Night Songs

The New Guy

“Wake up!” I was being rolled back forth against my will to be woken up. “C’mon! Wake up!” She screamed into my ear.

I lifted myself up, knocking into the lampshade that stood on my nightstand. “Ahhhhhooouch…” I immediately rubbed my head of the after feeling.

“Good! You’re up! Faye, I have a favor that I need you to do for me!” She was too happy, especially in the morning.

“What is it…?” I stood up and swung my feet out of the blankets. I slouched at the end of my bed with my hand still attached to the side of my head.

She paused for a second, recollecting what she had wanted to say, before her cheery outburst. “I wanted to go to a concert tonight with Melissa, from school.” I looked up to find that guilty look of hers.

“Alright, I know you’re lying to me. Again, where are you really going…?” I sighed, as I closed my eyes and got up. I yawned and stretched while lifting on my tip toes, and dropped back down. I walk towards the kitchen. Jen followed.

“Awww, c’mon Faye, I’m not lying.” She catches up and slaps my back, I let out a cough.

“Who’s Melissa…?” My eyes were stiff with exhaustion. I went into the cabinet and began my routine to make coffee.

“Wellll….,” she pauses “she lives in Brooklyn with her dad. She just transferred into school, just like me.” She folds her hands behind her back, and leans her head back to magnify her smile.

Whenever I see her smile, it’s just creepy. All what comes out of it is just pure evil.

“And what concert are you going to?” I turn around and lean my butt on the kitchen counter, while crossing my arms.

Her smile faded, and her head lowered with her eyes darting out from her scraggly, long, blonde hair. “It’s a band…their record came out about two months ago?” She lifts her head and places her frail little pointer finger to her heavily glossed lips.

“Just say it. You’re either gonna get a yes or a no.” The coffee maker beeps and I went to pull a mug out of the cupboard.

“…Slayer.” She cringed.

My cup slammed onto the counter. I slowly turn my head and glare at her. “You’re crazy if I’m going to let you go to a Slayer concert…” I went back from pouring the scolding hot coffee into a Mickey Mouse cup.

“You’re not my fucking Mother, Faye!” She wails at the top of her lungs, making me spill a quarter of my coffee onto my foot. I wince in pain, and quickly placed the cup securely onto the table, and ran for paper towels and some ice. I cleaned up with Jenifer just standing there looking down at me while I wipe. Her look was blank, and she seemed not to take in that I actually got hurt, or she just didn’t care. This girl was cold. I assume she was awaiting my reply to her statement of me not being her Mother. I got up, and waded up some ice cubes into a paper towel and placed it to the top of my foot. A large, bright pink welt formed.

“Listen,” I sat there leaning with the homemade ice pack to my foot” I’m all you have, and right now, you’re living in my house, under my rules.”

“House?! This is just a cheap apartment!” She screeches. She seemed not to get my point I just made.

“It’s a metaphor, whatever Jenifer, just please don’t go to that concert. I’m not going to force you to stay here, because you seem to just do what you want anyway. But, just please stay here. I’ll make you something to eat, and we’ll rent some movies or something.” I lifted, while I balanced the ice pack on my foot. I smile, being my attempt to calm her down.

“I don’t want to be here! That’s right; you can’t force me, so I’m going anyway!” She went to her bed that was placed in the corner of the living room, hidden from the rest of the room with an Asian themed paper divider. She started to pack her things with me just watching.
I wanted to do something, something that would make her stay. I never want her to go out at night in the city, alone.

She continued to pack her things then she zipped up her bag, and threw it over her shoulder.

“I’m leaving, so don’t follow me!” She lifted her nose into the air with closed eyes. She then opened the door and walked out, while slamming the door behind her.

How could I not follow her?! Was she crazy?!

I got my purse, coat, shoes, and keys. I ran out the door, while tip toeing down the stairs so she wouldn’t notice me. One thing I was good at, I was good at hiding and sneaking when needed. Hey, I was a teenager too. I giggle to myself from the rush I was experiencing. Following my 17 year old niece, alright, it wasn’t that exciting of a thing, but hell, all I do is go to work and come back home. Tom sometimes visits me, but mostly with Eric. Those times are always awkward with Eric in the picture, resorting to being a third wheel. Why did things get complicated when I wasn’t asking for them to be? I guess that’s what they call life, and also where the term “shit happens,” comes from.

