Status: New. Active

Don't Speak, Don't Say A Word

Opposite's, Wolves, and Dorms. Oh My!

I gulped, my heart hammering at a speed that compared to that of light. In other words for you dumbasses, it was beating REALLY fast. If you can't understand that, may I suggest I let my pale green eyes travel over the trio of males that were standing before me, all with different expressions on their face. My apparent room mate, Myka, was just simply staring at me with a smirk on his face, making my face blush even darker and my eyes quickly shift to the next one. This boy was almost as tall as Myka, maybe an inch shorter, and had blond hair with other colors dyed within it and black eyes. He was just simply raising an eyebrow at Myka and wasn't even paying attention to me which I was grateful for. The next boy was hardly taller than me, and looked about my size in general, and had dark grey wings which fluttered as he laughed while gripping onto the blond boy. He caught me looking at him and smiled brightly before hopping over towards me.

"HI! I'm Shawn, what's your name? Are you new? I mean you look new and I've never seen you before! And-!"The boy, Shawn, continued on before stopping as the blond boy covered his mouth with his hand, though jerked the appendage back with furrowed eyebrows. I blinked, looking to find Shawn grinning mischeviously and blondie's hand have a bite mark on it. " taste bad Mitchy~!"Shawn chimed, laughing and poking the boy's cheek while latching onto his arm once more. The supervisor sighed at the antics, while the other supervisors simple chuckled or giggled. "Xander, these are Myka's friends. Shawn there is a fallen angel, hence why he is so hyper and peppy. The one Shawn has a death grip on is Mitchell, a vampire, don't take his silence as an insult. I've hardly heard him say anything myself. Myka, Xander here is new and I expect you to show him to the dorms, help him with his schedule, and please try to keep Zeke away from him."The supervisor explained, making me nod silently as Shawn giggled before jumping away from Mitchell and hooking arms with me.

"Don't worry ma'am~! No one will touch Xandy here without Myky and Mitchy tearing them to chunks. I'll make sure of it."The angel chimed, holding a stuffed kitten close to his chest which made me smile lightly even though my blush was still prominent. "Yea, yea."Myka said, rolling his eyes at the woman as he finally snapped out of his daze of staring at me. Why in the world he would even think of doing that is beyond me. Probably thinking of numerous ways to pound my face in.....well at least Shawn seemed friendly, though I could practically feel jealousy sweeping off of the vampire from the angel hanging off of me and not him. It was scaring me slightly in the least, but the jealousy instantly swept away when Shawn sent him a happy smile with a giggle. "Myky don't be like that~! You know we won't let anything happen to Xandy."Shawn said, sending me a reassuring smile. "Let's just go."Myka said simply, trailing his eyes over my body before sending me another smirk before walking off towards a big dorm building with Shawn pulling me in tow while he talked enthusiastically to Mitchell. It slightly confused me, Shawn was talking a mile a minute and was happy even though Mitchell never said a word and would just simply nod his head occasionally to signal that he was still listening. It somewhat reminds me of that old saying....Opposites Attract I guess.

"Alright...516....shit thats all the way on the top...."Myka said in a slightly deep voice, adding a little whine at the end which made me want to giggle at it. His voice wasn't one of those completely revolting ones that are so deep that they creep you out to no end. His was one of those with just a small deep tone that just made you want to hear it even more. "Oh stop being a baby, me and Shawn are stuck on the fifth floor of West Campus."An even deeper voice said, making me jump with wide eyes and turn to find the source which only left Mitchell who was staring boredly at my roommate with a bored expression on his features. "Both of you are babies~! I love being high up."Shawn laughed, bouncing lightly on the balls of his feet. "That's because you're a fallen angel and can fly dumbass."Myka said teasingly, making Shawn giggle with a shrug and Mitchell shake his head in slight amusement. Even I let out a small giggle, causing all of their heads to turn and stare at me. "YAY!!! HE MADE A SOUND!"Shawn squealed, gripping onto me into a tight hug. "Oh believe me, if I can help it, he'll make more sound than just a giggle this year."I heard what I guess was supposed to be a seductive voice say from behind me, causing me to turn to find a tall and surprisingly lanky werewolf standing in front of the two boys that threw the wad of paper at me on the bus.

