Night Songs

Forgotten Promises

The big screen T.V. gave my eyes nowhere else to look in the room. It was bright and loud with sound echoing through Eric’s loft. This was pretty intense.

The movie was beginning to end where the bucket of blood finally drenched Carrie. Her reaction of the school gym burning down and everybody else scattering for a way out, made Eric laugh. I couldn’t help but to do the same. The movie was kinda hard to take seriously now. Eric sure had no trouble with that. It’s funny how you think something is so cool when you’re a kid, and when you watch the same movie years later, you don’t have the same opinion when you did back then. I tried every so often to on check the kittens. I find them sleeping, happily, in a huddle. Little mews shrieked occasionally in their sleep. I had to restrain myself from cuddling all of them.

The screen faded into the credits. Eric sat up from the couch, yawned and stretched. From the looks of it, he looked pretty drained.

“Hey, Eric…maybe I should just go and catch a bus. I should really be getting home now. My niece is probably at home…Sooo…” I sat up from the couch and walked to my coat on one of the Marshall amps.

Eric shot right in my direction.

“But, it’s still light out. How about I make us some dinner?” He asked.

I threw my coat on my back and flung my scarf over my neck. Then I looked at him.

“Eric…I don’t think its okay for me to be seeing you like this…I don’t think it’s very…appropriate.” I felt awkward laying out what I felt.

He tilted his head. “How’s it wrong for just visiting a friend?” He shrugged.

“Eric, listen. If I told Tom what I was doing with you, he’d get the wrong idea…” I lowered my head. “I have to go now.” I walked to the door.

Eric races towards me and places himself in front of the door.

“But I don’t understand. We’re doing nothing wrong! Please, just let me make you some dinner and then you can go.” He pleaded.

I looked at him with a hesitant glare.

“Please?” He made his puppy dog face.

That only works when Tom does it…

“I’m sorry…” I went closer trying to make him move to the side.

Well, the only thing was…he didn’t move. So I bumped my chest with his. Okay, wow, my motions sure didn’t help this stiff environment I was in.

“Excuse me…” I hinted a little bossiness in my words.

I was getting worried. But then he suddenly shifted himself to the side, giving me some room to leave.

I opened the door, but before I went out, I turned back to him.

“Eric, I’m sorry. I don’t want things between us to get strange.” I continued to walk in the hall and shut the door behind me.

I didn’t catch Eric’s reaction before I closed the door. I’m sure it wasn’t a great one if I had to guess.

I walked out of the lobby and into the streets. From first glance there was no bus stop in sight. So I continued to walk, but then….I realized I forgot my purse. Shit. Just when I left on a bad note, I had to go back and reconcile.

I stopped in my tracks and breathed out a heavy sigh. I regained myself and turned around to saunter back into the pretentious building. When I got into the lobby the doorman had stopped me.

“Have you forgotten something, mam?” He got up from his desk and strolled towards me with his nose high in the air.

“Uh, yes…I did.” I said, embarrassed.

The stairway’s door swung open with Eric gasping for air, with my bag in his hands.

The doorman and I both shot our glances to him.

“Eric…?” I was stunned.

He staggered to me and placed the bag in my hands.

“You forgot this…” He bent over to steady himself and fill his lungs with air.

12 floors just to give me back my purse?

“…Yeah, thanks…” I had nothing I could say to him. After how I blew him off, what else could I say?

“Yeah, well, I’ll see you later.” He turned on his heel and left.

The doorman nodded with a smile and went back to spy on his monitors. I just went out the doors and never looked back.


I got home just in time for an episode of Cheers. I always wanted to just go to a bar where everybody knows my name. My favorite character is Carla, being that she’s a fun and sassy lady. Which I always wanted to be, but I guess I just ended up being the opposite…

I heard keys scrapping the lock to the door, and it slightly opening for my vision to adjust to the brighten hallway to see Jen.

“Ah, so you finally came back.” There was my attempt to be sassy for the day.

Jen shut the door behind her, turning to tug her coat off. She then sat down and grabbed the remote control, changing the channel.

I opened my mouth, but I wasn’t fast enough before I could see a KISS video coming from my T.V.

“Uh-…” I lifted my pointer finger but then I realized she was enjoying herself.

I sighed and folded my arms. There’s re-runs anyway. Times like these I wish I was a little more “sassier.”

I gazed at the television and watched KISS’s “Tears Are Falling” video. It seemed to have a jungle/Universal Studios feel to it. While a girl, apparently tearing all over the place shows up on screen doing…you guessed it, creating more perfect single droplets of water, falling from her face. When I attempt to cry it’s always accompanied with mucus. Score one for Hollywood. The guitarist interestingly enough, played his solo in the rain which was pretty cool, until the girl kept flashing back. The video was over and then MTV News pops up right after.

A woman with a sunken in face and a blonde bob came on. Spouting about some Bruce guy, the guitarist from KISS is now dating the guitarist from Crypteia.


Jen sure didn’t seem like she took the news all too well.

“Bruce Kulick is taken?! What the fuck is this shit?!” She steamed.

I look over to her and kind of tried to hold in my laughter, but I guess it wasn’t enough for her not to notice.

“What are YOU laughing at?!” She pounded her fists on the seat next to me.

“What could you do even if he was or wasn’t?” I smirked.

Her guard was lowered when I heighten her sense of reality in this situation.