I continue following her outside the building. It was pitch black, thankfully. I was wearing an old grey pair of sweat pants, and an overly large, black Cinderella shirt, courtesy of Tom. My shoes were white Nike’s I scored off my Ex-Boyfriend while leaving them at my place. At least I got something of value from him. I smirked to myself. My coat was just a normal black pea coat, somewhat business looking. I left my scarf and gloves at home, since it was getting warmer in March, but, not so much. I shivered.

She stops at a convenience store on Main St., near the subway. I wiped its fogged windows and spotted her. She was walking into the bathroom. I flip myself around, and lean my back against the giant plate glass window. Alright, she had to go pee, I’m guessing.

I wait while standing against the window. The clerk just stared at me with blaring eyes. He seemed not to like loiters very much. I shine a bright smile in his direction. His face turned softer, and stretched a smile back. Well, that was covered.

The bathroom door swung open. I ran to the side of the building while forgetting to get a peek at her. I wait for her to exit the store.

She walks out with a piece of beef jerky sticking out of her mouth. She turned into a walking punk. She was wearing a tight black tank top, with a couple of holes closed with safety pins. Her pants were black, of course, and leather. They looked so uncomfortable to wear. She had white stiletto heels that she wobbled in. Her makeup hid her age, which was probably what she intended on doing, since she had a natural baby face. I used to squeeze her cheeks all the time when she was a—

Maybe that’s why she always hated me, hmmm…

Her eye shadow matched her shoes, snow white. Her lips were vibrant red, with her hair sprayed up to look like them people on the picture box. God, was I a total square.

She continued to walk down the wet streets, caused from the melted snow. I saw her almost slipping in the corner of my eye a few times. She stopped at a club called “THE BAT CAVE.” Men, my age and older, were clothed in the common leather jackets and chains. Some wore leather pants, and some wore jeans. The majority had hair past their shoulders. Women, who seemed younger than me, wore leggings that varied in color. The trendy leather pant was also worn. My niece’s makeup matched theirs. Being that they all had very apparent, obnoxious colors painted onto their faces.

Thank god I was wearing black.

She shoved her way through the crowd ignoring the wolf whistles. I had to hold myself back from lashing out at all the men, because I don’t have a chance in hell that I was going to get out of that, alive. I followed her, and I stood my long coat collar up to my face. It was weird how I fit in. I had very long dark brunette hair, and I was very tall. I seemed to be one of the guys since I had most of my hair covering my face. I had no feminine appeal at this time to be showing off.

I made it through the large crowd, as did she, and I continued to follow her in. The club was painted, wouldn’t Y’know, black. The bricks on the right side of the wall were covered in graffiti and what seemed to be fresh squeezed vomit. I lower my collar, and got a good look at the crowd. I haven’t seen so many people in a small environment. I guess this band was pretty popular.

I sat at the bar with the other drunkards, and had my eyes glued to Jen. She seemed to be fine since it looked like she met up with “Melissa.” My focus rested onto a bowl of peanuts. Man, I was really hungry. I reached for the bowl until a woman from the other side of the bar pushed them away from my grasp.

I looked up to a girl with arms that seemed like pages from a history book, with knights, dragons, and the occasional pentagram inked her arms. Her hair was dyed to a jet black, and her eye shadow matched her overly dark mane. Her eyes came out from the darkness of her look, and shone icy blue. Chains wrapped around her waist that held up a micro skirt. Her shirt, well it wasn’t a shirt, it was a corset. It was tied to the point where her breasts seemed like they were going to pop at any given moment.

She smiled down at me with a lifted brow. “You don’t want to eat those.” She pointed a guy coming from the bathroom, and as it resulted, he grabbed a hand full of peanuts from my bowl.

I cringe while I look up at her. “Thanks.” I gave her a lop-sided smile.

“No problem.” She winked at me. She still stood there, in front of me. I know what she’s going to ask. “You don’t seem like the type to come into a place like this.” She hunched over the bar with her head resting up on her hand. She started to study me.

“Yeah, well, I’m watching out for someone…” I reminded myself to look over to watch Jen. She was still chatting with her friend.

