The Pros, Cons, and Loves of Piracy

Part Two.

I frowned as the sun slowly began sinking into the horizon. I continued to walk to the town square to the gallows, this time as a victim myself. A crowd had formed around and a path was soon made by the guards as I passed through. I walked up the steps and felt eyes on me.

The governor and the executionor were the only people on the stage with me, and the Governor read off the list of my crimes"
"Kamille Turner, you are being punished for crimes against the crown of England, including plotting against the authority; Impersonating a clergy man of the Church of England; Impersonating a Royal Navy Man; and being involved in acts of Piracy. Your punishment is death. By being hung by the neck until death. May God have mercy on your soul."

A bag was placed over my head, after the rope was placed around my neck. I heard the crowd gasp and a body hit the ground.

"Ello, Governor," a familar voice said.

"Jack," I whispered as I heard him cock a gun.

"Governor, take off the bag," I heard nothing, nor did I feel the bag being lifted,"Or your daughters gonna get it, savvy?" I felt a hand reach and take the bag off my head, and I looked around and saw Jack holding the governor's neck with a knife with one hand and the other holding a pistol aimed at the crowd, where I saw a mid-aged women and a man standing. "Unlock her shackles." He picked up a set of keys and picked up my wrists, unlocking them. Jack gave a smirk in my direction but quickly covered it up by stepping toward me. Jack stepped toward me and whispered,"Get ready to run." He quickly pulled the rope from my neck, pushed the governor away, also pushing me towards the stairs. I just noticed that most of the crowd had disappeared. I ran down the steps, confused about where to go. I felt someone push me toward the bay leading out toward the ocean. I looked back and saw the man that was standing by the governor's daughter. Jack was fighting two guards and moving toward me. I ran down the ramp to a lower level, hoping to find a boat to sail out of the bay. The man pulled me toward the edge and looked down. I also looked down and saw a small rowboat below. He threw a rope over the side, tying it to the cobblestone post.

"Victoria, go."

I realized who this man was, and gasped saying,"William."

"Yes, go, now."

"Not without Jack," I said, looking back and seeing him fight another guard. "I'm not leaving him." The governor's daughter ran over. I stepped over and allowed her to go down.

I heard Jack call,"Love, look to the East."

I did and smiled. The Black Pearl was coming out of a cove. "Will, go to the Pearl. Me and Jack will swim out to you, and tell Gibbs to get ready to sail."

Will looked confused, but nodded and said,"Aye. How long will you be?"

I didn't hear him, I was already halfway to Jack, where I picked up a sword from an unconsious soldier. Jack and I managed to either knock out or kill the small amount of soldiers at the square, so we both ran to the lower level.

"Where's Will?"

"I told him we'd swim out to meet the Pearl."

He nodded, and got ready to jump, but turned and kissed me on the lips. "You okay, love?"

I nodded and threw off the shoes I was wearing, just so we would be able to swim there faster. Jack took my hand and jumped off the edge. We both started swimming towards the Pearl.

Jack and I reached Pearl soon enough, and Gibbs swung a rope down to us. Jack grabbed me aroung the waist and was pulled up by Gibbs. "Kamille, are you okay, I told Jack it was stupid to tell everyone where ye were...."

"Mr Gibbs, I'll be fine, right now, please tell me who the bastard was that turned me in."

"It was Mr. Orton."

"The cook?"


I stared blankly at Mr Gibbs and said,"Are you going to go get him?"

"Oh, yes, Miss."

Jack grabbed his coat (A dry one,) and placed it around my shoulders. "Kami, what are ye doin'?"

"Jack, can we go towards Tortuga?"

Jack looked at me and shrugged. "Why, we shoul'n't need to resupply for a while now, love."

"But I want's not like we need to go anywhere. And we may need a new cook."

Jack once again looked at me, thoroughly confused. "Why would tha' be?" After I just stared at him, he nodded and said,"Oh, you're pissed at the cook so you plan on doing something to him."

I smiled sweetly, saying,"No, Captain Sparrow. You plan on doing something to him." I was now advancing on him, looking from his eyes to his lips, saying,"Jack, he turned me in, he could just as easily turn you, or anyone, really, in. I don't think it's safe to have him aboard." I was now right up against his chest, my arms slung aver his shoulder's and Jack's arms snaked there way around my waist. "Please, Jack-"

"Miss, here's Mr Orton."

I smirked at Jack and said,"Think about that, Jack." I pulled away from him just as he leaned in to kiss me and walked past Mr Orton, who was muttering an apology and Mr Gibbs and went down to the spare cabin to find Will.

I walked down and looked in the cabin and saw Will and the lady, who I assumed to be his wife, sitting on the bed.

"Will? Can I talk to you?"

Will smiled and got up, saying,"Of course...what do you want me to call you?"

"I don't care, it varies to what people call me, depending where I am, so what ever you want." I noticed the lady again and said,"Hi, I'm Kamille, or Victoria... which ever sounds better to you."

"I'm Elizabeth, Will's wife."

I nodded, finding the conversation a bit awkward. "Would you mind if I talked to Will alone for a bit?"

"No, not at all. I'll see you both in a while."

I gave a small nod to her and as soon as she shut the door engulfed Will in a hug. "Will, I'm so sorry that I left, I needed to, I meant to come back, but I just got caught up with everything," I said quickly in one breath.

"Victoria, it's fine. You probably want some explaining, don't you?" Will asked, sitting down on the bed, motioning me to do so also.

I nodded and played with the lace on the dress, which was still wet, I was wearing.

"Well, Jack came to my house yesterday and said he knew you and you needed help. Since Elizabeth's father is the governor and all, he agreed to help, to try and make you able to escape. But he said you wouldn't, so we decided that it would be easier to fake a hostage, as we did."

"So that's why he came to the jail?"

"Aye, to try and make you escape, but you're too stubborn," showing the smallest hint of a smile.

"How do you know Jack? I've never heard him talk about you...or Elizabeth," I asked, confused by the captain.

"Oh, he helped me save Elizabeth from Barbossa, then it kind of flip flopped around from there. If he ever needed help, I'd help, if I ever needed help, he'd...attempt to help. And you, how did you manage to get connected with piracy, let alone be one of the best in the world?"

"After I left home, I traveled with a merchant ship to Tortuga, where I stayed a few years with a friend, then I got a crew and a ship, just did normal pirate stuff. I did that for a few years, then I met Jack, probably after that Barbossa thing, 'cause I never heard anything about you or Elizabeth."

A pirate called out for all hands on deck, so Will and I both walked up, going to Jack. "Captain, where are we going?" I asked, squinting up at Jack.

"You said you wanted to go to Tortuga, didn't ye? Will, go do something...productive... Kamille, in my cabin, now."

"What for, Jack?" I asked, walking over closer to him at the edge of the deck, looking down at the water.

Jack gave a devilish smirk and said,"For reasons, love." I rolled my eyes as his arm twisted around my waist and he led me down to his cabin. "Mr Gibbs," he said, turning slightly toward him,"Man the helm." I rolled my eyes once again, that meant Jack was going to take awhile...which wasn't always bad, but now just wasn't the time. Jack felt my tensness and said,"Don't worry, Kamille. Nothing will happen now,"as he walked into his cabin.
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Blah blah blah, I promise it gets intresting.