This Heart Still Feels

This Heart Still Feels-28

a month later

"Deana!" Teresa called, "Phone call!"

You leaped from your bedroom and ran to Teresa, where she had the cordless phone extended to you, "Who is it?"

"Find out for yourself," she answered before leaving to take down the dirty laundry.

You smiled, "Hello," you said, expecting it to be Dan,

"Hey, honey,"

You frowned, recognizing that hispanic accent anywhere, "Dad?"

"Hey," your dad, Julio, says cheerfully, "What's up?"

"Umm," you hesitate, "Nothing. Nothing much."

"You haven't called in awhile," your dad said

"Well, I've been pretty busy," you said nervously,

"Yeah, that's my little college girl," he laughed,

"Listen, Dad. This isn't a good time. I'm kind of busy."

"Okay," Julio said, "I'll let you go now. I'll see you in a week."

"Wait a minute," you said before he hung up, "In a week?"

"Yeah, didn't Aunt Sara tell you?"

"Tell me what?" you asked anxiously

"Your mother and I are coming over to London to visit you guys." Julio said.

"Dad, I really wish you would have given me a heads up,"

"Don't worry. We'll be staying with Uncle Jay and Aunt Sara." he explained, "Didn't you say you had a friend living with you?"

"Yeah," you answered,

"You can bring her with, too."

"Hold on. What do you mean bring her with?"

"Well you are coming to stay over at Uncle Jay," he said as if this was something you knew,

"Dad, I just can't leave," you said as Teresa walked back in, "I have school,"

"So?" Julio spoke, "You can still make it to school from Uncle Jays. You'll just have to get up earlier than normal."

"Dad, it isn't that easy-"

"Why not?"

"Because I have a job too, ya know," you raised your voice. Teresa looked at you with concern, "And some days I have to work longer than normal."

"Is there any way you can get some time off?" Julio asked

"Dad, I could have if you had told me sooner,"

"Don't give me that attitude," he snapped

You groaned in fustration, "Well there's nothing I can do,"

"Deana," your dad said in that do-as-I-say tone you hated so much, "We can only stay for three days."

"Like I said, dad," you repeated, "If you had told me sooner I might have been able to do something, but now I can't,"

"Well you're going to have to do something," he said, "I'll see you on Tuesday. Bye." and he hung up.

"You Asshole," you screamed into the phone and hung it up with a sigh.

"What happened?" Teresa asked

"My dads coming for a visit on Tuesday," you groaned

"Ouch," Teresa commented,

"He didn't even tell me until four days before," you fell backwards onto the couch, "and he expects me to cancel work and ditch school just to go see him at Uncle Jays."

"It could be worse," Teresa said, "He could want to stay here,"

"Don't even say that!" you said, "That would be real Hell,"

"So what did he say?" Tree sat down next to you.

"He said that he will be staying with Uncle Jay and Aunt Sara from Tuesday until Thursday." you sighed, "And he wants me to spend those three days over there."

"Bummer," she said,

"And he wants me to take you,"

"Oh god,"

You giggled, "But I won't let you suffer that much,"

"No, that's okay," she smiled, "I won't let you suffer alone,"

"Thanks, but you haven't lived with him your entire life," you said, "You're not quite ready to handle him for three straight days," you sighed, "Hijo de la perra," you swore in spanish

"I know," Teresa rested her head on your shoulder, "But you're a tough girl, you can handle him,"

"I know," you rolled your eyes, "But I still don't want him coming. I mean, he has his world in America, but here, London, England, this is my world. This is my home, and I don't want him here."

"It's only three days, De," Tree spoke up, "What's the worst that can happen?"

"He wasn't even here and we were getting into an argument, "you reminded her,

"Good point," you both laughed, "Well," Teresa raised her head, "if you don't want me coming, how about you bring Dan,"

"That's even worse than bringing you," you answered, "Boyfriend meeting father equals disaster with a big pound of blood scattering everywhere,"

"Well you have to bring someone," Tree persisted, "I'm not letting you go alone,"


"I'm not kidding," she continued, "I'm not leaving you alone with that man."

"It's not necessary," you told her, "I can take care of myself,"

"Not with your dad," she said, "I don't understand. You never take crap from anyone else and the one man that give you the most bull shit is the one who you are too afraid to stand up to."

"I'm not afraid of him," you said in an angry tone,

"Then why haven't you said anything to him?" she asked, "Even after you moved out I bet he treated you the same way. Am I right?"

You stayed silent

"De, you are a smart girl. You shouldn't have to put up with this crap," she said sympathetically, "If I had the kind of courage and stupidity you had, I would have said something by now."

"Wow, that makes me feel better," you responded

"It's the good kind of stupidity," you giggled at her last minute comment, "But seriously, De. You should talk to him,"

"He's not the talking kind of person," you got up and walked to the window, "If he doesn't want to hear it, he won't listen until you wind up shouting at him,"

"Then shout," Tree said, "Scream. Blow down the house for all I care. Just say something."

You pressed your fore head against the glass, "It's not that easy,"

"I'll go with you," she offfered, "or have Dan go."

You turned your head to her, "If I take Dan can we please stop talking about this?"

Teresa gave a dramatic hurt face, "And why not me?"

"Because you can't afford to miss any school," you eyed at Teresa,

"Whats a few days?"

"You're the one that wants to get ahead," yoiu reminded her

"You're right," she gave in, "So are you gonna ask Dan?"

You sighed, "Why not? Dan's a big boy. If my dad tries anything, he can defend himself. And if he can't I will,"

"Awww," she squealed, "You are so cute when you get all defensive for him,"

You rolled your eyes, "Whatever,"