Status: Complete!

Gigawatt's Journal

August 7, 2021

Sorry I haven’t written in a few months, things have been very busy around here! Everything is going amazingly. We’re even using real names and information now. It feels weird just introducing my real self to you now, but I guess I should. My real name is Samantha. As a child, I actually hated the name. I don’t know, I guess I just saw it as an old woman’s name or something, but now it’s really the most beautiful word in the world to me. GeeMan’s real name is Gerard, and Tinker’s is Amanda.

Now for the most exciting news: Gerard asked me to marry him! We’re planning the wedding for sometime in December or January. We’re doing so well together and I’m really glad he came into the res when he did. He was really just what I needed to brighten up my view of things. I am so happy about everything that’s happening right now, and I’m so glad I was able to share all of it with all of you out there who have read my journal.
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The End! There will quite possibly be a sequel to this in the future. I have big ideas about what happens next. ;)