Status: New. Active

Don't Speak, Don't Say A Word

Two Hearts


I barely whimpered it out as I curled up against the now sobbing vampire. I had never seen him break down in the wide open....sure I've seen my good fair of tears from him, but only in private.

I didn't like this side of Mitchy.

Mitchell still didn't answer me though, one arm wrapped tightly around my waist, holding me against him, while the other wiped furiously at his eyes, trying to make the tears disappear as fast as they came. His eyes still had a slight tinge of red in them....I missed the black eyes he normally sported.

I felt down just from seeing him the way he was, and I knew he could tell. He could normally tell how I normally felt, even if I was acting happy. Believe me, I'm a pretty damn good actor when I actually want to be and aren't forced to.

I barely felt my wing twitch, making me whimper yet again as I felt a huge jolt of pain go straight from my wing and into my spine. It was definitely broken....maybe even broken in several places.

" wing hurts really bad....j-j-just calm down....its self d-d-defense....I-I have the marks to p-prove it." I said it quietly, resting my forehead against his shoulder to hopefully help him cease his crying fit. I think it actually helped a little bit for some odd reason, as I felt him rest his head in the crook of my neck and sniffle some before his breathing turned back to normal.

Something was slightly off to me though, he seemed more rigid, even more so than when I sat on him during class and he seemed to resist the urge to put his arms around my waist. Well at least thats what he told me.

It was almost as if he didn't want me on him, much less be near him in general. That was strange for my Mitchy, especially when we were know, except for the practically dead body only several feet away.

The thought made me lift my head from his shoulder, my jet black hair falling in my eyes slightly and just a few locks managed to cover my bright green left eye.

He had to be in shock....that was the only explanation. And yes, I can use big words when I'm not being a five year old on some sort of drug and soda combination. No way Mitchy would ever just....not want me around. He hardly let go of me when we were alone, he even barely did it when we were in public anyway, simply claiming that I was clingy and would freak out if he let go....which was true but that's not the point!


Yet he still wouldn't answer me. His eyes were covered by his hair, so I couldn't see whether they were still red or back to their amazing pure black color. I knew he could sometimes get testy if he were still hungry.

This was annoying me greatly though....he needed to speak! I was almost having a panic attack, and I would if he didn't talk soon.

He still had an almost statuesque form, not moving hardly at all and still looked tense. I needed to know what was bothering him so I could comfort him or make it disappear....I hated seeing my Mitchy sad. He was the strong one, and whenever he seemed depressed it simply broke my hearts into tiny little pieces.

"Shawn.....I.....I got to tell you something....and I think its the best for right just listen okay?"

That scared me. I had the sudden urge to start biting on my sleeve, something I had learned calmed my nerves and comforted me long ago. I swore I was part dog back then from how many times I was biting something. Off track!

I barely nodded my head, not brave enough to meet his eyes like I normally would have. Plus, it was hard to focus on something else when there were shocks of pain coursing through you.

"I.....I think we should t-t-take a break....if you keep around me and Zeke finds out what happens, he'll only come after you plus the school will also put you at home for a while...I d-don't want you going back there.....if I leave, you can easily move on...."

I swore my heart stopped that moment before starting up rapidly, me feeling the pounding rhythm even in the very tip of my coal black wings.

As if being constantly violated at home wasn't enough. As if almost being raped wasn't enough. As if being plagued by nightmares constantly wasn't enough....

Now I had no one to run to.

I swore I finally was heartless.....nothing besides this could hurt more.

~~~Xander's POV~~~

I felt slightly paranoid of basically everything once I was placed back onto the green, freshly cut grass. Everything at this place was perfect, except the students and probably some of the teachers as well. It was a sanctuary for the broken, not a work place for the perfect.

The sudden deep voice slightly terrified me reminded me of my father's when he was drunk and not high as a kite on some type of drug. That was rare, but when it did, it chilled me right to every fiber of my being.

Where the noise came from was a boy...or young man, I couldn't tell. He had to at least be legal. His voice was a scarier tone of Myka's, even scarier than when he was about to rip Zeke to shreds only seconds before. He was attractive...I couldn't really lie about that. He was an incubus as well I guess....I could see his horns. They were a silver color, while his tail was much longer than Myka's and a charcoal shade.He, of course, had pure black hair just like Myka, the bangs completely covering his eyes though. I was somewhat glad at that though, I knew his eyes were probably menacing right now. He was tall and muscular, that made it even more intimidating to someone like me.

I swore I heard Myka call him brother though, making me sit up just slightly, leaning on my arms for support, while my tail curled around me even tighter, my ears almost completely disappearing underneath my mass of hair.

"Aww, is the little fuck up not excited to see his brother? Too bad kid. And whose that, your little whore huh?"

I was scared now that he seemed to be mentioning my name, feeling his eyes began to creep their way towards me, feeling a shiver go straight up my spine in a flash as soon as I knew he was staring right at me. I faintly saw a smirk etch on his face, turning to face Myka with the same look.

"And a neko, huh? Glad you got good taste from me. The little things are so gullible. They believe anything you say. Tell me bro, how long until you toss him to the curve? Maybe another day or two. Who cares, right? Besides, even if I was a faggot like you I wouldn't touch him. I'm glad he won't fully look at me, just look at his face. Doesn't the very sight make you want to lose your lunch all over the ground?"

I flinched everytime an insult was directed towards me or everytime his eyes simply so much as glanced at me or anywhere even near me.

It hurt to be told that, it was a pretty good insult, it was almost as bad as the worst ones my parents had thrown at me.

I knew I was ugly, but that doesn't mean that it didn't hurt to hear it. I knew I wasn't much to look at and pretty easy to look over. Who would choose the one afraid of everyone over the cuddly one. Anyone as far as I know.
♠ ♠ ♠
yea boi......

Ayden AKA Myka's Brother