Status: New. Active

Don't Speak, Don't Say A Word

*** My Life

I knew that as soon as those words left my mouth, they weren't what i wanted to say or do. I know that it's what had to be done though. I just murdered a friend of my enemy, Zeke. Zeke knows I'm close to Shawn, and can try to hurt him to get to me. Myka can hold his own against Zeke but Shawn's too small to defend himself against Wolf Boy. This was the best thing to do to protect my angel. Even though it hurts him now, it will only help him in the long run.
I know they're going to end up kicking me out of St. Claud's. Hell, I may even be send to prison. Shawn'll move on, he too wonderful to not be loved by someone else. As long as he's safe and secure, I can be happy.
"B-But Mitchy... I don't want a break... I want my big strong vampire Mitchy..." Shawn said, looking at me with tear-filled eyes. Seeing him cry killed me inside.
"I don't want to either, but it's for the best. I'm probably going to get expelled for murdering a fellow student. I-I'm terrified and if I'm kicked out, t-then you'll be alone. I just... I think you'll be better off without me." I started to stutter and sob again. "I-I'm a monster.."
That's when it hit. Another memory forever sketched and burned into my mind was returning to me. It was second grade. I was outside for recess with the rest of my class. We were playing tag like normal kids when it happened. My father had told me that around seven or eight my fangs would completely come in. They did too. During that game, my fangs completely popped out from beneath my gums. Doesn't sound bad right? Wrong. When my fangs came out, I suddenly got hungry. I grabbed a boy I was playing tag with and bit into his neck. I was a kid, so I had no idea what I was doing was wrong. I didn't mean to. I was just following my instincts.
"Monster! Teacher! Teacher! Mitchell's eating Jake! He's a monster!" I heard the screams from one of my classmates and dropped the child I was eating. Then, I fell to my knees. His fresh blood was dripping from from my fangs. I started crying.
My dad came and picked me up early from school. He tried telling me that what I had done was normal and fine. That I hadn't hurt the boy whose blood I had been consuming. But he was wrong. I was horrible for doing that. And from that moment on, I vowed I would never eat from another living being. I guess that vow was broken today huh?
"Mitchy...It was self defense. He attacked you.. It was an accident." Shawn looked at me sadly with his teary eyes again.
"Either way, it's best for you if we aren't together. I don't want to hurt you."
"Too late. You already did." He wriggled his way from my grasp and walked toward the school. I sat there quietly, stuck inside my own thoughts. He may not understand or know that what I did killed me. Shawn was the last good thing I had in my life. And now, he's gone.
I looked at the lifeless wolf body to my right. Did Zeke even realize one of his pack members hadn't returned? I wasn't sure, but I knew I had to bring the carcass back to the school and face my punishment. So, I picked up the defeated, bloodless, wolf body and ran with lighning speed to the school campus. Damn, I'm screwed...
~~~~~~~~~~~~Myka's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Well bro? Why the hell are you here?" I asked, flicking my tail back and forth angrily. Ayden has no right in being here on school grounds. Hell, it doesn't even make sense that he's here! He hates me, he's made that clean since we were little and his mother dumped him off at my home to live with me and our father.
Ayden and I look alike for the most part. Naturally dark hair, same dark eyes, the only real difference is that he takes after our father. Ayden is an alcoholic crack-head who sleeps with any woman he can. He can't control himself when it comes to his sexual urges, I can.
"Aww, what's wrong Disappointment? Don't like when big brother drops by?"
"Damn right I don't. Now get lost. I'm already pissed enough as it is."
He flipped his brown hair out of his face and grinned. "Does someone need some alone time with his little, cowardly, boy-toy?" He looked around me and looked at Xander. "Nekos ARE some of the best to sleep with. They're so gullible. And I thought cats were supposed to be cunning."
Xander looked down at the ground silently with his ears tucked against his head.
"Shut up Ayden. Would you just tell me why your slutty ass is here?" I shot him a hateful glare and snarled.
"Aww, must we resort to name calling Myka? I'm hurt.." I could note the hint of sarcasm in his voice. "Anyway, I'm just here to see the school you go to. After all, I haven't seen you since you got kicked out of Mountainview."
Fuck. He just had to bring that up didn't he? Mountainview was the high school I went to for half of my freshman year. Ayden graduated from there that same year. Everyone knew we were related. After all, Pykle wasn't exactly a common last name. Well, I got expelled from there and that's when I started coming to St. Claud's. Why was I expelled? Blame Ayden.
I had simply been walking down the hallway to get to class when he grabbed my backpack and yanked on it hard. He ended up ripping it and so all of my books came falling out of it. Ayden had been torturing me since the beginning of the school year. He seemed to have made it his hobby. Well, I had enough of him. I snapped and hit him. HARD. Just one punch is all I had. He got up and growled at me. Now, I had already gotten into a bit of trouble that year and was on my last strike. Ayden went into the bathroom and made it look like I had full blown tried to murder him. (Gotta love fake blood huh?) Anyway, long story short, I got expelled and had to be sent to St. Claud's. I mean, it's better here than it was there anyway. But, I still hate my brother for always causing me so much pain and trouble.
"Just why are you here Ayden?" I was furious. I really don't want to put up with him after having to put up with Zeke. Seriously, I don't think this day could get much fucking worse.
"I'm just looking around, ya know? Seein' if theres any girls here so I can have a little 'fun'" He grinned and licked his lips and had a lustful look in his eyes. Of course that bastard's horny. He always is.
"This is an all boys' school Ayden. You know that."
"Right. Well, I guess I'll be going. But don't worry little brother. I'll be back soon." He grinned and turned to leave. "I'm staying in a hotel a block over. So you'll see me much, much, much more." With that, he walked off.
I turned around and looked at Xander. He was shaking and whimpering quietly. My brother hit a low point when he said something about nekos. I sat in the grass and wiped some sweat off my forehead. "Xander. He's gone. Everything's all right." He still didn't look up at me and kept shaking. I helped him to his feet and looked him in the eye. "Let's go back to the dorm and I'll explain who that was.."
He and I started walking down the path back to our dorms. He was looking down and grasping his white board tightly with one hand. I smiled at him gently and innocently, trying to calm him. His hand accidently brushed up against mine. I blushed and grabbed his hand. He yelped and I smiled. I laced our fingers together and squeezed his hand gently. There's something about this boy that makes me feel amazing... I never want to be away from him. I wonder.. What does this mean?
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NukeTheWhale's posting this for Penguins In My Soup


I got a root pain meds make me loooppppppyyyy