Night Songs

The Date

9:45 pm. I got off of the bus that haunted me with a questionable odor of dirty armpit, and bad breath. I sat next to the usually woman that rides the bus every Monday night. We had a thing in common. We're both crazy about cats. But, she showed her obsession a little too loudly for my taste. She wore a dark green trench coat covered in multi colored cat hair that was filled with scratches, and holes. She always wore her long, white hair back, tight, in a bun. Her cat eye makeup was thick around her eyes. They seemed red after the long night. I’m always polite to her, and smile in her direction if I see her. She likes me, as she said an abundant amount of times. She tells me I'm “the most beautiful girl” she's seen in the city. I playfully scoff, and roll my eyes. She always tries to fix me up with her nephew who's already in his forties. She also tells me I have a big self esteem issue, because of how I react to her compliments. I guess she was right.

I walk down the chipped sidewalk that led to my apartment complex. I reach for the railing, and walk up the stairs. I then take out my keys and unlock the door. I was 4 stories up. I always took the stairs. It woke me up most of the time. I turn the key to my apartment, and opened the door. I dropped myself on the couch without taking off my black, wool coat, mittens, my green cowl, and my black and white knitted hat I made myself.

Fauna came walking in and jumped on my lap.

"I'm home..." I said, exhausted.

I pet Fauna until she fell asleep.....Shit! I have to go to a party with that Tom guy! I took Fauna off my lap, and placed her on the couch. I noticed I have hair all over my pants. Whatever, I'll change them.

I sped through my closet trying to find anything "party like."

I found my old black, strapless dress I bought when I first moved to the city. It was very youthful. That being it was short, and tight on me. I really didn't want to look "too" desperate. I took everything off except my bra and panties. I slip into my little dress, and I looked into my bathroom mirror. Wow. I did not, at all, look like myself. I looked younger. Like my age. I felt cute, which is actually a very nice thing to feel.

I practiced smiling and rehearsing how I'm going to laugh, speak, and basically live through this night. My curler was done heating up. I took large portions of my hair and began to curl. It turned out just like I planned. Big, bouncy, and wavy curls swung from my head, as I turned. My brunette hair seemed darker against my black dress. I begin to do my makeup, but then I hear a knock at the door. Oh, my god! I'm not even finished, and I have to answer the door anyway to let him in! I was freaked out. I put down everything, and took a breather.
Okay, Faye, he's here. I'm sure he'll understand that I'm not ready. Why am I worrying?

I walked towards the door, and opened it.

There he was. Just as handsome as ever. His hair was neater than what it was from before, but still teased to the extreme. His face seemed brighter, and more masculine. Of course, how can I forget those addicting blue eyes? I just want to stare into them all night. Hopefully, I can just do that. I giggled to myself.

He was wearing a small, black trench coat, and underneath a tight long sleeve, with a tie-up v-neck. He had turquoise necklaces on, and wore a safari looking tooth earring on his right ear. He had his signature black leather pants, of course, but these were tie up also, to match his shirt.

“Hey!” He seemed happy to see me.

"Hi..." I blushed, and looked down from my heavy embarrassment.

He looks stunned. He just stared intently towards me with those angelic eyes of his.

"I, uh, I need to put on the rest of my makeup..." I folded my arms, while still looking down. I started to fidget with the knob, when he continued to stare at me.

Something sparked up in his head, as he bounced. “I didn’t get your name the other day…” He anticipated my answer.

“It’s Faye.” I smiled.

"You look gorgeous, Faye..." he seemed really dead set on his words. Like every girl wants to hear from the man they like.

I turned even redder. "I gotta go finish up…It won't take long!" I panicked.

He laughed. "Alright, I'll wait." He released one of his bright smiles upon me. I was already red from the compliments he gave me when I first opened the door.

I ran back into my room, applied a pink tinted lip gloss, and finished the right side of my face with my mascara and a little bit of blush. My makeup wasn’t heavy at all.

I walked out of the room, while I grabbed my black cardigan that clung to every curve of my body. I reached the living room, and again he did the same motions he did before, just staring at me, while I bent down and slipped on my black stilettos. I was really tall. I felt like a tower, but he still had inches on me.

