This Heart Still Feels

This Heart Still Feels-81

"My god, Deana," Brie awed at your apartment, "You planning on moving out soon?"

"I don't know," Deana shrugged as she got a bag of chips out, "Just thought I'd pack a few things ahead of time,"

Brie huffed out a laugh, "De, I know it's been three months, but I was just here last week and there wasn't a single box packed up,"

"I know," you responded, "but when I do decide to move out, I don't want to spend a lot of time packing,"

"And when do you think that will be?" Brie observed,

"I'm not sure," you answered, "I was thinking I'd stick around for another month or two, then move in with Dan,"

"Give yourself a few last moments in this place, I see," Brie said for you,

"Well this has been my home for three years," you told her, "The first one I've actually owned,"

"I understand," Brie assured you, "There have been some good times in this place,"

"And a few bad ones," you sighed, leaning against the wall that once held your bloody cry for help,

"I know, honey," Brie put a hand on your shoulder, "but overall there have been a lot more good times here,"

"Yeah," you said,

"So speaking of your engagement,"

"I wasn't," you gave her a look,

"Well anyway," Brie went on, "Like I said before, it has been three months. You and Dan said you wanted to get married in July, and that's only four months away," Brie walked around you, "Don't you think it's been enough time to do some specific wedding plans?"

"How specific?" you asked,

"Well theres a lot to be planned out," Brie explained, "I mean, you need to reserve a church, pick out dresses...decide whose going to be your maid of honor..."

"Hold it," you stopped her, "Is that what this is about?"

She shrugged, "Maybe,"

"Brie," you walked up to her, "I know you're anxious to know who I pick as my maid of honor, but you're going to have to wait. I've narrowed it down to you and Teresa, and you know as well as I do that's a difficult decision to make,"

"I know," she whined, "and I'm sorry, but like you said, I'm anxious,"

"Yeah," you said, "but right now, I just need to know that no matter whoever I pick you guys will be happy for me just the same,"

Brie smiled, "Of course I will,"

You grinned back,"Thanks,"

Suddenly you heard a crash from the bathroom. You and Brie looked at eachother and then dashed for the door, "I almost forgot about Teresa," you said as you knocked on the door, "Tree are you alright?"

There was no answer

You knocked again, "Teresa!" you called. You pressed your ear against the door and listened. All you could hear was heavy breathing.

"Is she okay?" Brie asked nervously,

You shook your head, "I don't think so," You took a step back, "I'm coming in!" you shouted, then threw yourself against the door and charged through. When you got inside, Teresa was on the floor, clutching her stomach and stuggling to get up.

"Tree, what's wrong?" Brie asked

"I need..." she gasped, "a doctor..."

"Oh my god," you gulped as you looked at the bathroom floor, which was soaking wet, "Her water broke,"

You and Brie looked at eachother with wide eyes, "SHE'S HAVING THE BABY!" you both shouted

"No shit!" Teresa screamed, "Now get me to a doctor NOW!!!"

"Okay," you turned to Brie, "You go get your car, and I'll meet you downstairs,"

Brie nodded and sped off. You leaned over and helped Teresa to her feet. As you got her out of the apartment and down the stairs, Teresa's screams of pain echoed through the entire building. It was torture as you got her outside to Brie's car. You helped Teresa into the backseat and sat next to her. Brie slammed on the pedal and made her way to the hospital as Teresa continued to scream,