Sequel: Them There Eyes
Status: Something I've had up my sleeve.......

A Hard Headed Woman

Nazis and Rambo

So what was to happen next with the Basterds? The correct answer was not much for the first few days because it seemed they had wiped out all the Nazis in the surrounding area. I honestly don’t truly understand why the Basterds were keeping us along for the ride, perhaps they hoped for some sex or maybe just enjoyed having women there to sort of take care of them. It was a habit I hardly liked admitting to but I tended to take care of everyone like a mother would even if I didn’t have children myself.

I’d cook and try to make food more bearable by finding spices using my skills from previous biology and forestry courses that I took in college. The girls would tease me for my random vault of information that was my mind. It came time for the chill laid back nature we were used to, to end when Aldo announced a patrol of Nazis in the area that they would have to take out. He left me with a few guns that the girls wouldn’t even dare touch whilst I was the only one to be using them if need be in order to protect us.

We were left in the shadows, away from any possible gunfire but I felt something in the pit of my stomach as the men left out of sight. The girls were for the most part quiet and when I heard the approaching truck I knew something had to be wrong.

“Amber what are you doing they said stay here,” Gwen says in a hushed tone as I followed the sound of the car towards the road.
“It’s an ambush,” I state upon seeing the two large armor trucks going down the road.
“Fuck what do we do?” Paulie responds in a whisper.
“Keep down, I’m going to shoot out the tires.”

“Wha?” Gwen responds as I got onto my stomach and used a log to steady my aim.

I shot out the first truck’s tires, the blow out causing the driver to swerve so badly that it caused the truck to tumble and roll after its high speeds. The second truck stopped immediately and I had to think fast.

“Nora we gotta get down there tops off, and let the water works fall,” I say quickly getting up and took off my t-shirt. Nora did the same and I handed the shirt to Gwen and hid the guns in the back of my pants. I put any other gun behind Nora’s jeans.

“Just keep that hidden you won’t have to use it,” I continue trying to think of a sad moment as Nora’s eyes quickly filled with tears. To be honest I wasn’t sure if she actually had to force the tears because she looks terrified. Who could blame her we were going take on Nazis topless.

As we went into the road feigning fear the men turned their attention to us. There were three of them two of which closest to us and the other trying to salvage any survivors in the crash. The men had put their guns down and I shoved Nora behind the truck as I pulled the guns from behind my back and began shooting the men. Since I was so close aim wasn’t really a worry.

Two men down the other came at me and I ran out of bullets. I went behind the truck and took the gun from behind Nora then shot the guy in the leg from under the truck. He dropped and I shot him again being sure he was dead. Paulie and Gwen rushed down with the other guns and shirts in hand. I was breathing rapidly as I barked orders at the girls instructing them to get in the truck.

I maneuvered the truck to go around the accident and floored it towards the area the guys were supposed to be. On the way I saw the large number of Nazis in the distance and I put more pressure on the gas hitting members of the Third Reich with the grill of the large vehicle.
“Stay low,” I instruct the girls and the put their hands over their heads keeping below dash level. We began getting shot at by the Nazis but I kept driving ducking as the windshield become more and more cracked from the bullets being emptied into it.

The Basterds took care a majority of them and the ones I ran over were plenty. As I approached the men I sharply turned the wheel making the truck skid like the race cars do in that shitty Fast and the Furious movie. We slid to a stop the fish tail of the truck hitting one last Nazi in the process.

Once we came to a complete stop the gunfire ceased and the girls poked their heads up looking at me.

“Now that is what IB fanfiction is made of,” Gwen states looking at the carnage.
“Fuck Amber, we didn’t know you were such a HBIC,” Paulie comments.

I didn’t even answer just tried to steady my breathing as I hunched over the steering wheel. Never had I done anything like that and right at that very moment I felt like I was going to spontaneously combust for my heart rate was through the roof. My eyes were welled up with tears and I closed them resting my head on the steering wheel.

