Night Songs

"Friendly Outing"

It snowed again, even in the month of March. The brisk weather leaked in to the store. I was shivering from head to toe as I shook every can I placed in the fridge.

Sarah stepped away from checking out an old couple, and sprinted towards me.

“Heeey, Faye…” She bent down as I was squatted to the freezer.

I stopped what I was doing and looked up. “Yeah?”

“I was wondering if you can cover for me…again, tonight.” She cringed, as she studied my unpleasant mood.

I pushed the box full of beer away, closed the freezer door, and stood up. “What is it this time?” I looked down and brushed off my jeans.

Her eyes looked shady as they looked to the side. “I have a date with this really rad guy I met last night…” She folded her hands in plea. “Oh, please Faye! This would really mean a lot!” She shouted.

I sighed. “Whatever…” I turned around and went back to work.

“Oh, thank you, Faye! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She jumped on my back.

I swung around to get her off. “Alright!” She got off and skipped back to the register.

The hell was I gonna do?

It’s not like I had anything planned tonight anyways. Jen went over to her friends for a sleep over. I knew the Mother from a PTA conference two weeks ago, so I was a little more willing to let her go.

Midnight chimed from an old grandfather clock that stood by the entrance. I went in the back to put away the empty boxes. It was just like a freezer in this garage type break/storage room. Just a bunch of boxes filled with alcohol and other remnants stacked on top of each other. This continued throughout the large, dank, and dark space.

I heard a bunch of boxes falling behind me as I stood up.

“Wooah, shit…” A man’s voice muttered.

I looked behind me to find our cashier who’s been missing for the past week.

“Ryan…?” I squint my eyes to focus in the dark. “Is that you?” I walk closer to the black mass that had fallen on the floor.

“Heeey….” His black mess of hair covered his whole face aside from his white smile that shone through it all. He clicked his tongue at me, and tried to stand on his feet. He failed miserably when he thudded against a box of Fritos.

“Jesus, you’ve been drinking…” I stood there and stared at his failed attempts at getting his self together, or just trying to stand up for once. I went up to him and reached under his arms and pulled him up.

“Faye, no, I’m…not drunk…” His breathe reeked otherwise.

“Of course you’re not…” He was too drunk to notice that I wasn’t an idiot.

We both trotted out of the back and into the store to a bench. I sat him down. His head dropped to the side of the bench. He seemed to have passed out. I reached my hand to his face to see if he was still breathing…..Yep.

“Might as well start up the midnight coffee…” I walked over to the pot and made a batch.

I walked back with a mug to see that he was still asleep. I place the cup on the counter to cool off, and lifted the rest of him up onto the bench. Either way he was going to be uncomfortable sleeping on it.

The bells rattled against the glass door as the bits of snow wafted in. A big burly man came walking in with a blonde to his side. Basically, they were the regular stereotype bikers. Well, one was anyway, the other was apparently arm candy with unrealistic breasts attached a little below her neck.

I walked over to the check-out counter while they browsed the Ding Dongs. I stood there while my eyes drifted to Ryan, hoping that they wouldn’t notice that there was an unconscious man laid out on the bench. I guess it wouldn’t matter anyway.

They finished their quest of finding their preserved food and alcohol, and walked over to me.
“Is this all for you today?” I slapped a smile on my face, and asked the usual jingle of what a cashier would say.

The man just casually nodded, and the girl weirdly cackled.

“Alright…,” I tapped the familiar keys, “that’ll be $15 dollars…” I looked up.

He threw the money across the counter as I began to bag.

I lightly pushed the bags towards them. “Have a nice day.”

He grabbed the bags and continued to walk outside with the girl chatting up about what bands she wanted to see, and quickly changed into what she wanted to eat. I walked away from the counter and went to Ryan and nudged him with my knee.

“Nice to see you here, Ryan!” I shouted.

He shot up, and quickly rubbed his eyes from under his sunglasses and looked around.

“Dude, where the fuck am I…?” His eyes were glossy as he peeked from his shades.

“Oh, your favorite place, of course…” I smiled down to him while he didn’t notice.

He looked up while squinting from the florescent lighting. “No way, Faye?! What are you doing here?!” Why the hell was he so surprised? I guess he still thinks he’s dreaming…

“You’re at the good ol’ Piggy Wiggly, my friend. I found you in the break room...stumbling.” I went over and grabbed the cup of coffee and handed it to him. He took it.

He looked into his cup, and then latter on sipped it. “Man, I really need to stop drinking…”

“You think?” I lifted my brows.

