The Pros, Cons, and Loves of Piracy

Part Five.

I woke up and got dressed and did all that lovely stuff before I went on deck. When I did go on, I decided to go over and talk to Will since I haven't talked to him in a while.

He smiled as I came up to him as he was just standing by the rail, looking out to the ocean. "I see why you want to stay here, it's beautiful. Not the best location, but the scenery is good."

"Yeah, I love it here. So, you and Elizabeth going to start a family someday?" I took the same position as him and stared out to the ocean.

"Of course, someday. And you? Already trying from what I heard last night," he said giving a smirk in my direction.

"I'm not confirming or denying that. But I do want to have a normal family but I doubt that will ever happen," I replied, looking down to the ocean.

"I see your point, with Jack and the ship and the ocean and the entire British Navy looking for you, not your average family."

I smiled slightly finding the humor in his statement. "Well, I'm gonna go and see Britain, I'll be back in a while."

Will nodded and I walked off the gangplank and walked into Tortuga.

I had spent the whole day with Britain in her dress shop, just talking to her. At sunset, I said goodbye and took the walk back to The Pearl. When I got there, I immediatly looked for Jack, since I had not seen him all day. After looking in the ship I went up to Mr Gibbs and asked,"Where's Jack? I haven't seen him all day."

"Oh, he said he was going to the Dragon's Lair...I assumed he was with you." The Dragon's Lair was an inn with a pub in it, and was quite popular.

"Okay," I said uncertainly. "Why did he say he was going?"

"He said to book a few rooms for the crew, so we could stay in hospitable rooms. I'm sure he's fine, miss," he added, smiling reassuringly.

"It's not his saftey I'm worrying about," I said walking back down the gangplank. I went into the Dragon's Lair and back to the inn desk. "Hi, can you tell me what rooms Jack Sparrow has booked for tonight?"

The man smiled pervertedly at me and said,"Oh, Captain Sparrow's in room 23, at the end of the hall."

"Thank you, sir," I said even though the man creeped me out. I walked down to the end of the hall and stood in front of room 23.

I opened the door and saw Jack and some girl, lying down on the bed. My eyes watered as Jack looked up, his smile fading into a shocked look. "No, not good, Kami, this sin't what it looks like, I can explain," I head Jack shout from the hall. I took off at a fast walk down the hall and into the street, the reality of the situation sinking in, I continued down the streets and finally on the dock. I ran up the gangplank to the Pearl and into Jack and I's cabin, locking the door.

"Love, please open the door," I heard Jack whisper for what seemed like the hundredth time. "Kami, please, can't I talk about this?" His voice didn't change, he didn't yell, or curse at me, he just kept on repeating those four words, occasionally saying my name, almost in a pleading tone. While he was doing that, I was curled up right in front of the door, crying softly. "Victoria, please, just open the door, I just want to talk to you." I looked up at the door, suprised about the fact that he used my real name, some of the crew didn't even know my real name. I stayed on the floor, listening, but not answering Jack. After a while, Jack stopped talking, but I knew he was still there.

In the morning, I stood up and unlocked the door. I peaked outside and saw Jack with his back against the wall and his knees up to his chest asleep. I stepped out and walked past him and on deck.

"What happened last night," I heard a voice ask when I reached the helm.

I gasped and turned around and saw Elizabeth. "Nothing." She gave me a look and I sighed and said,"Everything."

"Do prey tell then," she said turning around and leaning on the rail.

"Well I caught Jack and some whore together, so now I feel terrible and I can't possibly ever function around him ever again and now I'm leaving. I hate him."

"I'm sorry. You're leaving, how?"

"I'll just stay here until I find somewhere else," I said unsurely. "I'm sure I'll be able to find someplace to stay."

"When are you leaving?" Elizabeth asked, looking past me to the empty dock.

"As soon as I can. I don't want to have to face anyone."

Elizabeth nodded, and gave me an unexpected hug. I hugged back as she said,"I hope I'll see you again."

"Yes, I'm hope so. Say goodbye to Will for me?"

Elizabeth nodded as I walked down the gangplank, not looking back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Blah Blah.