The Pros, Cons, and Loves of Piracy

Part Eleven.

When I woke up, Jack was laying in his armchair on the other side of the room. I smiled at the fact he let me have the bed. I stood up and felt slight pain in my side, so I sat back down quickly. "It's probably gonna be hurting for a while, Kami," I heard Jack say from his chair.

"Wow, I didn't realize that, Jack," I said, glaring over at him.

"I'm just trying to help you, I'm sorry." He stood up and walked over to me, grabbing his things off his nightstand. "We'll be at Tortuga in about a half day."

I stood up and nodded, wincing slightly. "Are we just staying there for as long as it takes to get Kat to Britain's?"

"Mmhmm," he said, reaching a hand out for me to grab as I almost fell. "You need to rest, Kamille. I can't have you fainting again, now can we?"

"I didn't faint, I was... extremely tired and in shock."

"Of course, love. Now be a dear and go back to sleep."

"Fine. Only if you get Kat ready and all that."

"Of course." He smiled and walked out of his cabin, probably going up to give orders. I laid my head down on the bed and fell asleep quickly.

When I woke up again, Kat was lying down beside me, sleeping. I stood up (with some difficulty) and walked out on deck. Will looked over at me and walked over, giving me a hug.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I replied, hugging him back. When he let go, I went over and stood by Elizabeth, who was just standing by the rail. She smiled at me when I said hi.

"You feeling better now?"

"Yeah. Is everyone else okay?"

"Yes. You were the only one hurt."

We continued talking, and in an hour, we pulled into the docks in Tortuga. Jack had told Kat we'd be seeing Britain, but not that she was staying there. I went below deck where I found Kat asleep. I decided to leave her there and go tell Britain that I needed her to watch her.

I walked off the gang plank and on to Britain's house. When I got there, she looked suprised when she answered the door. "Kam? What are you doing here?"

"Jack wants Kat to stay here, she almost got hurt, and he thinks it'd be better if you watched her. Would you please watch her," I asked, walking into her house.

"Of course I will. Where is the little devil?"

"Jack's probably still on the Pearl."

"I meant Katherin, dear."

"Oh," I said, blushing slightly. "She's on the Pearl, sleeping." Britain smiled and lead me into the kitchen where we talked for a while, catching up on things.

An hour later, we both heard a knock on the door. Britain got up to answer it and saw Allisa and Rose, who were part of the crew from The Reclaimer. When they saw me, they both rushed over and hugged me, smiling happily.

"Captain, we missed you so much!" exclaimed Rose, looking up and giggling.

"Yes, we knew you'd get away from Jack." Allisa added, then continuing,"He's so terrible, you should have never agreed to it!"

"I'm still with him." When I said that, they both looked crestfallen. "Not that way though, that'd be gross, I'm just dropping Kat off. To keep her safe and things like that."

"Kamille, would Jack need anymore crew? For the Pearl?" asked Rose, looking serious.

I looked from Rose to Allisa, who both had looks of longing on their faces. I thought a moment, thinking of the things Jack could think of doing to them, as it was his nature. "Well," I said, thinking it over once more,"I don't see why you couldn't go ask Jack or Gibbs."

They both smiled and gave me another tight hug, before pulling me out the door, obviously excited. I waved goodbye to Britain as I was pulled down to the docks. Rose and Allisa ran up the gang plank, slightly out of breath.

I walked up lazily behind them, receiving a confused look from Will. "Will," I said, catching both girls attention,"This is Rose and Allisa, they might come with us."

Will nodded, giving both a polite smile. "Did you see Jack? He said he was going to find you or something?"

"Will, it's Tortuga, he went to get laid," I said, walking into the cabin, finding Kat still sleeping. I crouched down beside her, shaking her up gently.

When she woke up she smiled, asking,"Are we going to see Britain?"

"Yes. But you're going to have to stay there. For a while, baby."

Kat's face looked confused as she processed what I just said. "But, Mommy, I like being with you."

"But I need you safe, so you and Britain will stay here until I know you'll be safe. It'll only be a little bit," I added as she started crying. "Love, I promise as soon as I can, I'll come and get you. Then you and me can go where ever you want to go."

"Promise?" she asked, holding up her pinky finger.

I took it and smiled, saying,"Of course. Now lets get your things."

When we were done getting her things, I walked to Britain's, sad I was going to leave her so soon. When we got there, Kat had tears running down her face. "Babe, I promised I'd come and get you when I can."

She sniffled and asked,"Will Jack come, too?"

"We'll see," I said, ignoring Britain's look. "Good bye, Kat. I promise."

She nodded and walked inside with Britain. I let a few tears run down my cheek, walking back to the Pearl.

When I got there, Jack wasn't there. I frowned, hoping we could leave soon. When Jack finally walked up the gangplank, but he wasn't alone. He had a brothel girl clinging to his arm. His smile faded as he saw the look of loathing I had plastered on my face. I walked over to him, seetihng. "This is why you wanted to go to Tortuga? And for a second I thought you actually cared, Jack."

He looked at me, then nodded, saying,"Yep, pretty much, love." He pushed past me, the girl still giggling and clinging to him like a leech. He whispered something in her ear, causing her to go into another fit of giggles and run to the cabin.

As soon as she had left his side, I pulled out my sword, going in front of Jack. "Don't try and talk yourself out of this one, Jack," I said as he realized I had a sword aimed at his chest. "Listen, say one thing and I'll feed your entrails to your little whore over there."

He shut his mouth, shrinking back, only to have the sword shoved closer to his skin.

"You completely ruin everything, Jack. I hate you, I always will now. I'll give you a month, then I'm leaving. So, if you find the treasure before then, great, I get half of it. If you don't, I'll leave, let you find the treasure yourself, and I still get half of it. Deal?"

Jack whimpered, due to the fact I had been pushing him towards the railing. He also knew that I was cruel and heartless when I wanted to be. Jack had gotten himself into a heap of trouble, and he couldn't pull himself out of it. "Yes, love, I swear on the Pirates Code that I'll do as you just said."

"Don't call me love, Jack. Remember, I hate you."

"Right, then Miss Turner, just because I'm agreeing to all this it doesn't mean you're getting special treatment. I expect you to pull your weight, as everyone else will."

"She won't," I said, looking back at the whore that had emerged from the cabin.

"You're smart, Turner. It's true. You'll be doing her work since you brought it up."

At that moment, Gibbs walked up from below deck. As I turned to look, I heard Jack cock his pistol.

"Funny how these things work out, right love?" he said, motioning me to drop the sword. "Now, as I was saying. Don't harrass Jenette. There'll be hell to pay if you do."

"So all those years I actually cared about you, you were making it up? Just pretending?"

"Pretty much. Pirates lie, you should know that. All you were was a pretty toy. Toys get old and boring, then you buy a new one."

Tears streamed down my face as I looked down, trying to bite them back. I saw Gibbs frown at him, then go back below, probably to alert the rest of the crew.

"I hate you," I muttered, trying to pull out of his grasp.

He chuckled and said,"I know you do, but I don't care."

We both heard the crew come up from below deck, and as he did, he let go of my arm, causing me to fall on the deck. I stood up, glared at Jack once more, then pushed through the crew and ran below deck.
♠ ♠ ♠
We can be like Romeo and Juliet in that tragic, heatbreak kinda way.