Status: slowly active

My Life With You

Reunions From Elementary School

We walked into the restaurant and up to the reservations booth.
"Reservations for Jones?" Davey asked.

The girl who was on the phone in the booth looked up at us and the Jonas Brothers and said, "One sec." Then she did a double take and her eyes widened. "I gotta go, Riss, the Jonas Brothers are at my restaurant. Yeah! They have reservations!" She hung up the phone and smiled at us like nothing had just happened. "How may I help you?"

I looked closely at the girl, and saw that she looked faintly familiar. Then I remembered. "Jess?"

Her eyes bugged. "Sophie?" She squealed. "Is that really my bestie all grown up?"


I unlinked my arm from Mari's and she icily glared at me for ignoring her because of this new red head girl she had never met behind the counter. I held out my arms for a hug, and Jess ran around the counter and into my arms.

"I missed you so much, Jessie." I squealed. Then I saw Nick's look, and remembered that I was with four other people. I stepped away from Jess and smiled sheepishly. "I am a total ass. Sorry guys."

Mari just snorted, but I could tell she had forgiven me. Jack was grinning widely, and I could tell that he remembered Jess from school. Davey was smiling normally and the Jonas boys were smiling their public smile. Such weirdos.

"Anyway…this is Jessica Emilia Hodge and this is Mari, Davey, Joe, Nick, and Kevin." I said pointing to all of them. She already knew Jack from our old school. She smiled and waved at everyone, and they smiled back. There was a lot of smiling going on here. "Before Mari, Davey, Jack, and I all went to school together she was my best friend, along with our other bestie Marissa Rue Lee and of course Mr. Summers over there." I smiled at Jack and he winked at Jess, causing her to blush and Mari's eyes to squint. She had the hugest crush on him in elementary school, and I really hoped that her and Jack's little flirting thing wouldn't totally piss Mari off. I needed my cousin to like her so we could hang with her for the summer. "We got into all kinds of mischief together in elementary school." I turned to Jess. "Talking about Riss, was that who you were talking to?"

"Yup." She frowned a little. "We've missed you so much. It totally sucked that you went to Punahou and we ended up going to Mid-Pac."

We had all gone to Hanahau'oli together, but I ended up going to Punahou and they went to Mid-Pac. We had all gotten into both schools, but Punahou was more expensive, so they couldn’t afford it. My uncles had offered to help pay for the school, seeing as my family had helped to found it, but Riss and Jess's parents had refused. They were too damn proud. I could see where they were coming from, though. I wouldn't want my daughter's best friends uncles paying for their school. I would feel forever in debt to them, and that wouldn't have boded well for my relationship with their daughters. Our relationship ended up going to the dogs anyway, because we went to rival schools, but it was super cool to see Jess again. She was my first best friend ever.

"Yeah." I nodded. "That did suck." My eyes suddenly brightened. "Hey, when's your next break, Jessie-poo?"

"Jessie-poo?" Joe looked at me like I was a freak. I was startled that he had actually spoken. They had all been standing there awkwardly after I introduced them.

"Yes, Jessie-poo. I'm Sophie-bear, Jack is Jacky-wacky, and Riss is Riss-a-roo. Deal with it…Jojo."

He looked at me in surprise and shock. "So now I have a nickname? Great."

"Yup." I smirked. "Deal with it, pretty boy." Everyone burst into laughter except for the other two Jonas boys. "Okay, now what's up with you two?" I sighed.

"We want nicknames." Kevin stuck his lip out as he said that. Nick started to give me the puppy dog face.

"Ugh. Now you guys are being all weird about it. Aren't you supposed to be the oldest Kevin?" I shook my head at him and thought. "Kevin is Kevvers and Nick is Mr. Prez. It's like the most awesome nickname the press has ever given someone, so he gets to keep it." Nick smirked and winked at me, so I started to laugh. I turned to Kevin. "Sorry yours isn't more original, Kev, but it's all I could come up with at the moment."

"Nah," he smiled widely. "I like it. A lot. Thanks, Soph."

"Sure." I turned back to Jess. "So, going back to what I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted by the second oldest Mr. Jonas." Nick laughed at my distinction in which Jonas I was talking about. "When's your next break, Jess?"

"It's…" She looked at her watch and smiled. "It's right now."

