This Heart Still Feels

This Heart Still Feels-49

You and Teresa left the dressing room and went to meet the other bridesmaids up at the isle. There you also found Teresa's dad, who smiled proudly at his daughter looking so radiantly. Finally you heard the music playing, and everyone got lined up. You turned around to Teresa as the flower girl began walking and kissed Teresa on both cheeks, "I love you, Tree,"

"I love you too, De," she smiled, then shoved you around. Emma was just walking down with Tom, followed by Katie and James, and finally you and Dan. You walked down the isle and was nearly blinde by the flashing photography in your eyes. You made it up front and departed from Dan to take your place up front, where Teresa soon took her place in front of you.

"Dearly beloved," The priest spoke through the church, "we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this congregation, to join together this Man and this Woman in holy matrimony. Now I believe that the two have a few words they would like to say before they are wed."

Oliver began, "Teresa, I knew there was something special about you from the moment I met you. You seemed so shy at first, but as we got to know each other more, you became a completely new person that I wouldn't have expected," he smiled, "and I'm glad I got to see that side of you, because then I wouldn't be here, moments away from marrying the one person I know I can spend the rest of my life with. Teresa, or Tree, whatever you want to be called, " a small laughter came from the people, "I love you more than words can say, and once we leave this church, I want to be holding you in my arms, knowing I can go out into the world and call you mine."

"Thank you. And now Teresa,"

"So many people dream of this. I don't meant the fact of marrying Oliver Phelps, but I guess a lot of girls dream about that too," more laughter echoed the church, "But what I mean is, many people dream and hope for they day they can be joined with the one person they love. Sadly that can't happen to everyone, but I'm glad I'm getting to experiance this kind of happiness right now. Oliver, I love you with all my heart, and not a single person can tell you otherwise. You are so different from the others I have claimed to love, and not just because you're a celebrity, but because you have shown me the true meaning of love. That is a gift only one person in your life can give you, and I thank God that it was you."

"Thank you," the priest said, "And now for the rings," He leans over to the ring barrer and takes the two rings, then giving one to Teresa and Oliver, "Oliver, do you take this woman, Teresa, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, in sickness and in health, 'til death do you part?"

Oliver slid the ring onto Teresas finger, "I do,"

The priest turns to Teresa, "And do you, Teresa, take this man, Oliver, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, in sickness and in health, 'til death do you part?"

She slid the ring onto Olivers finger and smiles at him, "I do,"

"I now announce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride,"

Everyone applauded as Oliver lifted the veil over Teresa's head and kissed her. You smiled, knowing she could not be any happier at this moment. They linked arms and ran down the isle to sign their papers together. You laughed as you linked arms with Dan and followed them down. You reached up to them just as they were finishing their last signature and hugged Teresa tightly once she turned around,

"Congratulations, Mrs. Teresa Phelps," you smiled,

"Thank you so much, Deana," she said, "For everything,"


"I mean that deeply," she smiled at you, "I wouldn't have gotten through all this if it weren't for you. I can never repay you,"

"You don't have to," you assured, "Just have fun tonight."

"Thanks so much again," she said before taking off to greet everyone else.

You turned and went straight for Oliver, "Congratulations, Oliver,"

He leaned down as far as he could and gave you ahug, "Thanks, Deana,"

"Now I need tell you something real quick," you said,

"Not you too," he whined jokingly,

"I'm sorry," you said, "but I do this with any new guy that goes out with my best friends, and seeing as you've just married her you need the special talk. Now I know that you will take good care of Teresa, because if you don't," You brought him down by the collar, "I will claw off your dick with my own nail, burn it in oil and shove it down your throat so that you will never be able to screw around with any other girl again. Got it?"

He nodded with a slightish fear look on his face,

You smiled, "Well have a good marriage. I'll see you at the receptions dinner,"

"Come on, Oliver," Teresa ran over and took his arm, "We have to get to the limo." She looked at you, "You too, De,"

"I'm riding with you guys?"

"Everyone who was a part of the wedding is going with us," she smiled,

"Sweet, let's go,"