The doors on both sides opened and my heart stopped momentarily yet I didn’t even look to see who opened the doors.
“Fuck Arizona, you sure know how to drive,” Donny’s Boston accent states. I still didn’t look up I was frozen in my spot and the girls all got out except me.
“I thought I told yew all to stay where yew were!” Aldo growls making Donny get out of the way and stood right to the left of me his breath trickling on my bare back.
“It was an ambush,” I mutter barely lifting my head, “Send a few of the men to finish off the ones left in the crash truck.”
“Amber took care of most of them but its true there are a few that are just injured from the truck she made crash,” Gwen states entering the conversation.
“We could’ve handled it,” Aldo retorts stubbornly.
“Fine next time I’ll let one of yall get killed and just watch,” I snap angrily as I pushed him aside and jumped out of the truck.
“Here’s your shirt Rose,” Gwen says handing my shirt over. I slipped my shirt back on then walked off in anger.
“Look here you fucking Hillbilly you better apologize to Amber, you didn’t even see the shit she did. She was fucking fierce and she didn’t even have to do shit for any of you but she did!” Paulie exclaims.

I merely walked over to Hugo and took the cigarette straight from his lips then continued on my path now smoking to keep me from falling apart. Where the fuck did that side of me come from? It was disturbing how fast I did all that and I sat leaning against a tree far from everyone else to leave myself to my thoughts. My friends knew to leave me to calm down but after a while they came to make sure I was alright.

“That was fucking nuts,” Nora says sitting down next to me.
“I’m not going to stop you from getting a piece of Wicki, you deserve some sexy time after you doing that with me,” I reply seriously.
“Fuck I hardly did shit, you’re the one that went all Rambo on their asses.”
“But still, I say go for it, only live once just try not to traumatize us all with the level of noise.”
“I’ll try but can’t promise anything,” Nora smirks.
“You’re ridiculous,” I chuckle.
“You’re a terrible smoker; you inhale that shit so fast its all gone within a couple minutes.”
“Hence why I don’t smoke so much.”
“That and you’re lucky ass doesn’t have an addictive personality,” she states.
“True,” I smile.

It seemed Aldo and a few others went to investigate the crash site whilst the rest of us remained in the forest. Unfortunately it was taking a while for them to come back but my worry was diminished when I heard the howl of pain that followed German speaking. They obviously were getting information from the live Nazis and torturing them in order to do so.

“Where’s Paulie and Gwen?” I ask Nora as we sat there.
“They went with the others to show them the carnage you left behind,” she states.
“Fuck they are going to be traumatized seeing what those guys do.”
“I’m sure they have their fingers in their ears and eyes closed.”
“Lovely,” I reply getting off my ass and onto my feet. I couldn’t sit for long especially when I had tons of walking to do.

The others began showing up again and they all stared at me like I was a fucking alien from outer space or something. Paulie and Gwen headed over to Nora and I obviously disturbed from the events.

“I need a fucking smoke after that shit,” Paulie announces.
“Sorry you should have let me go show them,” I apologize.
“Its fine,” Gwen mutters taking her glasses off and cleaning them off.
“On a lighter note Amber gave me the green light to get me some,” Nora says cheerfully.
“You what?!” Gwen and Paulie respond in unison.
“What? Pff, Nora I didn’t say that,” I respond giving the look that said shut it, “Nora’s just saying shit to manipulate us into thinking we are okay with her conquests.”

“She does do that,” Paulie drawls on slowly eying Nora suspiciously.
“Damn, I was so close,” Nora says sarcastically snapping her fingers in false disappointment.
“We’re leavin’,” Aldo announces. Gwen and Paulie walked ahead whilst I waited until they were an earshot away.
“They’ll never approve so once the moment is right, we’ll work shit out,” I say in a hushed tone to Nora who smiled like the Cheshire cat.

What kind of wing woman would I be if I didn't help poor Nora out? Especially after she went down with the Nazis like she had.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is the next part, it was honestly really fun writing the scene. Hopefully you liked it and the next chapter is gauranteed to have tons of laughs and awkward moments.