Sequel: Them There Eyes
Status: Something I've had up my sleeve.......

A Hard Headed Woman

***houses and Bad Ideas

We walked for hours and I could see Nora growing anxious. Sending Wihelm Wicki a few seductive looks sometimes ‘accidentally’ grab onto his bicep for support as she ‘stumbled’. I had to admit the girl was good. After planting the subtle seed, Nora walked beside me with a smile.

“Man I wish you would use your powers,” Nora huffs.
“What powers?” I reply giving her a funny look.
“You know, batting those long eye lashes and giving smiles to get your way. Use it on one of these guys and get some rebound action.”
“I don’t do that shit Nora. Besides it makes me feel dirty.”
“Dirty is good, I know you are good at batting those pretty eyes because we did that experiment and that one guy pretty much fell in love with you after your eye batting session.”
“That was awful, he would not leave me alone for three weeks, and I still get random calls from him,” I respond with a groan.
“You should learn to hit and quit it,” she states.
“Pinche Nora.”

We kept walking and then we stopped for Aldo to tell us where exactly we were heading next.

“Since we took out that group of Nazis I think its time I give yew boys some reward, up ahead is well, somethin’ I think you’d enjoy,” Aldo announces.
“It’s a whorehouse,” I whisper to Nora whose smile grew significantly
“You think so?”
“I know so, look how giddy they all just got,” I reply with a laugh.
“So true.”
“What are you two laughing about?” Gwen questions.
“We’re going to a whorehouse,” Nora says with a cheeky smile.

Paulie and Gwen shook their heads looking at the men that seemed to be glassy eyed with excitement. We all continued on our way towards a two story house hidden in the forest. The men talked merrily among themselves as we approached the house.

Upon entering the house my eyes fell upon the scantily clad women and velvet drapes. The oldest woman that looked to be the Madame of the house came up giving our group a look over. She looked like she was of Spanish descent.

“Hola señora, ¿cómo estás esta noche? (Hello Madame, how are you this evening?)” I say with a small smile.
“Hablas español? Ven adentro queridos, ven en el interior! (You speak Spanish? Come inside darlings, come inside!)” the woman responds with a wide welcoming smile.

The guys gave me a weird look but Paulie seemed to understand what I was doing by speaking in Spanish. If we were kind to this woman we wouldn’t be turned out because we were Americans.
“Si eres de Espana? (Are you from Spain?)” she asks.
“Mi abuela es de Barcelona (My grandmother is from Barcelona),” I answer with a small smile.
“Lo maravilloso, soy de Valencia. ¿Qué puedo hacer por usted?
(how wonderful, I am from Valencia. What can I do for you?).”
“Para mí y mis hijas tal vez sólo un lugar para poner la cabeza y los hombres que piensan que necesitan un poco de un comunicado. (For me and my girls perhaps just a place to lay our heads and the men I think they need a bit of a release.)” I reply with a soft smile.
“Por supuesto (Of course)” the woman responds with a chuckle then gestures for the girls to get the fellas.

The men looked a little thrown off as women draped on their arms trying to lead them elsewhere. I turned to Aldo then dug into his jacket pocket for the money I knew he had to have had for this little trip. He didn’t have time to protest and I took the money handing it to the Madame.

“Gracias como se llama?” the woman asks.
“Soy Ambar y esta es Paulina, ella habla espanol tambien. Y Gwen habla muy poco espanol. Y Nora no habla espanol (I'm Amber and this is Paulina, she speaks spanish as well. And Gwen speaks a little spanish and Nora doesn't speak spanish,),” I answer.
“Buenos Noches Senora,” Paulie smiles.
“Su pasado tanto tiempo desde que he hablado mi lengua materna (Its been so long since I’ve spoken my native language),” the woman smiles sadly.

Paulie and Gwen began talking to the woman whilst Nora pulled aside already scheming. It was decided that Paulie and Gwen share a room then Nora and I share a room. Wanting to take a much needed bath I left Nora to do her thing whilst I washed the blood from my body. Madame Beatriz gave me a towel and led me to the bathroom, she also handed me a silk nightgown to wear to bed whilst I could let my clothes dry.

After my relaxing bath I began scrubbing my clothes clean in the sink trying to get the dry blood stains out of the fabric. I was also taking my lovely time so Nora could get her alone time. But as I finished wringing out my clothes I just heard the beginnings of Nora’s conquests yet then again it could have been any of the others.

Taking my clothes I walked past an empty room and decided to wait in there. I lain my clothes on the dresser to dry and sat on the bed feeling tired. After a while I just laid down looking up at the ceiling. When I heard the door shut I sat up immediately only to see Aldo shirtless in a pair of pants he had red lipstick smeared on his cheek with a tired expression on his face.

“Someone was having fun,” I comment trying not to laugh.
“Those French women are persistent, I wasn’ plannin’ on doing anythin’ here,” he replies out of breath.
“Wha-at are yew wearin’?” Aldo stutters out.
“I cleaned my clothes and they need to dry. Madame Beatriz gave me this wear while I wait,” I reply gesturing to the short black thin strapped nightgown.
“What’s that on yer shoulder?”
“What are you talking about?”

By this time Aldo had sit down on the bed next to me and placed his warm hand on my right shoulder. Then I knew what he was talking about, he was wondering about the tattoo of an all black peacock feather on my shoulder that looked like it was drawn on.

