Night Songs

Surprise Visit

Waking up to another man is never a good thing. I quickly bolted out of the bed waking him up.

“What are you doing?! What did I do?! Oh, my god! Please tell me I didn’t sleep with you!” I shouted with my hands pulling at my hair.

He smoothly sat up on my bed.

“Dude, chill…we didn’t sleep together.” He scratched his head while letting out a wide yawn.

I grabbed my heart.

“Oh, thank you, sweet merciful Jesus…” I dropped back down on my bed.

“Hey, what the hell is wrong with sleeping with me? I’m not that bad looking…”

I turned to him while he winked at me. I rolled my eyes.

I got up from the bed and looked at the clock.

“Man, its 7 o’clock already?” I raised my hand to grab my forehead. How long was I out?

“Yep, so let’s talk about what happened in the morning…” He got up and stood behind me.

I turned around.

“What about it?” I was hesitant on what he had to say.

“Well, I basically confessed to you!” He parted his hands out in front of me.

I looked down and looked right back up to him.

“I…Eric, what can I say? I’m…with Tom.” I looked back down.

“What if you weren’t with Tom anymore?! What if you could be with me?!” He immediately shouted.

“I...I’m not with you though, Eric. I’m with Tom. Let’s the way it is.” I lightly shrugged while staring passed him.

“Faye, but…I love you. I really do love you! Why can’t you see that? Tom just forgot about you. I would never do that! I haven’t met a chick who’s worth talking to until I met you, Faye!” He put his hands at my shoulders, getting my attention.

“What do you mean you love me?! How can you?! When I first met you, you were an asshole to me, Eric! Tom was the one who actually was a gentleman! I’m a chick worth talking to? Ha! There’s a lot of chicks out there, find one and be happy!” I shouted right back.

I was really getting frustrated now.

He just stared at me, and then he broke the silence.

“Faye…yes, I was an asshole. But-“

“But what? There’s nothing you could say to me that could make me go with you! Eric, there’s one thing you don’t know about me. Hell, there are many things you don’t know about me. But I’m loyal to my boyfriend. I stick to my word.”

He lets go of my shoulders and lowers his head. He lifts up and shows me his eyes full of rage. I move back, scared of what he’s going to do. He stomps out of my room and out my apartment slamming the door, making the upstairs man bang his broom to the ground.

“Hey, be quiet down there!” I heard a muffled yell.

“Shut up…” I whisper, while going back to my bed and pulling the covers over me.

I rolled over on my back, still worked up over what had just happened.

What did he expect me to do?! I’m with Tom! He knows that! I just…I just didn’t want this to happen between me and him. I kind of wanted to be friends with him for a while. I guess the only reason he got close to me was…because he “loved” me. I know, I’m not respecting his feelings, but he wants just to have an answer from me that he can agree with, and that’s not going to happen!

I laid out a very loud and heavy sigh, that I was surprised that the old man didn’t bang the broom to again.

“What the hell is this whole thing coming to?” I lift up.

I got up from the bed and fixed myself up, first by taking a shower. It was late, but what the hell?

So I got in and scrubbed myself generously. I lathered my hair with shampoo and washed it out. I traced my face with soap and washed it off. I finally felt refreshed and clean. I turned the knob and got out, wrapping a towel around me. I took a moment and swiped the mirror of the condensation that grew on to it. I rubbed my face trying to wake myself up.
I turned off the light and walked in my room. I just casually grabbed my black lace night gown from the hamper and slid it on. I dried my hair off pretty well, and went into the living room to check to see if I had any voicemail from Jen. When I got to the table I pressed the button.

“You have seven new messages.” The electronic female voice pronounced.

Wow, that’s a lot…well to me anyway.

“Hey, Faye, I’m not coming home tonight. I’m sleeping over again, sooooo, yeah, bye!” My niece cheerfully called through the machine.


“Faye! Honey, I didn’t mean to forget, I’m just really busy hear in the studio. By the way, have you seen Eric lately? I know it’s weird asking you, since you’re not that close with him. Well, anyways. Call me! I love you, Faye. Don’t think that I don’t.”


“Faye, baby, please call me. You really have me worried here.”


“Please, please, please call me back! I’m ripping my hair out!”


