Pain? Check

Fear? Check

Violated? Not yet, but I feared it would come soon.

I knew the wolf, well, I at least knew his reputation, and it wasn't a very good one. He would most likely become an abuser and rapist, having been stuck in a family cycle of all the men except his older brother ending up like that.

I wanted Mitchy...I wanted him to come and protect me like he always did! He had always done it since year one....even when I thought he hated me when we had been paired together as roommates. It was only my first week, and I was a 9th grader at the time, and a bunch of seniors came after me. I thought I was going to die...but I didn't.

I felt a squeal pass my lips when I felt the wolf's body colliding with mine, pushing me against the ground and against my broken wing, biting my lip to keep back a scream of pain. The more he saw pain, the more happier he'd be. I didn't want that.

I struggled, wiggling as best as I could, but he only snarled and pressed his paws against my chest.

Mitchy....please help.....
♠ ♠ ♠
tadah :D
So anyone ready for the world to end?!?!