'Yay! Now you can eat brunch with us! Call Riss right now!" I demanded.

I jumped in the air and started fist pumping while turning in circles until Nick decided to scoop me up, dress and all. "You were embarrassing us, hon," he whispered in my ear.

I blushed and he smirked, putting me down. I straightened my skirt and looked him in the eye. I had to stand on my tippy toes to do so, and he smirked even more. "If you ever do that again, Jonas," I started to say.

"She will cut off your balls." Mari finished for me. I smiled at her and high-fived her as Nick looked at us, still smirking. "And don't think I don't mean it, Mr. Prez. She will cut off your fucking balls."

His face changed, and he gulped. The boys all laughed at him, and Jess just stood there with a knowing look on her face. I hadn't changed at all from 6th grade. I was still insane, and I could tell she was glad about that. I was happy that she didn't think I was immature like a lot of our other old friends. It was way easier to be around her.

"So…did you call Riss yet, Jess?" I threw my arm and around her and Mari and starting walking toward the table. Jess had taken off her uniform and luckily she had been wearing a casual dress that was nice enough to be a formal-ish dress.

"Yes." I could hear the smile in her voice. "When I told her it was you with the Jonas Brothers she totally freaked. She was all like, 'some things NEVER change, and Soph is one of them.'"

I laughed. I had always been the one that hung out with the hot guys in our little group of elementary kids, mostly being that my best friend and nextdoor neighbor, Jack, was the hottest kid at our school. We had been inseperable since I moved into my uncle's house, and school hadn't changed that. I guess you could have called me a little bit of a slut to some of the other girls, but I was just a little kid and I didn't know any better. I guess some things do never change, though because I still hung out with Jack and Davey at Punahou, and they were some of the sexiest men around. Riss was right, I hadn't changed much at all.

I unwrapped my arms from Mari and Jess when we reached the table, and my aunt and three uncles smiled up at me.
"Happy birthday, princess," they all said in unison.

"Well, I can see you're very loved." Nick whispered into my ear, giving me the chills.

Mari heard him and muttered, "Remember your family jewels, Jonas. I'm pretty sure you want kids when you get married."

Nick's face reddened and I suppressed a laugh. The parents all looked at me suspiciously, and I put a normal smile back on my face. Then I turned to Dan and Burt.
"Since you two got busy and invited these three sexy dufuses," I said pointing at Kevin, Nick, and Joe. "Not that I don't love that they're here, but it was a surprise; I decided to invite to of my old friends from school: Riss and Jess."

"Sounds good, sweetheart," Dan said. He smiled at me and wiggled his eyebrows.

I leaned down to give him a hug and whispered in his ear. "I may act like I don't like the boys, but I love you for inviting them. It's a dream come true."

"Anything for you, sweetie," he whispered back.

I hugged everyone else and sat down. It went like this: Mari, Jack, Jess, Davey, Kevin, Joe, Me, and Nick. We left an empty seat in-between Kevin and Joe so that Riss could sit there when she came. It was Mari's great idea to put me in-between Nick and Joe, and she was so paying for it later. Both of those boys were troublemakers, and I could already tell that Nick was going to try something soon, and he was going to try it on me.

I sighed as I sat next to Nick, and he just smirked at me evilly and put an arm around my chair. "Would you get your hands off of my chair, Nicholas?" I really wasn't in the mood for him and Joe to start getting possessive. Davey and Jack were already hating on them, and if they didn't cut it out it was going to get worse. It was my birthday, and I just wanted it to be perfect, and I didn't want to have to make a scene to make it perfect.

"What's the magic word, princess?" He asked silkily, stroking my shoulder.

This boy was seriously going too far. I was over making a scene or not; he was going to get it. I stood up and was about to smack him when I saw someone else's hand connecting with his cheek. I could tell it wasn't that hard, but Nick's hand still flew up to his cheek and he glared at the gorgeous, tall blonde girl who stood behind him.

"That's for messing with my best friend on her birthday, Mister."

Riss hadn't changed at all.
♠ ♠ ♠
I decided to make this chapter a reunion between friends. I don't really know if I like how this story is going. I know where I want it to go, but it seems to be coming out all wrong. I kind of like this chapter, but who knows. I'm kind of in a pissy it could just be the bitchy me coming out in my writing...sorry if it is.

Hope you like it!