Status: New. Active

Don't Speak, Don't Say A Word

White Boards, Chocolate and Dorm Room Kisses

I looked at my new roommate as Shawn screamed his goodbyes down the hallway. Good lord Xander’s so shy and sweet, that just turns me on. No wonder I think he’s so bangable!! I saw his face flush lightly before he quickly turned around to face the suitcase placed on the bed while his tail flicked with the movement. That was fine by me though, don't get me wrong. His front features were amazing, but I hadn't had a chance to check him out from behind if you know what I mean. Dang, that little kittens hot, sexy and fast, I bet he’s good in gym…and other things.
I grabbed my backpack, took out a Chocolate bar and a whiteboard and started to undress. I was too lazy to put my clothes on, so I just put a pair of boxers on to cover my privates and laid there waiting for Xander to get out of the shower. A few minutes later, after I was finally relaxed and my eyes were shut, I heard the water shut off and a door shut. Xander walked out in his adorable baggy pants and long sleeved ducky shirt. My tail wagged excitedly and he just stood there wide-eyed and blushing. I got up and handed him a whiteboard. "So do you talk, or is a giggle the most I'll ever get out of you?" I asked. He shrugged and I dropped a dry erase board and a marker on his lap and sat next to him on his bed. He was blushing ferociously. "Well since I can't get you to talk, the least I can do is get you to write something." I grinned at him which seemed to make his blush grow brighter. He stared down at the board. “Well…?” I questioned and he quickly started to write.
He responded, 'What do you want me to write?’ He wrote, looking away quietly. I smiled “Anything you want to really. You talk I'll listen....well you write and I'll read in this case I suppose." I smiled at him and stared at his adorable shy blush. I hope he’ll open up to me soon and start to actually speak. He looked down and started writing again. ‘So what are you?’ he asked, well, wrote.
“I’m an incubus.” I said showing him my small, demon horns. He looked up and went wide-eyed and looked at me slightly confused and wrote: ‘What’s an incubus?’
“An incubus is a demon, a pretty lustful one at that…” I laughed hoping not to scare him. “My ancestors are known to impregnate women in the past, now they remember to use condoms, unless they plan to become fathers. Luckily, I’m not a total manwhore like the rest of my kind, I barely even like girls anyway.” He blushed and wrote ‘So.. you’re gay..?’ I smiled “Bisexual actually. Though my preference is guys, a penis is much nicer than a pussy to me” He started to giggle and wrote down ‘Good, I was scared I would get a roommate that would hate me for being gay…’
I started thinking: Yess!!! That means he’s available! He will be mine by the end of the year I swear it! I looked at him and grinned “So.. if you’re gay.. You wont mind if I do this?” I gently grabbed his waist and pressed my lips to his. He started blushing like crazy as I deepened the kiss, slowly pushing my tongue into his mouth and licking the roof of his mouth. I moaned lightly and ran my hand up his shirt and rubbed his chest. I finally broke the kiss and smiled at him. He was redder than I had ever seen him and so wide-eyed I was scared they would pop right out of his head! I handed him an open chocolate bar.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself. You’re just so cute, I guess I gave into my urges..” I blushed slightly and watched him nibble on the chocolate bar. Some of it was slightly smeared on his cheek so I licked it off.
He was constantly bright red. He picked the board back up and wrote quickly ‘I- I’m going to sleep.. Night Myka’ I looked the other way. “Goodnight Xander.. Sleep well.” And with that, I crawled onto my bed and fell asleep, dreaming of that sweet, sweet kiss, and Xander’s beautiful lips.
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Oki! Lazyness kicked in so it took longer than expected to post this! (sowwy!) But hey x3 i like the ending ;D Moko-chan prolly will too! (or she'll spazz at the computer -blink blink- ._.) So..enjoy!