I felt like we were a matching couple. We were both decked out in black.

I stood up in front of him, ready. He got up not taking his eyes off of me.

“You’re making me feel embarrassed. Is it too much?” I part my hair to the side, and slightly smiled at him.

“No! Not at all!” He exclaimed. Then he laughed at himself. I couldn’t help but laugh too.

We passed glances at each other before we went out the door.

“After, you…” he smirked.

“Thank you.” I smirked back.

We were out of the building, and headed towards what looked like a black Camaro. It was sleek, and reflected the lights of the city. It was luxurious.

He opened the door for me like a gentleman, and I ducked down to get in the car. He shut the door, and went to the driver’s side, and positions himself to drive off.

“You ready?” he grinned.

I came from looking out his window to meet his face.

“Yeah…” I smiled.

We drove off.

While we were in the car he turned on some blues music. It sounded like, B.B. King?

“Is this B.B. King?” I tilted my head.

“Yeah! You know B.B. King?” he seemed excited.

“Well, sort of. I’ve been listening to him since I was a little girl, from my Father. He loved the blues.” I looked off into the distance while he drove.

“He sounds awesome!” his smile grew even wider. “Is he still into it after all these years?”

“He played in a blues band from where I grew up, in Tucson, Arizona. He passed away when I was 12 years old.” I looked like I had no outside emotion to it. But, I was feeling hurt.

He placed his hand on my bare leg, he gently squeezed.

“I’m sorry…” he glanced towards me for a brief second from his driving.

My body was telling me to place my hand over his. So I did.

“It’s been almost 11 years. I’ve went through of what I had to go through about this. I have a better outlook on it now. Which I gained from 10 years of coping skills.” I squeezed his hand, while I carried a faint smile across my face.

We sat there. Hand in hand. I realized what I was doing. I began to feel hot, by my “nether regions.” I was nervous. My eyes beamed over every nook and cranny in his car. It was spotless I noticed.

We arrived in a building. It looked like a lofting complex. It was huge.

He parked his car with many in a massive parking lot. I saw people carrying kegs, records, guitars, pieces of drum kits, and the occasional eye candy girls. I felt out of place just from being in the parking lot. I took my hand away, quickly, from his. He glanced at me.

“You already?” he smirked.

I looked down to my clutch on my lap.

“I’m not great at parties…It’s been a while…” I started to fidget while opening and closing my snaps on my little hand bag.

He gently lifted my head to his.

“It’s okay. I’m not so great at them either.” He smiled. “I’ll tell you what. How about, if you don’t like it, we’ll just leave.”

“That easily?” I said.

“That easily.” He smirked.

I drew a smile out of my frown.


“Alright.” He responded.

He got out of the car and opened my door. I gave him a bright smile that showed off my teeth. He put his arm out, and I wrapped mine around his. We were off.

The loft was huge. It seemed like it was owned by one person, because I spotted crowds of people on each level of the building. This was a massive party. I closely held onto Tom. He seemed nervous too.

I heard bands on each of the three levels playing, people wooing, and talking in groups of six or seven. Some girls just danced in the middle of the floor away from the music. They all looked the same, and seemingly tried to look like the Glam scene they were buried in. They had heavily sprayed hair, with caked on makeup, and most had their eye shadow coming out to their temples. They wore bangles, different mismatched earrings in different ears, and some had long acrylic nails that pierced their palms as they held their feminine beverages. They looked like a Madonna cut out. Men looked like every musician wannabe, with their tight leather, and their bulge sticking out of their leggings. I knew the “sock trick.”

People stared at both of us as we walked into the middle of the room. Women glared at me with hateful stares, and men just stared and made sexual gestures at me. Tom covered me, and put his long muscular arm around my waist. He noticed what I went through while getting through the floor with him. He was intently set on a destination somewhere in the middle of it. I began to look for myself, and noticed the Blonde from before, Eric, was standing signing things for a set of small girls that wore tight jean shorts and halter tops. With their platinum blonde hair, and different colored streaks that didn’t seem too intentional. It just looked like it got their by mistake.