“Oh, so you’re a knight in shining armor then?” She giggled. I guess she enjoyed my paranoia.

“I guess…” I look back to her. She breasts were protruding even further out her corset when she leaned closer.

She laughed at my awkward state. “You’re pretty cute.” She came even closer.

“…Thank…you?” I was really unsure of how to respond to that.

“What do you say we go out for a drink tonight? You and me?” She lightly touched my hand.

This was not going to end well.

“I…uh…I’m kind of busy right now…I have to—“

“Oh, c’mon, it won’t hurt just to have a drink!” She cheered.

“Ummm, I can’t—“

“Leave her alone, Valerie, she’s scared enough as it is.” I look over to my left and find a blonde man, over six feet, smiling while getting a kick out of my uncomfortable position I’m currently in.

“Robbin, you’re not in this, so I suggest you stay out.” She glared at him, furiously, like he’s done this before.

“Look at her! She’s clearly not a lesbian!” He lifts his hand and waves it up and down to me.

“You don’t know that…maybe she’s a little bi-curious…” She turns, and does one of her overly used winks at me.

Okay, this has got to be a record of how long I uncomfortably sat there while they argued about my sexuality.

“I’m sorry, but I’m not a lesbian…” I quietly said while hiding in my collar again.

They both stop and look at me.

“Told you!” He lifts his hands in her face.

“Fuck off!” She yelled at him, and walked off to tend to another vulnerable, female customer.
I sat there, a little relieved that she’s gone, but I was stuck with this gigantic man at my side. Well, he wasn’t so much taller compared to me being 6 feet, but he was six inches over. He towered over most of the people here, aside from a couple of men.

“Name’s Robbin…” He reached his hand out for a shake. I nervously shook.

“Faye…” I turned back to the peanut bowl, just an excuse to look at something.

“That’s a cute name…” He came closer.

Oh, god. Not again.

“Yeah…thank you, ummm, I think I have to go.” I stood up.

“Hey, wait—“

While I walked off, I heard a familiar voice scream.

“Get off me, you fucking pig!” Jen was in trouble.

I stumbled through the crowd, trying to find Jen. Luckily the crowd led me to the commotion. Jen was being grabbed by a man who wore a very large Mohawk.

“I said get off!” She kicked his shins until he let go, as she fell to the ground.

I couldn’t hold back, and went up to the guy.

“Hey, asshole!” He quickly turned his face into my spinning fist, and tumbled over a nearby table.

Holy shit, what the hell did I just do?!

Jen looked up, with frozen shock. “Fa…Faye?!”

Hey, I’m shocked too.

I went over to her, grabbed her arms and pulled her up. “We need to go, now!” I was ready to jet out the door when my arm was grabbed by the same guy that I punched in the face.

“YOU FUCKING CUNT!” To say the least…he was pissed.

I stood my ground, squeezed my eyes shut, and put the side of my arm out to block. He reached his fist behind him and then he stopped.

Why did he stop?

I then notice the same man I was talking to a couple minutes ago was right in front of me. I look over to see the Mohawk man smiling, trying to save his ass.

“Ha…ha…hey, I was just...uh…” His fist relaxed to scratch his head.

‘Robbin’ creates his own fist and shoved into the guys face with full momentum, finally knocking the guy out cold.

He turns over. “Let’s go, I got a car waiting outside.” His charming smile seemed out of place from what we just witnessed.

“Uh…” My hand was grabbed before I could pull myself together. I grabbed Jen along with me. She is sooo grounded.

We reached a very flashy, red, sports car. It had no label. Was it a custom?

“Get in.” He smiles over to me, seeing that my face has not changed from before.
My niece opens the door and shoves me into the back, while she sat in front. I guess the rolls have changed.

My niece was giggling a fit. I had an idea of what made her that way. The guy could be considered attractive to women, but I wouldn’t know, because all I can consider attractive is Tom.

He gets in also, and starts the car. He lifted the volume into full blast on the stereo to a song called “Round and Round.” The engines muffler was causing me to have a panic attack. Before I know it, we were already on the street while Jen was chatting up a storm.

He breaks away from my niece’s weird questions. “So, where to?”