He just looked at me and smirked, but it wasn’t a self satisfying one on his part. It was filled with his shame. “Thanks for the coffee.” He said as his head hung back down.

“Yeah, no problem…” I sat down next to him, crossing my arms. “So…where were you?” I turned to him.

He lifted his head, but still didn’t look at me. “I was….I was…,” He paused for a minute. I gave him some time. “I just found out my girl was fucking my best friend behind my back…”


He squeezed his eyes trying for the tears not to come out. Then he just let loose onto my shoulder. “I fucking loved her, man! Shit, Faye! You fucking chicks always fuck with a man’s heart...Ah, shit, I didn’t mean that…” I didn’t react, and just scuttled myself down on the bench. “Faye, what would you do if that happened to you?!” He ripped off his sunglasses and stared me down with his drenched eyes.

“I…uh…?” I was stumped.

What would I do? Would I get mad at him, or at myself? I mean, it’s expected for a musician to screw other women on the road. But…a real man wouldn’t do that.

“I guess, I wouldn’t know what I would do…I guess it all depends on the situation…?” Okay, I didn’t know what I was talking about.

“Depends on the situation?! The fucking guy cheats on you! What the fuck would you do?!”
He towers over me.

“Ryan…you’re scaring me…” I stand up.

He stops himself and slouches on the bench. “…God, I’m sorry, Faye…” He starts to cry again.

I went over and patted his back. He grabs a hold of my jeans and sobs right into them. My right pant leg was soaked. I stood there, letting him to get it all out.

I continued to pat his back until the bells chimed again.

“I gotta help this person, don’t worry, I’ll come back.”

He finally releases his grip from my leg, and I walked away. I really did not want to be here right now. Especially when it looks like I wet myself.

I went back behind the counter and waited while leaning my arms to the counter top. I started to whistle until I looked up. That familiar blonde wad of hair was standing 2 feet away from me, staring at me.

I bounced up. “Oh, uh…hey, Eric…?” I scratched my head. I was nervous. That night we had still flashed in my head from time to time.

He stood straight. “Hey, Faye…” He looked down, and then looked back up to me while walking towards the counter.

We stared at each other for a second, but then he dropped a bag on Ruffles between us.
I looked down. I couldn’t help but to laugh. He looked to me confused.

“Man, that brings back memories…” I gathered myself.

“What?” He still was confused.

I waved my hand. “Nothing.” I smiled.

He smiled back, but still trying to think why I laughed.

I checked him out, and handed him back his chips. He stood there, not moving an inch.

“It seems you came here for something else… aside from your ruffles.” I smirked.

“I uh…well...I...I” He stuttered.

I hit the nail on the head.

“I just wanted to…do you want to go out?” He bluntly said.

I raised my brow.

“I know! I know! You’re with Tom, but I just wanted to, I guess, go out just as friends?” He faintly smiled.


“Is this fucker giving you trouble?!” My Joey Ramone looking friend came from behind me.

“No! He’s not; just go sit back down, okay?”

He seemed disappointed, but sulked back onto the bench.

Eric didn’t mind Ryan’s sudden outburst, and still awaited my answer.

I turned back to Eric. “Well…why not?” I shrugged.

His smile went from cheek to cheek. “Great! What time should I pick you up?”

He seemed a little too happy for just a friendly outing.

“Well, hows about around 5…ish?”

“Sure, yeah, I’ll see ya then!” He walked out of the store still with a smile on his face.


It struck 5:00 am. My shift was over. I couldn’t wait for it to be Sunday, which was when Tom was coming to visit. I giggled to myself as I waited for the bus to arrive at my stop. It wasn’t as cold since the sun was rising.

The bus arrived right on time, which was a little out of character for the bus driver to do. As soon as the doors parted open, I walked up the steps to see a new bus driver.

Huh, that explains it.

I walked over to the front seat and plopped down fitting my butt perfectly aligned into it. The bus smelled oddly like unpleasant potent perfume. This was going to be a long trip.

I finally arrived to my building and went inside. Jen was still not here, as expected. I dropped my things and fell into the couch, and stretched while turning on the T.V. Of course MTV was on. I just watched every music video that came on. So this is what Jen’s into? Not bad. Cinderella’s video came back on for the fifth time. It feels like the first time for me watching it again and again. I loved staring at Tom. He just went at it, just letting the sweat run down his face. But, then my eyes shifted to the right. I sighed. Eric. His hair was always in his face. It was pretty cool how he swung his bass around… Moving on!