“Babe, I really do miss you. I really, really do. Just please pick up the phone. I really want to hear your voice……………….Faye, please. I made a real shitty mistake. It will never happen again. I just want to hold you again and feel your warmth. I want to hear your sweet voice. I love you, Faye Moore. You’re the most beautiful and the kindest woman I know. I’m so lucky to have you in my life Faye. I’m so fucking lucky,” I hear a chair fall to the ground,” Please pick up the phone! I’m going mad! I-“


“Faye, I just talked to the guys and they said I can come down to see you! God, I can’t wait to see your face again. I’ve waited for so long! I’ll be there in a few hours so-“

I hear knocking on my door. My heart skips two beats. I was not expecting this to happen.
I walked up to the door with the message machine playing in the background. I look into the peep hole and found a cleft chin. My heart couldn’t contain itself. I slid the locks off my door in a rush and swung the door open. Tom was standing right in front of me, I couldn’t believe it. It’s been so long.

“Tom, I’m-“

He places his finger onto my lips.

“Let’s go to bed,” His plush lips stretched a smile.

I smiled trying to hold back my tears of joy.

He lightly brushes away my hair from my neck, and gently presses his lips onto it. My whole body was filled with goose bumps. He continued going up to my chin and then finally reaching my yearning lips. My mouth grasped onto his, not letting go and motioning my tongue with his. We both did not break away from each other as he shut the door behind him, and humorously trying to lock it back up. We shuffled across the floor and into the bedroom.

He lifted my gown off over my head and squished my breasts with his hands.

“Oh, how I missed these…” I couldn’t see his expression, since he was a little too focused on my chest.

I laughed.

He pushed me down onto the bed, and got right on top of me while I tried to un-button his shirt. He stopped me and just ripped it right off with his pants. We both were completely bare. We slid under the covers while trying, again not to break away. His skin was soft to the touch, and his faint patch of hair on his chest tickled my cheek as I kissed onto his collarbone. He deeply moaned as it vibrated out from his torso. Our bodies collided against each other while discovering each and every one of our little hidden spots that set us off. His was his ears. How I gently kissed them and sucked on his lobes. He aggressively quivered whenever I tested.

He then broke my power trip and grabbed my wrists and pressed them into the bed.

“My turn…” He smirked.

He began at my ears and then quickly learned that wasn’t my thing when I cried out in laughter. He went lower to my neck and I playfully held in my whimpers for more.
He raised his head and looked at me. My face had guilty written all over it and he lunges right back into my neck. I continue to excessively moan. He sucked even harder on the side of my neck. His smacking sounds gave me another reason to shudder from our erotic play. He scatters his fingers down my waist and pushes right into me. I began to wheeze when I was about to reach my limit. He slowly strokes the inside of me and quickly changes pace. I lift my back into a curve and grab his face and pull it to mine. My mouth latched onto his and we roughly kissed. I was barbaric with my kisses and we resorted into licking each other. Didn’t matter where; our heads were just filled with the thought of passionate sex. The time was about to come but-

“I can’t hold it any longer,” He whined.

He takes out his fingers and thrusts himself right into me, making me gasp out of shock.

“Honey, I don’t think I can hold much longer, either…” I went up and embraced him.

We both were sitting up while he lifted me up and down from his waist. He just rode into me while I squeezed him even tighter.

I shouted in climax. I made myself shut up as I kissed Tom, hard.

He looked right at me with those lightly colored eyes. I could tell this was one sided.

“Keep going…” I smirked.

“Are you sure?” He raised his brow.

I nodded, and he gladly abided by my request.

This went on until 5:00 o’clock in the morning. We were both so strained that we collapsed onto each other, not caring if we were not covered. Sweat glistened profusely off of both of us. I slowly, and painfully, reached for the covers and draped it over our bodies. I laid my head onto his chest, and he lightly strokes my hair.

“Faye..I..I love you so much,” He pants.

I chuckle.

“I love you too Tom,” I nestle into his chest and went to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright! Tom is back in action! Haha. Right after I'm submitting this, I'm going to continue with this story. Man, I got a lot of ideas for this story in the next chapter! Please stay with me on this, you'll probably enjoy it if you liked the eariler works. ;) Anyways, thank you for the read, and I hope you liked it. I actually really really liked writing this...especially the sex scene. ;) Again, thank you, and leave me a comment on what ya think! Give me your thoughts! :)