Status: New. Active

Don't Speak, Don't Say A Word


I don't know if it was the fact that someone actually cared for once, or the fact I was still too shaken up to care, but somehow I actually said something. ....uh yay? I mean, I did yell those words in the shower by accident, but I was too caught up in my thoughts to even think about it.

I winched slightly as I slid the grey skinny jeans up my legs. Apparently I had burned the back of my thighs too along with my back and my neck. I was just lucky my hair had covered it. I fastened the button and zipped up the zipper of the pants, reaching for the somewhat loose fitting shirt I had grabbed. It was a regular white shirt with just a slight v-neck. I didn't own any really 'baggy' clothes, and this was actually the loosest shirt I had brought with me and probably the loosest I owned. I didn't even bother messing with my hair, just running the brush through my thick dark hair a few times after towel drying it, slipping a pair of shoes on after re-entering the room.

I was a master at getting ready quickly, I had learned how to after years of trying to get ready and leave before my parents woke up and realized I was still alive. Not the best way to start a Monday morning, I'm telling you.

The whole way to the park I was rather quiet I guess, nothing too really odd from me. My ears and tail twitched a little while we walked, my ears folding down to blend in with hair as my tail curled around my waist protectively and nervously.

I wasn't used to actually walking with someone, much less being around someone. I was somewhat hoping on the inside that I'd be lucky and get a room to myself since it was my first year, but apparently that's the exact opposite of what they normally do. I was also still lightly shocked that I had actually laughed.....ok, maybe it was more like giggling, but it counts. I hadn't done that in a year at least. And it felt....good? Was I supposed to be this happy? I mean, my outside looked depressing, but on the inside I actually felt content. I was on edge, of course, but I felt somewhat safe, for once in my horrible life.

"No more talking?" I'm guessing that was directed towards me since it was only us two out there so far. I'm guessing everyone else had either had a party the night before or some other things I don't like to say so much. Plus, it seemed most likely that the silence was bugging him, and maybe the curiousity. It was a one time thing, an accident, and he wouldn't be getting too much out of me soon.

I shook my head no in response, getting what sounded like a disappointed sigh in return. I didn't really understand why he would be disappointed. It wasn't like my voice was pretty or anything. I hadn't even heard myself since puberty, so it probably sounded like nails on a chalk board.

"Fine, but I will get more out of you." That was quite a determined response, and it shocked me a little bit, I shook it away though and continued walking along the path quietly, my shoes barely making a sound as we stepped off of the concrete path and were now stepping on to green grass. From what I could see, the park was huge. Barely anyone was out there though, so it wouldn't be that hard to find the fallen angel and the vampire....I hope. The quicker we found them, the quicker they could occupy Myka from trying to get me to talk, make a noise, or worse, try and find out why I was burning myself. I knew he could have possibly still been thinking about it, and that made me a little fidgety in all honesty.

"All right, now we just gotta find those two dumba-"


....Well that was easy.
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XD yay for shortness~
Sowwy, art project sucks and I need to get it done before my mom pours the glue down my throat >.>"