The Pros, Cons, and Loves of Piracy

Part Seven

{Around Three Years After}
I walked down the deck of the ship I commanded, 'The Reclaimer.' I couldn't say I owned it, technically I stole it. But, what ever the case, it was mine, no one tried to take it back, so I never worried. My daughter, Kat was the spitting image of her father. She was almost three and, even if they wouldn't admit it, was loved by all of the crew. I smiled as I saw Britain and her boyfriend beside the helm, not necessarily working, just standing there. I always wished that I could be with someone, not always Jack, but someone who loved me. We were heading to Tortuga, to resupply. I had heard of a hunt, for the ending prize of 'unearthly treasure,' most likely meaning gold. But with each location, the first person there will recieve the best clue. With each person the clue gets vauger and vauger. And Tortuga was the place to sign up. I didn't really want the treasure, I just wanted something to do.

I signed up in Tortuga, angered by the first person on the roster: Captain Jack Sparrow

Britain looked over my shoulder and whispered,"Cross the name off. Just do it."

I smiled but just signed Kamille Berner then walked back to the ship, waiting to go. There was a clue given to the contestants. The first clue was in a small island located West of Port Royal. I knew that would be difficult since many islands were west of Port Royal. When I got to the ship I told the crew to get rest because we were leaving in the morning. Kat was sleeping when I walked into the cabin, so I ignored her and fell asleep. When I woke up, I woke the crew up and had them set sail for Port Royal.

{Jack at The Pearl}
I opened my compass again, muttering,"This is what I want, I know what I want." I looked at it and it pointed back at Tortuga. "Bugger." I shut it again, frowning. "Gibbs, set sail for Port Royal. We're gonna have to find the treasure the normal way."

"But I thought that your compass would point to whatever it is you want most?"

"You would think it would, but what I will never want me again so this compass is useless," I said walking up to the helm.

As I got there, Will looked at me and said,"You're wrong, Jack. She's to stubborn too give up that easily."

"How do you know I was thinking of Kamille?"

"It's all you can think about now because you were an ass and broke her heart."

"I know..."

Will looked at me, almost suprised at me for admitting it.

{In a Few Days With Kamille}
I woke up, feeling competely refreshed. I had been sleeping quite a while, because the sun was quite high in the sky, it was almost, if not noon. I walked out of the cabin and saw Kat and Britain playing in the middle of the deck. I walked to the helm and took over for Allisa. Yeah, we have females on board, but only four, including Britain and I. (It's hard to find willing female pirates anywhere, Tortuga or elsewhere.) There's Allisa, who doesn't meet the 'pirate' criteria at all. Her eyes are a pale hazel, and her hair is a very pale blonde. The other is Rose, almost as pirate-like as many of the men. Her eyes are dark green and her hair is a brown red color. I like it because I always have someone to take care of Kat, and also they're better sailors than men. Kat ran over and smiled at me, taking a seat on the floor next to the wheel, a place she became quite accustomed to.

I kept sailing for a few minutes when Colin, the man in the crow's nest called,"There's a ship, heading our way on the starboard side, Captain!"

I looked over and saw a ship, to far away to tell what one it was. "What flag is it carrying?"

"The Jolly Roger, ma'am. Are they your allies?"

I picked up Kat and walked down to the deck, where most of the crew had gone quiet, waiting for orders. "What color sails are they, Colin?"

He looked through the telescope and called,"They're black. No, that's the Black Pearl." He started walking down the ladder, continuing,"That's one of the fastest ships on the Caribbean...we'll never make it. The'll kill us all, the crew's so bad, so vicious. They're cursed, they can't die. We're all gonna die!"

The crew went silent, except for Kat's childish giggles at Colin's antics. After a second of silence, the crew also started panicing. "Okay, it'll be fine, I've been on that ship before, it's not cursed. That curse was broken years ago. Now, pull yourselves together! Allisa take Kat below deck." Britain looked at me knowingly, but didn't say anything. The Pearl quickly caught up with us, and I saw many of the crew.

At the helm, Jack was standing at the rail, smirking. "Hello, love. You look...smaller."

Behind me, Rose uttered a squeal and said,"Ah, that's Captain Jack Sparrow!"

Jack gave a nervous smile while I said,"What do you want, Jack?"

"You. On my ship." I looked at him, realizing how much I missed him. He noticed this and smirked. He grabbed a rope and swung over in front of me. He took out his compassand asked,"What does it point to?"

I opened it and looked at it. I knew that it would be pointed at Jack but I shrugged it off.

"And you want me, too."

"No, it's pointing at the Pearl. You don't mean anything to me."

Jack walked around me, smirking as he did so. "Wow, would you look at that? It's not pointing at the Pearl. Now if you would be so kind as to swing across with me, we'll be on our way."

I turned to face him, as he was whispering this into my ear and said,"We'll fight for it. If I win, I get The Pearl and you can have this ship, if you do, I'll go with you. Deal?" My crew was completely confused as to why The Black Pearl was anchored next to us and why I was talking with Jack. And Jack's crew was less confused but still trying to make sense of everything.

"Deal. Not afraid to lose, are you?" he asked, pulling out his sword.

I did the same but didn't respond, but attacked him. This carried on for only about five or ten minutes, when Jack knocked my sword out of my hands. I glared at him as he swung at my ankles, knocking me to the floor.

"Sorry, love."

He offered me his hand but I ignored it as I got up. I looked over to Allisa, who had Kat in her arms, trying to get out.

Jack, who was smiling triumphantly, looked in her direction also. "Is she yours?"

I noded and walked over to her and held her. Jack looked at her and I knew he knew Kat was his. "Katerine Marie. But I call her Kat." I put her down and she stood by my legs, almost hiding behind them.

Kat was staring at him, trying to figure him out. "You tried to hurt Mommy. You're an asshole," she said, blowing a rasberry at Jack, who looked shell shocked. I giggled slightly, covering Kat's mouth.

"Before I leave, does your crew want to have a night of drinking? The rum's on us," I asked smiling slightly.
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So, like it?
I'm stopping now, I'm going to do something else, then I have to go to work.