This Heart Still Feels

This Heart Still Feels-72

"So how was it?" Teresa asked anxiously

"I honestly wasn't that bad," you shrugged, "We didn't fight, if that's what you mean,"

"So where did you meet him?"

"Over next to a flower field an hour away," you told her,

"You don't mean he..."

You nodded, "He made it just like the night he said he loved me. Picnic and all,"

"You guys didn't..."

"No," you answered before she finished, "Come on, Tree. I'm dating Dan,"

She leaned back in her chair, "You're the one that said 'exactly',"

"You knew what I meant,"

She giggled, "Yeah, I know,"

"But really, he was very polite, to my surprise. We just talked about how things were going, I told him about Dan, and things were pretty smooth,"

"And he never tried anything," Teresa said,

You shook your head, "Not even to hold my hand. He actually kept a distance,"

"Wow," Teresa awed, "That doesn't sound like him at all,"

"I know," you agreed, "It was weird, but nice,"

"Though I'll tell you something that is weird," Teresa brought up, "What made him decide all of a sudden to come and see you after all these years,"

You shrugged, "I don't know. Hey, you want me to make you some tea?"

"Make mine extra hot, if you could," Tree answered, "I mean, who knows, maybe he still likes you,"

"Shut up,"

"You never know,"

You came back to Teresa, "You don't honestly think that, do you?"

"Maybe, maybe not," she said, "So speaking of Dan, when do you intend on telling him about you-know-who?"

You groaned, "When I figure out how to tell him,"

"You think it will be that bad?"

"Let's just say when I told him about Derrek he looked about ready to get on the next plane to Chicago just to beat the crap out of him," you explained,

"Oh, that bad,"

You nodded, "So I know that the minute I say his name Dan's going to punch a hole in the wall. Imagine what he'll do if he finds out I had dinner with him,"

"Tell him outside, so theres no wall to punch,"

"Tree," you whined, I'm serious. I don't know how to tell him. It's already been four days, and the longer I wait the more angry he's going to be,"

"Do you want me to talk to him?"

You shook your head, "Thanks, but that would just make it worse."

Just then the door was slammed open by Brie, "Hey, guys," she said in a slightly surprised tone, "Whats up?"

"Nothing much," you said, "I'm just telling Tree about dinner with Derrek. Where have you been all evening?"

"Here and there, you know?" she yawned, "Well I'm going to go to bed. 'Night De, 'night Tree."

"Night Brie," you and Teresa said in unicen as you watched Brie go to her bedroom. As soon as Brie closed the door you snapped around and in a hushed tone you said, "I think she and Rupert are having sex,"

"Yeah," Teresa laughed,

"Tree," you said, "I'm serious,"

"What?" Teresa said quietly,

"No joke,"

"Why? How?" Teresa stammered

"Shhh" you hissed, you looked over your shoulder, "Uh yeah!" you said even louder, "Apparently someone said that wiping a piece of fish over your face helps get rid of blackheads! Weird, I know!"

"Why are we whispering?"

"Because apparently Brie doesn't want us to know," you answered

"But first why don't you tell me what is making you think Brie is having sex,"

"Because I have my mothers sixth sense for this kind of thing," you said

"That's not a good reason," Teresa glared

"Alright then, it's because I live with her," you stated, "If you did too, you would definetly tell. She's been sneaking out almost every night for the past month, coming back all sweaty and stinky and gross."

"That doesn't mean she's sleeping with Rupert," Teresa argued

"It does when she carries that purse with her," you pointed out, "That purse she had with her when she came in, I checked it a few days ago. It was packed full of condoms and birth control pills, and even a few pregnancy tests,"

Teresa's eyes widened, "You kidding me,"

"And I've never seen her take that purse with her anywhere except when she's sneaking out,"

"Do you really think-"

"Oh yeah," you nodded, "Did you not pay attention to how she came in. She did a good job of hiding it, but I could definetly feel some tension coming from her. She was not expecting us to still be up. And that was one of the fakest yawns I have ever seen,"

"I don't believe this," Teresa gasped, "I know they've been dating for four months, but I still can't see Brie doing this so soon in a relationship,"

"Neither can I," you shook your head, "But what can we do? It's their sex life. And at least their using protection,"

Teresa nodded, "Yeah, that's a good point,"

"But still," you sighed, "Why would she want to keep a thing like this from us?"

"Who knows?"

You got up from the couch and went to et the tea, "Well, I guess when she's ready to talk she'll talk. No sense in rushing her in all this,"

"Amen to that," Tree smiled as you handed her her tea. She took a sip, "Mmm, you make great tea,"

You smiled, "I do my best,"

"So back to your love triangle," Teresa continued, "Are you going to see Derrek again,"

You nodded as you took in a gulp of your tea, "Monday, for breakfast,"

"Are you going so far out again?"

"Not as far, but still a little bit farther than normal. He gave me directions to this restaraunt forty-five minutes away," you explained, "I don't want to have an awkward situation of running into Dan,"

"I hope you're not going to do a lot of this sneaking around," Teresa told you,

"I won't," you assured her, "Trust me, I hate doing this just as much as the next person. But it's like I said, I have to say the right thing to Dan so that he doesn't go hunting Derreks,"

Teresa laughed, "Though that would be funny to see,"