East 12th Street


I got into my car, everything around me strangely distant. Every word I said echoed around me, my voice obviously slurred and my movements jerky. I started up the car hesitantly, revving the engine too much and causing it to roar loudly. A mad grin spread across my face. What was wrong with me?

I slammed my foot down on the accelerator, the car shooting forwards. This was bliss. My head was numb, the wind coming from the window beside me ruffled my hair...

I swerved around the few cars also driving this late at night - my vision began to blur.

Soon enough I heard sirens coming from behind me.

"Fuck!" I swore loudly - and drunkenly. I skidded onto a grassy verge, stopping the car's engine.

A police officer came to my window, leaning down and looking at me sternly. "Sir, can you please step out of the vehicle?"

I did as I was told. I opened the door, tripping as I got out. I had no proper control over my limbs. They dangled uselessly from my numb body, unable to help me stand up. I knocked into the cop's shoulder.

"S-sorry," I mumbled loudly.

"Sir, can you please show me your licence." He got out his notebook, his face unclear to my eyes. I fumbled around in my back pocket for my wallet, and clumsily pulled out a card.

"Sir, that is your credit card." I could hear his annoyance...and I could feel my embarrassment creep in.

"Sorry," I said slowly, putting it back in my wallet and pulling out another card. The police officer took it, and wrote down my details.

"Mr Armstrong," he said, glancing at my card, "can you please stand on one leg for me?"

"Suuure," I replied, the word dragging out unnecessarily. I folded up my left leg, wobbily stood for a second and fell to the ground in a heap. The ground was damp with dew and quickly soaked into my jeans.

The police officer shook his head. "Please lock your car. You're under arrest."

What could I possibly be under arrest for?

"Sir, on what offence am I - "

"Driving under the influence," he said, leading me to his patrol car. Inside sat another officer. I got into the car, feeling as if I was going to pass out. Did I really drink that much?

As we arrived at the police station, I felt my head begin to ache terribly.

I sat down as they performed the breath test on me. I knew I was pissed way to much now. I felt alot more sober than before.

"Mr Armstrong, you have an extremely high blood alcohol level," the same policeman told me. "Since your driving record is clear, we'll be able to let you go, but there'll be a few conditions. One, is that a bail fee is paid - "

That'll be easy enough, I thought to myself, pulling out my wallet already.

"The second is that you sign up for community service."

"Community what?" I froze.

"Community service," he repeated. "There is lots of help needed around here for the under-privileged."

I winced inwardly. This would go down well with Adrienne.

"So, will you be completing the service?" he asked slowly.

My head began to spin as I felt myself feel faint. "S-sure," I said, continuing to get my wallet out and pay the fee.

Community service...this would be an interesting experience.