Status: If you marry me; Would you bury me?; Would you carry me to the end? - MCR

Redeem My Heinous Appalled Soul

You're Unbelieveable, Ah—So Unbelievable

Fwankie's P.O.V

Me and Gee were walking down the road, hand in hand. I had no clue where this place was. Maybe it's at the end of Belleville. I needed to know.

"Gee, what area in Belleville are we?"

He stared at me and smiled.

"We are at the end of Belleville. Noone comes to this part of Belleville, so this is a good place for a vampire such as myself to stay here."

"Oh! Okay. I knew it. So, where are we going?"

"Anywhere you want, babe." He kissed me on my cheek. I giggled.

"What about New York?" I asked still giggling.

"Don't hold your breath." He said smiling.

"Wha...." I got cut off, everything was like a blur. One minute I was gonna ask Gee a question and than next thing I know I was standing on the Empire State Building! I turned to Gee, he was staring at me with his smirk.

"How did you do that?" I asked astonish.

"Have you forgotten I'm a vampire? I have super strength, speed, good hearing, hypnotize people with my eyes, and good sight. Like I can see in the dark and can see very far." 

"Oh! That explains everything so far." I said smiling to him. He looked at with confusion in his eyes.

"I'm a vampire, which are very dangerous to the human nature. why aren't you afraid of me?"

"There's nothing scary about you." He smiled at me.
"Are you hungry?" I haven't realized I was hungry yet, my stomach growled.

"I'll take that as a yes. Wait, here" 

"I'm a human not a vampire." I said to Gee with a little sarcasm in my voice. I heard him giggle and he disappeared. I wonder where he was going and why would he think I would ran away. I wonder if I should tell him my secret now. I saw a couple on the other side of the tower. My parents would be so happy if I had a girlfriend as beautiful as her. I wonder what they would say to know that I'm gay. Just than I saw a blur of something.

"I hope you like chinese food, I bought this just down the street." He said while smirking at me. Damn! I just love his smirk. I looked at the container in his hands. 

"I'm a vegetarian, Gee." I was to ashamed of myself. He grabbed my chin and smiled at me.

"Fwankie, look at me." I looked at him, his eyes were so gorgeous. Why does he have this effect on me? I looked at his lips, they were so soft and very kissable, too. I leaned into him. I couldn't help myself, his lips were just so inviting to me. His eyes were a very rich purple, I knew what that meant. I kissed his lips with alot of lust and passion. He kissed me back with the same feeling. Wow! His lips are just perfect! I would never get tired of kissing him. He pulled back. I looked at with hurt and confusion. He gave me a huge grin back.

"I wanna try something for tonight, so I can remember our first date." Oh my gosh! We were on a date?! I had no clue.

"This is a date?!" I had to ask, to make sure.

"Yeah, it is. Your so adorable when your confused!" He said giggling.

"Oh! I guess so." I said smiling back at him.

"Wait, here." With that he disappeared again. I hope he's not getting me another container of food. I'm not that hungry. I looked back at the couple across from me. They were gone. They probably went home. I got my phone out of my pocket, turned it on and I had 21 missed calls from my father and 83 text messages from my friends. Wow! People actually did care about me. I guess this is the only time I'll have alone, I better call my father to tell him I'm okay before he sends a search party to look for me. I pushed call on my cellphone and held the phone up to my ear. The phone was still ringing. Maybe he went vampire hunting. The woman on the voicemail thingy came on, all well. I'll just leave him a message, I hope he gets it.

"Hey, father. Your probably wondering why I'm not home. I'm at a uhm.....friends house. I'll come back home soon, I promise. Please, don't look for me. I'm alright. And uhm....bye."

Just when I hung up, Gee appeared from behind me. I turned my phone off again. He smiled at me with all of his pearly white teeth showing and his fangs showing, too. His eyes were thee same color as before which means he planned something very interesting.

"Are you ready to go home, my sweet cupcake baby?" He had a devilish smirk on.

"Yes, I'm ready." I said returning back the devilish smirk. He wrapped his hands around my waist and everything blurred again. Next thing, we were back at his mansion again. I was so excited and scared at the same time. Gee smiled and pulled me inside the mansion. I couldn't believe what I was seeing! The mansion was decorated very beautiful. 

"Gee, this is wonderful!" I looked at him, Gee had a huge grin on his face. I couldn't help myself I kissed him with all my love! Waiit; did I just admit I am in love with a vampire!
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I absolutely luv the new MCR album!!:D<3

Ah! Me too. We hope you like this chapter. I told Sunny to write more, hehe.(: