This Heart Still Feels

This Heart Still Feels-11

"De," Dan tapped your shoulder. You didn't move so he tapped you again, "Deana,"

You opened your eyes, "Huh?"

"Wake up," he said softly

You looked up to Dan's tired face, "What'd I miss?"

"Question is what did we miss." he stretched

You rubbed your eyes, "What happened?"

"We fell asleep," he groaned.

"Oh shit," you yawned, "What time is it?"

Dan took out his watch, "Quarter to one."

"Shit, it's late," you moaned, "At least Teresa's not home,"

"Actually," someone said from behind, "I am,"

You turned and saw Teresa grinning happily. You could tell she had been home for awhile because she was already dressed in a T-shirt and pj bottoms. Her frizzed up curly hair was tied back in a loose pony tail and she was holding a bowl of ice cream.

"How long have we been asleep?" you asked

"Long time," she answered, "We came home at about half past ten and made hot, passionate love til about an hour ago," you giggled tiredly at her sarcasm, "Just kidding. But I did get home about an hour ago."

"And why didn't you wake us?"

She strotted over and pinched your cheek, "Because you two looked so cute together."

"Naaa," you stuck your tongue out at her. You strecthed your arms up and gave a high pitched yawn. Dan chuckled at you, "What?"

He shook his head, "Nothing. I'd better go." He got up, "I'll see you later,"

You lowered your arms and helped yourself off of the couch."Bye," You began to walk up to him, but felt yourself fall. You were quickly caught by Dan, "Are you okay?" he asked with concern

You nodded, "Yeah. I always lose coordination when I wake up from a nap." He gave a soft chuckle, "I'll be alright,"

"Then I'll see you later," He turned to the door and then turned back, "Wait, before I forget, I need to ask you something,"

"What is it?"

"My mum needs me to pick up my dogs from the groomers tomorrow," he explained, "and because I already said Tom could use my car for the day, I sort of-"

"Need a ride?" you finished.

He nodded, "Yeah,"

You smiled, "Sure, what time?"


"That's perfect," you said, "I'll pick you up after work."

"Great. You need my address?"

"Yeah," You reached to the coffee table and picked up a pen and pad of paper. You handed it to Dan and watched as he wrote down his address.

"Directions are on there as well," he pointed out.

You grinned and took the paper. "I'll see you tomorrow then,"

He gave you one last look and said, "Good-night, De," and closed the door behind him. You lingered, there for a moment as though he were still standing there before you heard Teresa calling you to her bedroom

"Yeah, Tree," you peeped your head through the door,

"So what were you two doing?" she questioned

"We were watching Rent,"you told her

"Uh huh, sure you were,"

You rolled your eyes, "Tree, we weren't doing anything,"

"Yeah, and by the way you two were sleeping on the couch, I believe you,"

"What are you talking about?"

"You were curled up in a ball with your head on his chest," Teresa described, "and I think if Dan had held you any tighter you would have turned purple,"

"Your lying," you shouted playfully,

"I have pictures to prove it." she shot back holding up her digital camera. She turned it on and pushed a few buttons before handing you the camera that showed you and Dan in the exact positions she described.

"It was a little chilly in there." You thought out loud

"Really?" Teresa responded to your comment, "From what it looked like, things were getting really hot down there."

"Shut up!" You smacked a pillow at her face

"Oh my god!" Teresa screamed dramaticaly clutching her nose, "My nose! My beautiful nose is broken." She pointed a finger at you. "You ruined my nose! Now it will be big and swollen thanks to you!"

"Awww, no one will notice." She acted hurt by the comment. You looked at her with a friendly pout "You know I have always loved you, especially for your unusually big nose."

"Gee thanks," she thanked sarcastically. You laughed and before you knew it you were pushed back with Teresas hands on your foot. "And I have always loved you, especially for your unusually small feet."

"Courtesy of my mother," you grinned proudly