Status: slowly active

My Life With You

Superstars Are People Too

Mari and I stood there unattractively with our mouths wide open as the guys smiled at us.
"Aren't you going to say anything?" Joe asked. "We're not really that scary, are we?"

Nick slapped him upside the head. "Of course we're scary to them. We’re fucking superstars, idiot. Remember when we saw our first celebrity? You almost fainted, I was starstruck, and Kevin was the only one who actually was able to function normally."

Joe glared at him and rubbed his head. "I did not faint!" Then he started mumbling under his breath, and all I could catch was: "Beyonce…hot…head hurts." Then he turned to Nick. "You and Kevin always say that I'm the stupid one, but I would be able to think better if you guys didn't always hit me in the head and killed my brain cells."

"You don't have any brain cells, bro," Kevin finally spoke up.

He was standing behind his brothers, watching them with an amused look on his face and his hands in his pockets. Then he walked towards Mari and I, luckily we had closed our mouths and were no watching the unfolding brotherly drama with interest. He stuck out his hand.
"I'm pretty sure you girls already know who I am, and I'm not being cocky, but you were just singing my song, but I'd like to formally introduce myself and be polite, unlike my brain-dead brothers. I'm Paul Kevin Jonas the 2nd."

We both smiled and shook his hand.
"This is Mariah Elizabeth Jones, but you can call her Mari or Mars." I said pointing to Mari.

"And this is Sophie-Marie Jones, but you can call her Sophie or Soph," Mari said pointing to me.

"Nice to meet you," Kevin said and smiled. Then he nodded to someone behind us. "I'm guessing you're their older brothers?"

We turned around to see Davey and Jack staring coldly at the boys. They were being overprotective freaks again, great.
"I'm Jonathan Henry Summers, the next door neighbor," Jack said, sticking out his hand. He was smiling but I could tell he was still suspicious of these famous heart throbs that had appeared out of literally nowhere. "I go by Jack."

"And I'm David Keoni Jones," Davey said, looking at Kevin's hand in disgust. He finally shook it, but let go of it fast. "I go by Davey. I'm Sophie's cousin and Mari's brother."

"So you aren't twins," Joe said, taking a step closer to us. "You're…cousins?"

"Yup," I said. Mari and I both nodded and linked arms. "We may look alike and have birthdays two days apart, but we're not sisters."

Then Mari spoke up. "So, what are you boys doing here in the Aloha State? I thought you were going to be on tour."

"Well…" Nick said. "It's a long story." The three brothers all looked at each other and sighed. "We're not exactly allowed to tell you. You're going to have to ask your Uncle's. However, we can tell you that we will be staying in your guesthouse for tonight and we will be eating breakfast with you today."

I rolled my eyes. "Well that really answers Mari's question, Nick." Nick looked surprised, and I laughed as Mari and I walked into the restaurant behind Davey and Jack. "Just because you're a superstar does not mean we have to treat you like royalty."

Kevin laughed and followed us in, and Joe and Nick looked at us in shock. They were so used to getting special treatment that being talked to like a normal person was weird for them. They were in for a treat with Mari and I. We treated all people the same, and superstars were people too.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, it's short again. I'll try to make the next one longer, and their is going to be some drama in the next one. Mari and Sophie will find out who they really are, and there's going to be some tears and some tantrums.

Hope you like it!