Status: Writing

The Outcasted Accounts of Romantic Going Abouts and Other Cases of Romeo and Juliets

We all know what it is like to long for something you will never have. We all know how it feels to have a silly little crush. We are all curious of that apple in Eden. We all know what it is like to be in love, so we must know what it is like to see their face at your door at midnight. We all know how it feels when they laugh or smile. We all know what it means to have your heart flutter with too many emotions, so we must also know what betrayal is. We must know what being so close and letting it get away is. We must all know how it feels to lose them.

Looking from the outside in is the accounts of the indiscriminate teenagers. The Romeo and Juliet of the modern world we know as High School. The world in which any day miracles can happen and any day your world can come crashing down. These girls and boys know exactly what that means.

Read and Enjoy if you know or don't know how it feel to be The Outcasted.
  1. Liana
    English AP