This Heart Still Feels

This Heart Still Feels-61

You went straight home and told Teresa it was really Brie. She screamed so loudly you had to set the phone down at the other side of the living room. When she was finally done you could hear Oliver running to her to see what was wrong. You laughed as you heard her explain what was going on. So you told her more about what happened and laughed in disbelievement. Soon after that you spoke of the current events of your lives and what was going on. Teresa put in much detail of what went on after hours. (tmi) You soon hung up after recieving another call. When you answered it, it turned out to be Brie.

"Hey, Deana," she said

"Hey, Brie," you greeted, "What's up?"

"Can I ask you something?" she spoke softly, as if afraid to ask, "It's kind of important,"

"Sure, go ahead," you answered

"Is it alright if I stay at your place," her voice was filled with hope, "I mean, staying with Rupert is fun and all, but it's been awhile since I've had a girlfriend to talk to and stuff, and Rupert isn't the best shopper to get clothes for me,"

You laughed, "Sure, that would be great. Things are getting a little boring around here. And Teresa's old room is getting a little empty."

"You really mean that?"

"You were there for me when I needed a place to stay," you grinned, "Now I'm here to return the favor,"

"Thank you so much, Deana," Brie said happily, "When should I move in?"

"We can start getting you packed in tomorrow," you suggested,

"I think you missed it where Rupert said I was poor," Brie reminded you, "I have nothing to pack."

"Then I'll pick you up after I'm dome with all my errands,"

"That's right," she responded dramatically, "You're a big broadway star now,"

You giggled, "That and I have college and work,"

"You mean they don't pay you at the theater?"

You nodded, though it was a pointless nod seeing you were talking on the phone, "Yeah, they do, but I can't have my financial issues totally rely on Rent
I want to wait until I get into the bigger shows before giving up my job,"

"Were do you work anyway?" Brie asked,

"At a pet store," you responded, "One that sells the furry animals, like cats and dogs..."

"And tarantualas?"

"No, we are not getting a spider, Brianna Armes," you snapped, knowing where question was leading to.

"Why not?"

"Because you know my rule about spiders. As long as their out of my house, I don't give a shit what they do," you quoted

"But technically it's not a house," she said finding a loophole, "It's an apartment,"

"Very funny," you snickered, "We're still not getting one."

"Fine," she pouted, "I'll see you tomorrow,"

You smiled, "Luv you babe,"

"Luv you too,"

You smiled as you hung up. You were about to put the phone back in its charger, but you managed to gt a good glance at the clock before you did. It was only eight-thirty. You thought for a moment and realized you hadn't hung out with Dan for awhile. You brought the phone back to you and quickly dialed his phone number. It rung twice before he finally picked up.


"Hey Dan,"

"Hey, Deana," he greeted, "What's up,"

"Nothing, actually," you said, "I actually was thinking that if you weren't busy we could hang out, or something,"

"Like go see a movie?"

"No," you said, "Just walking around for awhile, talk for a little bit,"

"That sounds great," you could tell he was happy by the way he answered, "Where do you want to meet?"

"South of Main Street by the coffee shop?"

"I'll meet you there,"

You smiled, "Great, see you soon,"

sometime later

"You seriously slapped a grown mans ass," Dan laughed

You nodded, "I was dared,"

"What happened after that?"

"I got me and everyone else kicked out," you grinned,

"I honestly would never have expected that from you," Dan chuckled,

"Which is exactly why I did it." you smiled, "And to be honest, I don't think it was him that minded. It was some other woman that kicked us out."

Dan shook his head, "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," you nodded

"When am I ever going to meet your dad?"

"Oh look," you snapped your head forward and ran further down, "I love these big wishing fountains,"

"Stop right there," Dan ran after you and grabbed your arm, "You still need to answer my question,"

"Do I have to?"

He gave you a stern glare and nodded,

"Okay," you gave in, "The truth is, I just don't want anything to do with him,"

"Why?" Dan asked, "From what you tell me about him, he seems like a pretty nice guy,"

You sat down on the edge of the fountain, "That's exactly why," you answered,

Dan sat down next to you, "I'm not getting what you're saying,"

"He always seems like a nice guy," you groaned, "My friends would always say how cool he seemed to be and even his workers loved him and considered him a close buddy, even when he didn't feel that way for them. But they only thought that way because they weren't his daughter,"

"What was wrong with that?"

You sighed, "I don't know, but it just seemed like he was singling me out. It was obvious he favored my little brother, Jaren, and I could understand that. Jaren was his only son. But the real issue was that he made it extra hard on me. He found all sorts of stupid reasons to yell at me, he would critizize everything I did, and..." you stopped, "He just made things really tough,"

"But why were you telling me all these great things you did with him?" he asked,

"Because he actually did those things," you groaned in fustration, "He was a jackass, but he did a lot of good things for me to. It's confusing, I know."

"Then why do you hate him?"

You sighed, "Because whenever I didn't hate him he would always give me a reason to." You looked into his gaze, "I felt like he really wanted to be a jackass to me when I felt like I could love him." You shook your head,

Dan reached over and took your hand, "Sorry I asked," he apologized,

You looked into his deep blue eyes and smiled, "It's alright. You would have found out eventually,"

He lifted his free hand and stroked you cheek softly, "Did I ever tell how absolutely amazing you are?"

You nodded with a grin, "A thousand times at least,"

"Then let's make it a thousand and one," he smiled, pulling you toward him, "You are the most amazing, beautiful woman I have ever met,"

You smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck, "You're pretty great, too."

He smiled as he leaned in and kissed you with all the passion he had in him. This moment right here was perfect, and you wanted it to last forever.