Status: New. Active

Don't Speak, Don't Say A Word

Fights and Bites

I pushed my brown hair from my eyes, revealing the deep red they had turned. When I was furious or hungry, my eyes turned from black, to a deep blood red. My fangs had gotten even sharper. I looked around for my friends. It seemed to me that Myka was handling himself pretty well in this fight. He's a notoriously fighter, known all around the school for his amazing street fighting skills. I continued looking around. Whenever something like this happened, and my fangs were out, My senses heightened as well. I could see, smell, and hear everything better than normal. (Even if I was at home sick). Zeke and Myka were about even in both speed and power, so this was a very even battle. Punches were thrown left and right and the other members of Zeke's pack were howling and yelling.

"Mitchy...Please help.." I listened closely. Shawn? Was that my Shawn? I focused my hearing still and heard it again. "Mitchy..." Then, a snarling growl. Shawn..What are they doing to my Shawn!? I looked at Myka.

"Shawn's in trouble! I gotta find him!" He looked at me and whipped at Zeke with his tail again before nodding. I ran off with super speed and looked around at my surroundings. I sniffed and turned my head to east and saw Shawn being held down underneath a tree. He wimpered softly as one of Zeke's pack members held him by the wrists and growled trying to kiss him and take off his clothes. My baby...HE'S TRYING TO RAPE MY BABY!! As soon as I saw this it's as if all of my senses went to their maximum and my eyes turned even darker red. The blood lust and fury I had now had never been like this, not even when my step-mother was after me. I ran over and shoved the wolf off Shawn and growled angrily. The werewolf snarled and bared his fangs at me. I did the same. He pushed me off of him and went on top of me. I kicked him off and leaped back on top. I could smell it...his blood pulsing in his veins. My stomach growled hungrily. N-No. I can't just, bite him... That goes against school rules. Then again, so does raping other students.. My fangs sharpened more and my stomach continued to growl and the wolf and I wrestled in the grass.

"Heh..Just let me give him something he can enjoy Mitch...I'm sure that he'd enjoy a good, hard fuck.." The wolf grinned and licked his lips. That's it! As soon as that was said, any calm sanity I may have had left was gone. I screamed and clamped my fangs down deeply into his neck. He yelped out in pain and I sucked sweet, delicious blood from him. I've never had the blood of a werewolf. I've only ever had human blood which, was extremely sweet. But, this was different. Werewolf blood is spicy, with a small hint of sweetness. It's wonderful...I had to have more. I continued to suck the blood from his body and I heard him beg for mercy. I couldn't pull away. His blood was delicious and he hurt my Shawn...He won't get away.

I let him go finally..but it was too late. I licked my lips and checked his pulse. Nothing. I accidently killed him. I didn't mean to..I-I just..I got ahead of myself. I looked over at Shawn. He looked at me slightly terrified. I walked over to him and picked him up slowly, trying to mind his broken wing. He wimpered quietly and cuddled into me. I have no idea if he's just scared of what had happened, or if he was scared that I just killed a guy. Like I said, it was an accident...

My eyes turned back to their normal black color as I rested with Shawn in my arms. If I'm lucky, I'll get away with this as self defense. I mean, he did try to rape and attack my boyfriend. Shawn's so innocent and pure...He couldn't have protected himself very well. I knew I had to help, and I did. My instincts just got the better of me. Shawn looked at me with tearful eyes. The terror I had seen, knowing I just murdered a fellow student, this was all so much..

At the moment, for the first time ever, I broke down and cried in public.

~~~~~~~~~Myka's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Damn Zeke just lives to make my life hell. I threw a few more punches and watched him snarl with anger. "Wolf Boy get the fuck off! Why do you live to make my life shittier than it already is!?" He bit roughly into my neck and I yelled out painfully. I may be a demon, but I don't want some crazy werewolf chomping down on my neck. Pushing him off yet again, I staggered to my feet and grabbed Zeke by the shoulders.

"Don't you see why I hate you!? You took my spot! I was king of the school until you took over! Everyone respected me! These kids feared me! I could make them do anything my heart desired. Then you showed up from fuckin' Brooklyn. I thought I could control you, make you my right hand man, and we lead this school together. But no. you decided to ruin me!"

"I already told you Zeke that was an accident! That entire day, I didn't mean for anything like that to happen!"

"It doesn't matter! That night, you stole my virginity and and broke my heart the next day!" He kicked me hard in the stomach, causing me to collapse.

So that's what it is...It all makes sense now. I remember it. Zeke and I had been extremely close friends, and I hung around with a lot of his pack first semester of my first year here. Well, me, him, and some of his other pack members went to a party at a local club on a saturday night. (Weekends students are allowed off campus...just sayin) Anyway, I got drunk and Zeke had to drag me home. When I woke up the next morning, I was butt-naked and snuggling with a sore assed Zeke. Yup, I lost my virginity to Zeke, didn't remember it all and appearently was on top. That must be why he hates me. Because I broke his heart and took part of him. He loved me, and I didn't feel the same. It was just a drunken one-night stand that I regret, and obviously so does he.

"Just leave me the fuck alone!" I threw him across the park and he slammed against another tree. He didn't move at all, so I assume he's uncousious. I growled and looked at the wolves surrounding me. "Ok ya fuzzy asswipes, if you know what's good for you, take your leader and go. I don't wanna see your faces for a good while!" They looked at me and ran off terrified with their tails between their legs. That'll show them.

I looked up into the tree and saw Xander sitting there with his ears folded down and his tail covering his eyes. Poor thing must be scared to death.. I climbed up the tree and picked him up off a branch. He wimpered innocently. Poor guy.. I stepped down out of the tree and set Xander down. He stayed curled up in the grass.

"Well, well, well...If it isn't Daddy's Little dissappointment. I see he sent you back to St.Claud's." A deep voice chimed into my ears. Great...this guy is the last guy I wanted to see.. I turned around.

"It's great to see you too bro..." I say sarcastically. Just what I needed, a surprise visit from Ayden Brandon Pykel. As if today didn't already suck enough.
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Ok! So hooray, I got this chapter done! Now to do my History work >_>'' Fun....