Sequel: Them There Eyes
Status: Something I've had up my sleeve.......

A Hard Headed Woman

Cock Blocks and Southern Drawls

“We can’t let her pounce on him,” Gwen says in a hushed tone.
“I am not going to be a cock block Gwen,” I retort giving her an incredulous look.

“She is horrible though…..and loud. It’ll only attract the attention of Nazis, and the poor man will be corrupted with sex then won’t be able to do his job.”

“So now this a supposed to be more strategic? You know she’s going to be like Paulie is when she doesn’t get her morning cup of coffee.”
“We won’t be getting shot at which outweighs dealing with a grumpy Nora besides she’ll listen to you, you’re her main wing woman,” she argues.

“What in god’s name is there to listen to? You say that like I’m the bloody voice of reason that you lot listen to but its nothing like that because you dumbasses don’t ever listen and I always get to say I told you so,” I rant throwing my hands up.
“It’s hard to take advice from someone who is friends with someone like Nathanial,” Gwen adds.
“Keep bringing my little man whore up I might start thinking you have a crush darling Gwenyth”

Gwen’s eyes went wide with disgust and shook her head violently.

“That is disgusting! That man has got to have some diseases.”
“I don’t know ask your mother,” I reply with a cheeky smile.
“That’s not funny you damn yank,” she mutters trying to keep a straight face.
“I see the twitch of a smile, so don’t even try to be pissed off at me.”
“You’re going to hell.”
“Good thing I’m used to warm weather,” I counter with a smirk. Gwen couldn’t resist and began laughing.
“You are awful,” Gwen chuckles shaking her head at me.
“I think I’m fairly charming, but I suppose I am biased.”
“When are you coming back to live with us again, we need our Amber Rose to be there.”
“I don’t think I’ll be going back for a while, I used my savings on the move to the new apartment with fucking Darren,” I grumble irritated.
“Sorry,” Gwen says with a softened expression.
“Don’t be, not your fault, besides I’m just mad I wasted my time, got to learn the hard way though I suppose,” I reply with a weak smile.
“I think that’s the only way you like to learn,” she says then lets out a chuckle, “you are really hard headed.”
“I don’t think I’m that hard headed.”

“You walked three miles in the middle of the night in the rain because you refused to ask anyone for a ride home.”
“I had an umbrella,” I mutter giving her the stink eye.
“What about the time you got lost and refused to stop the car to get directions? Face it Amber Rose Elinski you are a hard headed woman,” Gwen states with a smile.
“Self sufficient.”
“Just you not admitting it only adds to your stubbornness.”
“You just like saying that word don’t you?” she laughs.
“Who doesn’t? It’s a cleaned up version of bullshit,” I chuckle.

It occurred to me that the guys were all staring at us chatting. And I stood by a bench near the stairs to rest my legs. My eyes fell upon a piece of charcoal and I felt compelled to do what I liked doing back home; leaving a message.

First I grabbed the charcoal then walked over to the kitchen that had blank white walls. Gwen followed me into the kitchen confused. Then I began to write on the wall but before I made a mark I stopped realizing that maybe not everyone knew English.

“Gwen translate, so I can write this in French,” I say turning to her.

I told Gwen the phrase and she walked me through on what to write. The end result was:

La tempête passera et le soleil brillera à nouveau

As soon as I finished writing the words in my best handwriting Utivich came in took one look at the writing on the wall then yelled.

