Status: slowly active

My Life With You

You're Kidding...Right?

Recap: "Um…not to sound rude Joe, but what do you think you're doing to the boss's niece?"

Joe and I sat up so quickly that we ended up bonking heads in the process. I rubbed my head and leaned back in my chair to take away some of the pain and when I sat back up everyone was quiet and all eyes were on Joe and I. I blushed furiously and looked at Joe, who was doing the same thing as I was.
"So…" I struggled to say something that would take away the awkwardness of the situation. "What's up guys?"

"Nothing much," Joe said, laughing nervously.

The whole table was silent, and everyone was still staring at Joe and I, Nick pointedly glaring at Joe.

"Okay, people," I said. Now I was starting to get frustrated. "Why are you all looking at Joe and I like that? Isn't it normal for a girl and a guy that like each other to kiss?" Mari snorted, and I knew that had come out wrong, so I changed the subject. "So what are you guys the boss's for?" I directed my question at my two uncles. Something was up, and I intended to find out.

Dan scratched the back of his head and looked at Burt. "Do you want to tell her?"

Burt smiled, being sarcastically polite, and shook his head. "You can do the honors. She is your blood-related niece, after all."

I laughed in spite of my anger, Uncle Burt was always funny, no matter how mad I was. Then I shook the laughter out of my head and put my game face on. "Well, are you guys going to tell me, or am I going to have to ask the lawyer?" I joked seriously.

Dan sighed, and I knew that it was something important. "Sophie…Mari…you guys are the heiresses to a huge business. Nana (your grandmother) left it to you when she died. She said that you were only to find out when you were sixteen, and if you wanted to manage it then, you could. She added that if you didn't want to, you could always leave it to us to manage until you did want to." He paused, and I could see the indecision in his eyes. He didn't know if he should tell us what business it was or not.

"Just spit it out, Dan, it can't be that bad." I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my strawberry lemonade and looked expectantly at him. Joe, Nick, and Kevin were all looking at me in surprise. I could tell that they were astonished about how calm I was about the whole thing.

"You and Mari are the new owners of Disney and Hollywood Records." Dan said slowly.

I spit out my strawberry lemonade all over Nick's curly head and gasped. "Sorry Nick," I muttered, throwing a towel at him. Then I turned to my uncles. "You have got to be kidding me," Mari and I said at the same time. We looked at each other, and I could tell that her face was the mirror to my own.

"Would you please repeat that?" Mari asked patiently, as if she was talking to a baby.

"You two now own Hollywood Records."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry...this is embarassingly short, but I wanted to leave the little cliff hanger. That was kind of a surprise, don't you think? Hehe, this story is full of surprises, trust me.

Hope you like it!