“Oh, uh, 759 Co…Columbus Ave…” I stutter.

“Alrighty…” He pressed onto the gas as I clawed at Jen’s seat in front of me. I thought I was going to die. This is even worse than Tom’s driving.

I was biting my nails the entire drive home. Then we finally parked in front of my building.

“Okay! I want to get out now! Please! C’mon!” I try and push Jen’s seat up so I can get the hell out of the car.

“Jesus! Alright, calm down!” She shouted.

I hopped out of the car and kissed the ground…….metaphorically. Basically, I was trying to breathe normally again from the car’s bass pounding onto my back. I think my heart skipped a few beats. I heard sudden laughter.

Robbin was laughing at my reaction from the car ride. “You look like a ghost!” He hollered.

My ghostly complexion didn’t last. I turned red on the spot, from the embarrassment from my niece and him pointing and laughing.

“Alright, I think it’s time to go.” I pulled my niece with me, and started to walk inside.

“Hey, wait up….Faye!” He called.

I was in no mood for his mocking.

I turned to my niece. “Go in, wash up, and go to sleep.” I looked her dead straight in the eyes. I was pissed. “We’re going to have a talk in the morning…” I continued to glare at her when she cowered in her shame. She didn’t say a word, and walked up the steps to our door.

I braced myself. I was ready to tell this guy off. I went down the steps to the building and stopped when I was right in front of him, looking up. Man, he was tall.

“Here’s my number.” He hands me a little sheet of paper with horribly written numbers printed on it. It seemed like he had these lying around, since I didn’t see a pad of paper. As, I tried hard to read it, he walked back to his car. “YOU BETTER CALL ME!” He shouted from across the street.

This guy is unbelievable. He knew how to embarrass the shit out of me.

He waved to me and got in his car, and sped off into the streets. I shoved the number in my back pocket. I never check that pocket.

I went inside and got in my place. It was pitch black, and I spotted a large lump filling my niece’s bed.


I locked the door and took my shoes and coat off. I am so exhausted, plus my hand is bleeding. Shit.

I went into the bathroom and washed my hand off. I finally secured it with gauze, dressed into my night gown, and laid in bed. I let out an enormous sigh of fatigue. Today was an unneeded long and tiring day.

I really feel like calling Tom right about now. I picked up the phone and dialed his number. I knew it by heart. The phone rang 3 times before it was picked up.

“Hello?” He answered tiredly.

“Hey…” I lifted a smile.

“Hey, babe, how was your day?” He yawned.

I giggled. “Looooooooong…” I was maybe over exaggerating.

He chuckled. “I wish I was there with ya, Hun. These guys are really wringing me out…”

“I wish you were here too…”

There was a long pause.

“………..I love you.” He added.

I laughed. “I love you, too.”

“I miss you so much…” He whined.

“I miss you too!” I whined back.

“….Hey….you want to do something?” He schemed.

Sounds fishy.

” Whaaat?” I smirked.

“What are you wearin’?”

“Tom, are you serious?” I laughed.

“Okay, put your hand near your—“

“Goodnight, Tom!” I interrupted.

“Awww…c’mon Faye…” He begged.

“Tom, my niece is probably still awake.”

“Faye, please…” He whimpered.

I sighed. “Fiiine…”

“Alright…so what are you wearing?”

I couldn’t stop laughing the rest of the night.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's a long chapter celebrating my 10th. Hell, I never knew it would get this far, and people would be following it. I'm very grateful to all of you who continue to read my story. Thank you. As you see, I made a whole new layout, haha! I hope you like it. I made a journal entry for people to comment on what they'd like to see in the new one commented, haha! That's alright, I took it upon myself to just do it anyway! Also, did I just put Robbin Crosby in the story? Yes, yes I did. Haha, I really wanted his sexy self in here, haha. Plus, why a Slayer concert? Why would he be there? Why not! Haha, I just wanted to pick one of my random favorite bands, that makes sense for them to have a concert then, and slap them into my story. ;) Trust me, it'll make sense later, and more Robbin and Tom in the next chapter. Where's Eric? Well, he's somewhere, but I have a plan, just play along. ;)

Anyways, again, thank you to all of you who read Night Songs!

Oh, and Happy Halloween! :)