“It don’ come off,” Aldo says as his hot breath spilled onto my bare back making my shiver.
“It’s a tattoo Aldo,” I state.
“What? Why would a woman get a tattoo?!”
“Its good for reminders and paying tribute to the fallen,” I respond pulling away slightly.

“Er, look I shouldn’t have yelled at yew but yew could have gotten yerself killed and I expected yew to follow my orders,” Aldo says awkwardly.
“I’m not one of your soldiers.”
“Yew sure aren’t,” he mumbles.

“OH MY GOD!” Nora moans loudly.
“Damn it,” I mutter waiting for the moment when Paulie would come into the room to scold me.

As if on cue Paulie burst into the room giving me an incredulous look.
“I knew you would let her get her way,” Paulie exclaims.
“I didn’t do anything, I took a bath washed my clothes and went back to a locked room,” I reply innocently.
“Lies, you two planned this, could you at least plan on getting back home not having sex these guys,” she groans gesturing to the shirtless Aldo sitting next to me.
“Nora is the only one scheming and having sex with Wicki.”
“So you’re not planning to have sex with Aldo here?” Paulie inquires with a raised eyebrow.
“I don’t know maybe, Aldo how much money do you got?” I respond turning to Aldo straight faced. He looked like a fish out of water when I asked him this and I burst into laughter. This signaled Paulie to realize Aldo had come in here randomly not knowing I was in there thus I never planned anything.

“We are never going to get any sleep tonight with those two going at it,” Paulie grumbles.
“Look at it this way Paulie, Nora will stop bugging us and being grumpy.”
“This is true well um I’m going to attempt going to bed,” she says as her eyes shifted from me to Aldo still a little suspicious.
“Good luck,” I chuckle.

Paulie left the room leaving a silence to linger among Aldo and I. He kept staring at me from the corner of his eye. I paid no attention and got up from the bed then grabbed the deck of cards from the dresser to play with.

“HARDERRR!!” Nora moans loudly. I began to think if that woman ever had children and that they would be traumatized if Nora was ever having sex with her husband in the next room over whilst they were trying to sleep. The very thought made me go into a fit of laughter.

“What’s so funny?” Aldo questions as I wiped a tear of joy from my eye.
“Sorry I was just thinking about something,” I chuckle as I began composing myself. Aldo merely stared at me confused yet intrigued.

I sat on the bed again and took the deck of cards from the box. Shuffling the cards I felt Aldo staring at me in a more blatant way so I looked up at him giving a questioning look.

“I was just going to play solitaire but I guess if you want I could deal you in for a game of poker or something,” I state.

He didn’t really say anything and I just dealt a hand to him trying to avoid staring at his lean muscles. I was actually good at poker and it seemed Aldo thought he was good as well, often keeping a straight face throughout the game.

“Why’d you get a tattoo?”
“Because it reminds me of my grandfather,” I answer picking up a couple cards.
“It’s a feather,” Aldo states.
“It’s a peacock feather. Do you know anything about peacocks?”

I showed my cards and Aldo showed his making me see I had won. This made me smile.

“The males have this beautiful plumage of feathers to attract a mate. But the vast amount of feathers would weigh them down so much they can hardly fly away in case of a predator. I picked the feather because vanity shouldn’t prevent you from being able to fly away. Like my grandfather and his family they had to put aside the luxuries they were so used to in order to survive,” I explain as I collected the cards to be shuffled again.

“Yew put a lot of thought into that,” Aldo comments.
“Yeah well if I am going to have something on my body forever I want it to actually mean something to me,” I counter honestly whilst I began dealing out another hand.


I shook my head and looked at my cards trying to ignore the loud moans. We kept playing cards and I couldn’t take the lipstick that was smeared on Aldo’s cheek.
“Aldo you’ve got lipstick on your cheek.”
“Where?” he replies putting his hand to his opposite cheek. I chuckled and moved his hand to the right side.
“Right there,” I say with a smile. Aldo took out a handkerchief and wiped the bright red lipstick then looked at me for conformation but he still had a little bit left on him. So I took the handkerchief from his hands and cleaned the rest of the mark off.

“Is it off now?” Aldo asks.
“All clean. I don’t know why you didn’t just go along, yall did pay.”
“Wasn’ in the mood,” he replies looking at me with his deep blue eyes. My breathing hitched when I realized how close our faces were together at this very moment.

“If I had known I would have save ya the money and told Madame Beatriz to not send a girl for ya,” I respond somewhat awkwardly.
“Yew been helpin’ a whole lot bein’ with us.”
“It’s nothing,” I mutter not knowing if I should keep eye contact with him or look away.

Aldo drew his face even closer to mine, and I felt my heart rate speed up from the anticipation. His lips grazed mine and his lovely hands drew me closer. Our lips locked and I began kissing him back with just as much enthusiasm as he had. Aldo’s arms wrapped around my body and lowered me onto the bed. As his hand grazed my bare skin on my thigh it sent electroshocks throughout my body.

Before things could go any further the door suddenly burst open.

“Fuck sorry Aldo, I was looking for Amber, um have fun with the French lady,” Nora’s voice says then the door shut.
“This is a bad idea,” I mutter as I pushed Aldo off of me and I grabbed my clothes from the dresser then left without another word.

Fuck what the hell was I thinking? I had to get home not stay here playing fuck buddy to Aldo Raine. Fuck My Life.
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Hello lovelies! 30 subscribers! Woot so fucking cool. Anyways hope you all enjoyed the update and remember to tell me what you think :)