Status: Alive at last.

The Guardian

Septembers End Like So

September was almost ending.

Lea met a new friend. Sean Danes. Where in the damn world did they get the name Danes?!

I don’t hate him. Jealous? Maybe. But he was perfect for Lea. They had synergy. Everything was perfect, according to Lea. It was true. There was no flying trays and books when he’s with her.

As for me, I’m left alone. I eat alone, I walk alone (not talk alone). I was getting kind of lonely, losing my only friend to someone like him. But that’s life, I guess. Friends come and go. And so did Lea.

My September ended like this. Just me, reading books. Walking home. Watching TV, sleeping, waking up. Eating and cleaning. Going to school. Then the occasional Lea comes alone every morning. Thank God Sean didn’t get her morning.

“HEY! How’s Sean going?” I asked.

“He’s the best. Really.”


That got a stab.

“Really. He asked me out!”

“What?” I was kind of angry.

“I said, he asked me out.”

“Oh. That’s just what I heard.”

Her locker closed.

“You know, this happens every single time you’re around. You’re a weirdo, you know that?”

“I get that a lot.”

“Oh really? From who?”

“From you.”

She laughed so hard. I followed suit.

It was true, I did have something weird in me. But I just threw that thought away.