“Faye, shut up, you don’t understand!” She covered her face with a pillow and shouted.

Okay, this is getting a little weird.

“Jen, are you okay?” I scooted closer to her and took the pillow away from her face. “He’s just a guy, they’re all the same, trust me.” I winked. “Even though he’s a guitarist from a well recognized band doesn’t mean he’s not a human being…specifically, a male human being.”

My niece looked at me, confused.

“Did you break up with Tom or something?” She asked.

I lifted from the couch.

“What?! No! Why would you say that?!” I freaked out.

I went to the kitchen for some odd reason. I didn’t need anything in there.

“Well, because you pretty much seem like you’re pissed at men, just in general.” She got up from the couch, went into the kitchen, and pulled a chair to sit down at the table. I joined her.

I took a breather from my outburst.

“It’s that guy Eric, isn’t it?” She beamed.

I squirmed in my seat.

“Yeah, it is…” I lowered my head in shame.

Why was I focusing on another guy other than Tom?!

“Ha! I knew it! You’re cheating on Tom with Eric!” She got up and pointed at me.

I darted up and pulled her down back into her seat.

“Jen shut up and sit back down. That’s not it at all.” I proclaimed.

She looked at me with a doubtful look.

“Then what the hell is your problem?!” She called.

I fidget with my thumbs drumming a random beat, and then I relaxed.

“Eric likes me a little too much for my own good. I’ve hung out with him a couple of times, but then there was this time where…” I stopped myself.

She lifted her right eyebrow. “Go on…” She smirked.

I sighed noticing her devilish exterior.

“Nothing, never mind...Forget about what I just told you…” I got up and began to make some tea.

“Awww, C’mon Faye! It was just getting good!” She begged me to come back.

I ignored her and just continued to put the kettle on the burner.


Finally it was Sunday morning.

I got up and unwrapped myself from the blankets and hopped in the shower. I got out and went to the closet trying to find something a little more fitting for the occasion for his visit. I laugh to myself.

I picked up a little black dress with a built in push-up bra. Okay, that was the last thing I needed, but I got this dress right after I moved to the city. So this is pretty much all I have. I slipped on the dress and notice that my boobs were way too big to be pushed up. It looked like I was squeezing melons. Maybe I should wear a sweater over it? Yeah, I’d think that’d be best if I wanted to actually hold a conversation with him.

I found a purple v-neck sweater. Good enough. I pulled it on and let out a satisfied sigh.

I went to the bathroom drying my hair, and I left it naturally wavy. I placed some brown eyeliner and mascara on with some pink lip-gloss; I like to keep it natural looking. I playfully puckered up in the mirror and looked around for some perfume. Alas, I had found nothing or the sort.

I turned off the lights in the bathroom as I made my way into the bedroom. I found a mirror to make some last minute changes and walked into the living room. Jenifer slept over her friend’s again, and I was left all alone…Awesome.

I turned my head to look at the clock behind me. He should be here any minute….

I sat on the couch, and waited for about fifteen minutes…



An hour.

I crossed my legs and patted my foot onto the hard wood flooring. Okay, he’s late, that’s all.
I’ll just wait a little more.

Another hour passed.

I got up from the couch shutting off the T.V. I walked into the room and picked up my phone on the night stand. I dialed his number and waited until the fifth ring.

“H-hello?” I heard a voice crackle.

God, I feel like an idiot just waiting for him.

“Yeah, hi, where are you?” I was trying not to sound ticked off.

“Oh! Shit! Man, I’m sorry, hun. I totally forgot…” He exclaimed. “Shit!”

I sigh. “It’s fine…are you still in Pennsylvania?”

“…..yeaah…” He breathed.

Okay, this is the point where I’m going to have to hold in my tears.

“O...Okay…well, I hope you’re having fun…I guess I’ll see you when I see you…” My voice quivered.

“Faye, I’m sorry-“

I hang up the phone and lied on the bed on my side. A pillow was shoved in my face and me crying into it. Brown rings formed on the pillow case from my makeup. It hurts when the person you love forgets about you.

I head a random knocking on the door.


I wipe my eyes and race to the door, hoping to see if Tom was joking.

I open the door.

I begin to form pools at the edges of my eyes.

“Why...Why is it you, and not him?” I whimpered. “Why?!”

I lean on the door and slid to the ground. My hair draped my eyes from the light.

“He seems to not be interested in me anymore…How could he forget something we’ve planned for so long?” My head droops down making my neck ache.

He falls to his knees and embraces me.

“Faye…It’s going to be okay. Y-you have me…”

I look into his face.

“I-I love you, Faye…” He stutters.

I cry harder than I did before. I grab onto his leather jacket, wringing it my hands. He gently strokes my hair and quickly picks me up from the ground and carries me into my bedroom. He lightly lays me down, and huddles me into his arms as we lie together.

“Eric…thank you.” I mutter under my breath.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I gave a little hint into what I'm going to be doing with this story...intertwining it with Julie Ann's, haha. I'm gonna put her character in this story, and hopefully she'll put mine in her's. :) Haha. Doin' somethin' new. :) Well, it's weird how I'm favoring Eric a little more for Faye; I have no idea why. It just kinda goes, y'know? Well somewhat. But, I'm going to put Tom in the next chapter. Because basically it's all a fan-fic dedicated to him. So we'll see what happens. ;) Yeah, changed my mind of her moving...she will soon enough though, haha.