“What the hell are you doing?!”
“Writing on the wall I thought that were obvious,” I reply not even giving him a second look. Others including Aldo and Donny walked into the kitchen to see what was going on.
“Lieutenant I think they are spies, look they wrote on the wall, I don’t trust these dames at all.”
“Wow Smithson, the more you accuse the more I realize you haven’t slept with anyone without having to pay money,” I comment.
“Amber!” Gwen scolds pinching my arm.
“Its true, you know just because you pay-” I started but Gwen cut me off.
“We aren’t spies, Amber here, as crude and bitchy she can be leaves positive notes in public places to make people’s days brighter.”
“Shut it Gwen you’re making me sound nice.”
“Stiglitz come over and read this,” Aldo orders giving me an unsure look.
“Its not in German, it’s French,” I state.
“I can read French,” Hugo responds stepping into the room. He took one look at the words then to me and Gwen. “Who wrote this?”
“She did,” Gwen replies gesturing to me.
“Your handwriting is very elegant.”
“Uh thanks?”
“Who cares about her handwriting what’s the wall say?” Donny retorts annoyed.
“It says: ‘The storm will pass and the sun will shine once again,’” Hugo answers.

“It’s nice isn’t it?” Gwen comments with a smile.
“Are we done with the inquisition?” I counter feeling somewhat embarrassed about it all.
“No one will probably see it so I don’t know why you bothered,” Donny replies.
“Amber just likes to be able to make other people feel less alone-” Gwen says but I cut her off with an elbow to the side.
“We are done talking about this.”

“I wouldn’t have guessed that someone as violent as you be all poetic and shit.”
“Yeah well a lot of people wouldn’t have guessed that Hitler loves painting either, he’s still an asshole and I’m still the bitch that will kick your ass,” I respond giving Donny a look of boredom.

The guys’ faces were priceless though and Gwen couldn’t believe I’d do the Hitler comment. Aldo was the only one whose lip curled into a very brief smile.

I merely ignored the looks of shock and walked out of the kitchen to find a place to rest my head. Gwen followed me and we made a space on the rug rolling up our jackets for pillows as we laid our heads on them. It seemed Gwen was more tired than I was and she soon fell asleep with her glasses on. So she would not break them I gently took them off for her and she grumbled in her sleep.

I held in a chuckle then sat up and set the glasses on a nearby table. Most of the Basterds were asleep as well and I got up draping the jacket Wilhelm lent me onto Gwen’s body then walked over the sleeping bodies. My eyes kept focus on where I was walking and I finally made it in the clear.

“Come in here,” the Southern accent orders from the kitchen his eyes on me. I didn’t say anything just quietly made my way into the kitchen. I saw that Wicki was awake and looking out the kitchen window holding his gun.

“Why aren’t yew sleepin’?” Aldo asks.
“It’s the last thing on my mind.”
“What is on yer mind?”
“I’m in a foreign country in a time I don’t belong and I don’t know how or why I got here,” I pause then look over to Wilhelm Wicki, “And I am wondering if Wicki is going to be able to handle Nora.”
“Handle her? What are you talking about?” Wilhelm inquires in his deep voice.
“You’re not married or anything are you?”
“Okay good if I can’t hold her off I won’t feel bad if something happened,” I reply with a sigh of relief.
“Yew from the South?” Aldo inquires giving me an inquisitive look.

“That is a strange question to ask.”
“Yea well I noticed yew got a bit of a drawl sometimes.”
“I was born in Jacksonville, Florida so I guess I’ve got some remains of the drawl from when I was a kid,” I admit surprised he caught onto my subtle Southern accent that sometimes came out.

“This boyfriend of yers, why’d he attack yew?”
“Is that really any of your business?” I counter giving him a dirty look.
“Me and the boys can rough him up if yew want,” Aldo suggests.
“I roughed him up enough don’t worry about it, I wouldn’t waste anymore time on him.”

It was awkwardly quiet after that mostly because I wondered why the hell Aldo offered to sick the basterds on Darren. I sat at the table drumming my fingers on the table top and I grew tired of the deafening silence. The sun was slowly rising from the horizon and I got up from my chair to find some coffee so that Paulie wouldn’t be completely unbearable when she took the news or had to wake up so early.

Let the searching for the mighty coffee bean begin…..
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Don't think this chapter was quite as funny but some shit will start to go down and the other two girls will be up for the next one :) Enjoy and I'd love to hear what you think