"Back off Zeke."I heard Myka growl out from right behind me now instead of a few feet back and his hands placed tightly on my shoulders in what I guess would be considered a protective pose. "And why should I exactly? Its not like you own him princey. So how about it kitten? Why don't you ditch these idiots and hang out with us?"Zeke asked, quickly taking a hold of my wrist which made me gasp lightly from pain as that was where one of my new bruises was beginning to form into another ugly purplish black mark. Apparently I gasped enough for the other guys to notice, as it made Shawn gasp and take my arm away from the werewolf and Mitchell and Myka were now standing in front of us with equal glares on their features. "Xandy~! You're not hurt are you?"Shawn asked worriedly, going to move my sleeve from my wrist which made my eyes widen and jerk my arm back with a small nod. "Whatever, but I'd watch the little cat if I were you. I don't know how long I can control myself."Zeke snarled out at Myka, sending a sinister smirk my way which made shivers run thoroughly up and down my spine. That smirk, it scared the living out of me. "Zeke is such a poopy head!!! Why didn't you hit him Mitchy?"Shawn whined, looking at the vampire who shrugged, though let out a small chuckle at Shawn's version of colorful words, making the fallen angel smile even brighter.

"Stay as far away from him as you can. Never go anywhere alone without one of us, understand?"Myka asked calmly, opening the door to our dorm room as Shawn tugged me inside and showed me over to the bed with black and white striped sheets and pillows on top of it. I noticed Mitchell and Myka off to the side, discussing something and not paying attention to me and Shawn. Well Mitchell would still send a glance at the angel, but I guess he was just used to having Shawn all to himself. "Don't let Myky or Mitchy bother you. Mitchy just thinks more than he acts or talks and Myky is just...bleh. He's kinda confusing, but once you get to know him I just know you'll love him."Shawn said reassuringly, giving me a small hug before jumping over to Mitchell and hopped on his back. "Well we'll be going. We don't have classes for a few days."Mitchell said quietly and calmly, giving us both a small glance which I guess was his way of saying 'goodnight' as Myka simply nodded in reply. "NIGHTY-NIGHT!!!"Shawn screamed from halfway down the hallway, making me let out another soft giggle as I shyly waved back at him.

It was only an hour later and I had just finished getting a shower and slipped on long sleep pants and a bagg long sleeved shirt. I wasn't taking any chances of any of my bruises or scars showing. "So do you talk, or is a giggle the most I'll ever get out of you?"Myka asked, walking into the room with a towel thrown over his black hair which was hanging down in his face and just a pair of boxers on. Now I was sure my face was a flaming red color as I averted my eyes to the floor and hid my face behind my brown hair as best as I could while my ears and tail twitched lightly. I shrugged simply in reply, getting a sigh in return before a dry erase board and a marker was landed in front of me as well as a light weight on the other side of my bed. "Well since I can't get you to talk, the least I can do is get you to write something."Myka said, a soft smirk tugging at the corners of his lips which were now lip ring free. I blinked, picking up the marker lightly and making sure my sleeves covered most of my fingers so the small scars wouldn't become visible.

I waited, looking at him curiously as he stared back simply. "Well....?"He questioned, raising an eyebrow at me. I blushed a faint pink shade, quickly printing the words onto the board in my slightly messy yet neat scrawl before showing it to him. 'What do you want me to write?' My question read simply, adverting my eyes down while waiting. "Anything you want to really. You talk I'll listen....well you write and I'll read in this case I suppose."He said, quickly changing the statement around to fit the situation which made me release another giggle at that, the blush flaring onto my face in a not so graceful manner which made him chuckle in a light sound. Of course, laugh at the shy boy's embarrassment. Maybe I would talk to him soon, I mean I was already close to speaking to Shawn several times. But the angel just had that kind of effect on people I suppose. It would take some time to warm up to Myka though, and I wasn't planning on getting a conversation out of Mitchell anytime soon. I put the marker back to the board, several thoughts going through my head. Maybe he'd be the one I told my secret to and the first person to see my bruises and scars besides myself and the ones who gave them to me. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.....
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charlettera: :D glad you like it ^^ and a Neko is basically a half cat, half human creature ^^" google/wikipedia can probably explain it better than I can

:D here it is. ^^" and I just realized. I have no life if I had this done hardly an hour after miko sent me her's last night XD(before it got posted)