I flipped through the channels trying to find the weather. Just trying to get my mind off of what I was just imagining. Damn it, why did I say yes to Eric? All I could think about when I look at his face is that damn night he tried to… y’know… God, it was so awkward. Now I’m probably going to end up bringing it up at our “outing.” Man, can’t wait for that to happen…


Waking up Saturday morning was rough when I found a tub of ice cream lying on my pillow. I felt like shit. I was just worried about my date-Outing! With Eric.

I rolled out of bed and dropped to the floor. I have a feeling that this is going to be a long day. I got up and went straight into the shower. I scrubbed myself to the point of red, just to get myself not to think anymore. I got out and squeezed the water out of my hair with a towel, and got dressed.

I picked up a black sleeved baseball shirt and some old jeans, and tugged them right on. I didn’t really care what I was going to wear today. I shuffled back into the bathroom and placed a little bit of makeup on my face and blow dried the rest of my hair. I finished up and went into the living room and catching Jen burning some eggs on the stove.

“Whoa, are you gonna set the place on fire or what?” I jogged into the kitchen grabbing the pan from her.

“I'm hungry!” She pouted.

I placed the pan into the sink and turned around. “You could’ve just asked me, and I would gladly make it for you.”

“Alright. Make me some eggs...” She crossed her arms.

I rolled my eyes. “Sure…”

I turned the water on and cooled the pan down. I grabbed another one from the cabinet and began to make some eggs.

I gave her a plate of what I made. “Here”

She ate them without question. I smiled in relief.

I began to clean the windows, and then ended up cleaning the whole place. I found a lot of music magazines and vogue scattered around Jen’s bed. Also, a questionable pizza box filled with money.

“Jen… can you come here for a minute?” I shouted to the kitchen.

“Yeah…” She clanked down her silverware and walked to me. “What is it?”

I lifted the pizza box to her view. “Where did you get all this money?” I was worried.

She paused, but she looked enraged out of her mind. “WHERE DO YOU GET OFF LOOKING THROUGH MY THINGS?!” She screamed.

She yanked the box out of my hands and shoved it back under her bed.


“Jen, if you need to talk, I’m always here…” I was compassionate.

“Yeah, whatever, I’m going out!” She stormed to the door and opened it while she leaned on the knob slipping her left shoe on.

“Wait! Where are you going?!” The door slammed shut.

I raced to open the door.

“Where are you going?!” I shouted in the hall.

I saw her turn at the end of the steps. “I’m going to Tricia’s! I’ll call you!” She shouted back.

“Alright, make sure you do!”

She went out the door. She’s really acting strange.

As I get back to my door I hear a man clear his throat. I turn to see it was my upstairs neighbor……who heard those nights when Tom and I were together.

I cringe. “Oh, hello…” I forced a smile.

He lifted his nose in the air and turned away back into his place. Well, I could guess why he’s so cold.

I went in and locked the door. I turned to the T.V. screen that flashed 1:00 o’ clock. I might as well get some more sleep until 5.

I went into my room and laid in my bed. Hopefully I’ll dream about Tom. I smile to myself.


I hear knocking to my door, waking me up. I sat up and realized I was still dressed in my clothes.

I got up and walked to the door. I opened it to find Eric…smiling.

“Oh! I’m sorry, did I wake you?!” He cheered.

I rubbed my eyes. “No...No, it’s alright.” I pull on a tired smile.

“Oh, good.”

“Come in…” I opened the door and waved him in.

He walked and stood in the middle of the living room looking directly towards me.

“Uhh, I’ll get my purse.” I rush to my room and back.

I got my things together and struggled to get my coat on. I felt hands helping me into my coats arms.

I look up. “Oh, uh, thanks.”

“No problem.” He smirks.

I finish up and slung my purse around my shoulder. “Okay.” I breathe.

“Alright, let’s go!” He opened the door for me and we got out as he shut the door behind us.

We both walked down the steps and out of the building. He led the way to a blue muscle car. It looked like a mustang. He opened the door for me, again, and I got in. He rushed to the other side, jumped in, and started the car.

“I got a surprise in store for you...” He winked at me.

“Oh…okay.” I timidly smile.

He drove off into the chaotic roads of New York City. I got a little familiar with my surroundings, and I noticed a tall red bass was crammed in the back.

“Hey, your bass…” I mumble.

He brightly smiled. “Yeah…that’s Carrie.” He reached his arm in the back and patted the instrument.

“Carrie? You mean pig’s blood, dirty pillows Carrie?” I looked to him.

He shouts out in laughter. “Yeah, you know that movie?!” He looks to me for a second and back to the road.

