This Heart Still Feels

This Heart Still Feels-73

"So what time are you leaving?" Brie asked the next morning,

You looked to the clock, "Probably in about ten minutes. It's not as far as it was last time, but its still far,"

"What do you have planned for this time?" she questioned

"Just a late lunch," you stated plainly,

"And does Dan know about this yet?"

You rolled your head, "Can we please not start this?"

"De, you're going out with one of Londons most popular actors," Brie stated, "People with these things called cameras will follow you around and take pictures, most likely with Derrek, and eventually Dan will see these pictures. I can guarentee you he will be more pissed than ever,"

"I know," you whined, "I hate doing this, too. Which is why I think I'm going to tell him today when I get back,"

"Are you sure?" Brie stared at you,

You nodded, "I think I know how to tell him with out getting him too freaked out,"

Which was going to be very hard to do, you knew that. It had already been two, almost three weeks since Derrek first came into the picture, and that you had met with him, six times in between. This was going to be very difficult, but you couldn't stand lying to him much longer. Up to now you did a good job making it seem like nothing was up, you did your schoolwork, and hung out with Dan, but you could tell he was starting to suspect.

"So what have you been up to?" you asked,

Brie turned her head, "Why do you ask?"

You shrugged, "I don't know, just seems it's been awhile since I asked. I've been really busy, you know. I don't want you to feel like I'm leaving you out of anything,"

"Don't worry," Brie muttered, "You're not,"

"So have you been up to anything interesting?" you made a slight emphasis on 'Interesting'

Brie bit her lip and shook her head, "Nope,"

"Nothing at a-"

Right then the phone rang and Brie made a dash for the phone. "Hello," she answered,

You chuckled, "I'm leaving," you mouthed, "bye,"

She waved back before you left out the door, "Sorry, Dan," she said, "She just left,"

"Again?" Dan said,

"Yeah, sorry. Want me to tell her you called?"

"No, I'll try calling her later," Dan said, "Can I ask you something,"


"Where exactly is Deana?"

"Just to hang out with a friend," Brie gave him.

"A friend, hmm" Dan mumbled, "This wouldn't happen to be the same friend she's been seeing for the past couple of weeks,"

"I don't know,"

"Well shouldn't you?" Dan's tone raised, "After all you are her best friend,"

"Look, I don't know," Brie lied nervously, She had never heard Dan so angry before, and it was scary

"Really," Dan replied, "That's interesting. You said that this was an old friend, am I mistaken?"

"No, you're not,"

"Hmm," Dan thought out loud, "That's amazing that even after that asshole cheated on her Deana still considers Derrek a friend,"

Brie gasped,"Who told you it was Derrek?"

"Rupert spilled," Dan admitted, "And I'm glad as hell that he did! What in God's name made Deana think she could just go out with the man who broke her heart?"

"Dan," Brie spoke, "You don't understand,"

"What don't I understand?" he shouted, "How she could go behind my back and go with this jackass without even telling me? How could she lie to me?"

"It's not what you think," Brie tried to explain,

"You know what, I'll just let Deana explain it to me then," Dan said harshly, "We'll see what excuse she has for me,"

And before Brie could respond he hung up. Brie slammed the phone into its reciever. "I'm gonna kill Rupert," she mumbled to herself


You had left the restaraunt about an an hour ago. It was honestly very nice. Derrek was very polite, and it was almost like nothing had happened. You felt like it was still back when you were dating, except without the gushy romantic tone. You were two...aquaintences. You weren't going to say friends quite yet, but you considered him not an enemy anymore, due to the fact there was no blood drawn. You'll admitt it was a little awkward, but you soon calmed down and enjoyed the evening. You were able to leave with a smile you didn't have to force, and you were happy for that.

But your happiness didn't last for long. As you pulled up into the parking lot you could see someone standing in front of the door, arms crossed and in a very stern position. Driving closer you looked in fear, for that angry man out there was Dan, looking extremely pissed.

"Dan," you called as you got out of the car, "What are you doing here?"

"Don't you give me that shit!"He stormed up to you,

"Dan, what the hell is your problem?" you snapped

"You know very well what my problem is Deana!" Dan shouted, "Don't you dare act stupid with me!"

"Well enlighten me, because I don't have a clue," Though deep down, you had an idea,

He shook his head, "You must have been high if you thought I wouldn't eventually find out about you sneaking around,"

"Sneaking around," you repeated,

"Well you weren't exactly honest with telling me that you were going to meet Derrek somewhere far where I couldn't reach you,"

You gasped, "How did you-"

"Not important," Dan cut you off,

"Dan, calm down,"

"Why should I?" He asked angrly, "I find out my girlfriend is sneeking around behind me to talk to her ex-boyfriend who slept with another woman and broke her heart. What made you even think going to see him?"

"He wanted to prove to me that he had changed," you explained

"And you believed him?" Dan threw his arms out, "Deana, did you even think of any reason why he wanted to meet you so far away? He could of seriously hurt you. You were damn lucky he didn't,"

"That's enough, Daniel!" you shouted, "Stop treating me like I'm some stupid fucking teenager! I was careful, but he still didn't try anything on me,"

"But he could have,"

"Not the point," you said a little more calmly, "The fact is that he didn't, which has to mean something,"

"I still don't like you seeing him,"

You stared at him, "So you're saying that I can't see him just because you don't want me to?"

He snapped his back to you, "That's not what I said,"

"But it's what you're thinking, isn't it," You said for him, "And if you are, then you're the one that's high if you think I'll just follow your every order,"


"I don't want to hear it!" you snapped as you stormed past him, "Just go away, please,"

And without looking back you ran off.