Status: im back and writing again! (:

Is This Real... Or Am I Dreaming


I jolted awake to the annoying loud beeping of my alarm clock once again to go to school. How many more months left? Oh, yeah, five! Urgh! Why couldn’t it be like, oh I don’t know, less than a week or none at all?

I crawled out of bed to start getting ready. I didn’t really bother much with my appearance. I really wanted to stay home, but I knew I couldn’t with all my absences. So I pulled on a pair of dark wash jeans with my burgundy Abercrombie&Fitch pullover hoodie. I applied just a tad bit of eyeliner and mascara for make-up and brushed my hair up into a high ponytail.

Since I didn’t spend a lot of time getting ready, I had a fair amount of time to wait. So I went downstairs to get a nutritional breakfast and then lay down on the couch to ‘rest my eyes’. I knew I was going to end up falling asleep, but I could care less at this moment. Just hopefully, I’ll wake up in time to go pick up Micah.

I stirred awake when I felt my phone vibrate in my jeans pocket. I pulled it out and saw that it was an incoming call from a private number.

“Hello?” I groggily greeted.

“Where the fuck are you?” I immediately recognized that voice.

“Micah? Five minutes, okay?” I hung up the phone and ran out the door grabbing my school bag on the way.

I zoomed off, going over the speed limit drastically, off in the direction of her house. As I screeched to a stop by the curb where she was waiting, she yanked the door open and jumped into the passenger seat. When we were at the stoplight across the road where the high school was located, I noticed something, and hated myself for being so stupid.

“Shit!” I exclaimed dropping my head onto the steering wheel as we were still at a stop.

“Now what?” she groaned.

“I forgot shoes. How could I forget shoes?” I was such in a rush that I forgot shoes? Wow, River, just wow.

“Are you serious? First you fall asleep when you’re supposed to be at my house and then you figure out you don’t have shoes? You’re really out of it.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” As soon as I had a green light I pulled a ‘uey’, hoping that there were no police around to see that because I wasn’t sure if that move was even legal at this location and sped back to my house.

When I got there, I ran back into the house to get a pair of shoes. I was looking for my other flip-flop when Micah honked the horn, so I grabbed my American Eagle brown knit clogs and slipped them on.

“Okay, how many minutes until bell?” I pulled out of my neighborhood.

“According to that clock,” she pointed to the one on the dashboard, “six minutes.”

“I’m trying. Sorry for making you late.” I said looking at her with a compassionate expression.

“Mhmm.” Micah simply replied and crossed her arms.

We did end up making it to the school just in time. Thanks to my awesome speeding skills. Well, I actually shouldn’t be too proud about that because it can get you into some big trouble. I’m surprised that I haven’t gotten a ticket yet by how much I’ve already sped around. Guess it’s all about luck, huh?

However, right as I walked through the door of my first period class, the bell rung. I found out that we had a sub in this class, Ms. Nord, the evilest substitute teacher anyone could possibly hire. She and I threw a conniption fit about tardies in the class with her attendance and whether or not I was late because technically I had my right foot in the room as the bell rang. Some students that were standing next to the door defended me, but it did no help at all. Ms. Nord always gets her way. Since it was my fifth tardy in that class, I had after school detention. Just great! This day has got to be the worst.

With detention slip in hand, I slumped to the back of the room where my seat was. The whole class period, I didn’t listen or do any of my work that was assigned. I just sat there with my head resting on top of my arms staring at the clock above watching the second hand tick around and around in a circle.

I jumped in shock as the loud bell rang through my ears indicating that first period was over. I walked to my locker where I usually meet Micah to grab my pre-calc textbook and binder for my second period.

“Hey, were you on time?” Micah approached me and leaned on the locker next to me.

“Nope. And I got after school detention because I guess it was my fifth tardy for that class. So I guess you’ll have to take the bus home, unless you want to wait an hour until I get out.” I explained.

“Uh, I’ll think about it and give you an answer about it during lunch. Gotta go. Talk to you later.” Micah left.

I sauntered up the stairs to the upper level of the school and went into my classroom dropping by binder and textbook on my desk with a loud ‘thud’. I pretty much did the same thing that I did during first hour. But I ended up doing the homework from Friday, so I was prepared in case my teacher called on me.

With each tick of the clock above the fire alarm, I kept hoping that this day would end sooner rather than later.