I smile. “Weirdly enough it was my favorite movie when I was in high school. I watched it around 36 times.”

His laughter turned into a chuckle. “High school, eh?” He nudges his arm to mine.

“Pshh, it wasn’t because I wanted to kill everyone at prom. It was just a bizarre movie that stuck with me.”

“Yeah, I got you. I used to watch it when I was a kid too. Kinda felt bad for her, y’know?”

It was a red light; he looks at me even longer.

“Yeah… me too.” I smiled at him.

He smiled back. The light turned green. He didn’t notice.

“It’s green.” I quickly point.

“Oh!” He reaches for the wheel and drives. “Sorry, about that…”

“Yeah, it’s fine.”

There was a long silence for the rest of the car ride.


We stopped at an old loft.

“I know it seems a little weird, but I kinda wanted you to come up for a bit.” He rubs his neck, being uncomfortable.

“Oh…I guess I can?” I shift in my seat.

“Okay then.” He laughs.

He got out and opened my door before I could reach my purse, and to the door handle.


He winks at me.

I follow him into this huge building. It seemed really beaten up over the years, but when I get inside……it seemed all brand new. It was a very elegant looking lobby with marble tile and pillars that rested against the entrances and elevator doors. I was dumbfounded and just stood in the middle of the lobby while a bell hop came to my side.

“Miss? Are you here for someone?” A young man asked.

I looked at him with my mouth still open.

“Oh! She’s with me…” Eric pulls me over to the elevators. He was getting a kick out of my reaction.

We both stepped into an elevator and he pushed the 12th floor’s button. My ears were beginning to pop. I was trying to yawn when Eric hands me a piece of gum. I look to him.

“You get used to it after a while...”

I nod and take the gum.

We stopped at the 8th floor, and a highly “up-his-own-ass” type of man walks in.

“Hello.” Eric greets.

The man ignored Eric’s words and pressed the 17th floor button.

I looked at Eric and our eyes meet. We grunted and laughed. I felt like I was in high school again, and we were both mocking the guy, literally, behind his back. The man stops and turns around to look at us with a scornful look. We both turned to stone. The elevator stopped at our floor, and we both snaked out. As soon as the elevator doors closed, we both burst into laughter.

“Geez, some people you live with…” I wiped my tears.

“Yeah, you should see the others.” He chuckled as he was fishing around in his pocket and lifted out his keys.

He opens the door to a well lit room full of beer, guitars, amps, and of course, basses. He had a black leather couch facing a big screen T.V. His living room was my whole apartment.

“Alright, wait here, I want to show you something…”

I nod. “Okay.”

He walks across the room and into another. I spotted a whole stack of VHSs, and there I found the movie Carrie. I lightly giggled to myself.

Eric walks out of the room and carries a box with a blanket on top of it. He lightly places it on the carpet and waves for me. I walk to him.

“What is it?” I tilted my head.

“Here, sit down…” He pats onto the ground.

I sat pretzel style. He slowly slides the blanket off and I gasp.

“Kitties!” I squealed.

Five kittens were sleeping in a huddle. I put my hand to my mouth to shut myself up. They were so gosh darn cute!

“I knew you’d like em’.” He smiles at me.

“Where did you find them?”

“I found them in an alley nearby. I saw them and I just took them.” He laughed.

I looked down and saw one of the kittens lay on its back. I lightly rubbed its belly and head. They all were Siamese. They had the softest fur, it felt like cotton. I didn’t want to disturb them, and I placed the blanket on top of the box, but with a gap for air.

“What are you feeding them?” I lifted to see Eric.

“Oh, uhh, it’s a kitten milk formula I warm up. I give it to them in a bottle. Geez, these people kept asking the same question and I ended up buying a whole cart load of kitten supplies.”
He leaned back on the floor.

I chuckled. “Yeah, it’s expected. When I got Fauna they did the same thing, and the next day I didn’t have heat.”

“Yeah…” He smiles.

There was a silence. We both stared at each other. But then I broke the silence,” So, ummm, I saw that you have some movies…?”

He snaps out of it. “Oh, yeah! Go ahead and find something for us to watch.” He smiles and shoos me to it.

I pick up Carrie. “I found something…” I wave the tape in front of him as he came closer.
He laughed. “I knew I had that laying around somewhere…”
♠ ♠ ♠
A very long chapter, but I still hope you guys enjoy it! Yeah, I'll give a little hint for the next chapter...she's moving, but I won't say where. ;) Haha. Anyways, please leave me a comment, and tell me what you think! :)