Eric seemed surprised to see me in Tom’s grasp.

“Hey, Eric, I’d like you to meet Faye.” Tom gestured his hands back and forth from me to Eric.

“Hey,” He fixed his hair, “sorry about this morning.”

“It’s alright. It’s not like you were the first customer to have problems with me.” I nervously laughed.

He scratched his head. “So what are you guys up to then?” He smirked.

Tom jumped in. “Well, we were thinking of staying for awhile.” He winked at me.

“Well, I’ll lead you two to the bar then!” he shouted, since another band started to loudly play.

He walked towards the right of the room, and against that wall was a bar full of exotic drinks I never knew existed. Well, maybe because I wasn’t a big drinker. We both sat on the stools they luckily had open. It was jam packed full of drunks and empty glasses.

“I’m going to ask around and try to get some hookups for some full stack amps. I’ll see ya later.” He waved goodbye, and then he disappeared into the large pulsating crowd.

I looked at Tom, and he began to look at me. We both smiled at each other.

“Want something to drink?” he asked.

“Uh, maybe just one beer.” I pondered.

“Alright, sounds good.”

He lifted up to yell at the bartender. “Two beers, over here!” The bartender nodded, and threw them over. I thought Tom wasn’t going to catch them, but then he leaned over and caught them. He slid back in his seat, opened the bottles on the counter, and handed me one.

“Cheers!” He smirked.

We clicked our bottles and gulped the cold beverage down. I felt a little outgoing than I was before.

He looked over to me, and again smiled one of his many smiles. “You’re a beautiful girl.” He whispered in my ear.

I blushed, and continued to drink my beer.

“Thank you…” I smiled. “You’re a handsome guy.” I whispered back. Man, I had a lot to learn of flirting with somebody.

He caught my lips with his when I pulled back after my said comment. I gladly accepted, and put down my beer. He did as well. We both leaned over to kiss. It started gentle, and then it turned to a hard and passionate make out moment. My body tingled in different places I couldn’t describe. It was exhilarating. The rush of being passionate with someone felt great. His lips were soft and plush. I occasionally opened my eyes to glance at his long soft eyelashes that touched my cheek, as he went down to kiss my neck.

“Get a room!” some black haired women shouted across from the bar.

We both stopped and pulled away from each other. I began to laugh, he joined me. It was a great night. He seemed to think so too. We talked about our family, past pets, favorite foods, favorite music, and any random thing we could think of. We both had only one beer, but we felt so comfortable talking about anything with each other.

“You want to get out of here?” He grinned.

I think I know what he’s up to. I was all for it. I really liked him.

“Sure.” I smiled as my face turned pink with delight.

He grabbed my hand, and waved back to Eric. Eric knew what we were up to now. I saw a devilish smirk that sparkled in the enormous crowd. We left the building, nudging and dodging people out of our way. Finally we reached the car, and he opened my door. I kissed him on the cheek as I got in. I caused a smile on his pale face. He got in on the other side.
We drove off to my place, and got out of the car. He walked towards me, and swung his arms around my waist. I rested my arms on his shoulders, cupping my hands to his neck.

“I had an amazing night. I was surprised you came with me.”

I chuckled. “I’m surprised too.”

We lightly kissed. He didn’t pull away like I attempted to do. He licked the bottom of my lips to gesture for some more. I kiss him even longer this time, and I got carried away, because I didn’t know where we were for a moment.

I pulled away. He pouted those luscious wet lips of his, he was disappointed.

“Listen, I’m so tempted to just invite you upstairs right now-“

“Let’s go then!” he turned excited. He motioned to move up the stairs. I stopped him.

“Wait.” I looked back at him. “I think we should just take this slow. I mean, what happens if we don’t like each other in the morning? We’ve only just met today, isn’t this a little too rash?” I laid the truth out in front of us.

He laughed.”What makes you think that I won’t like you anymore?”

“I just always have to prepare myself for the worst…” I looked away.

He caught my face in his hands.

“I promise I won’t stop liking you…” Then he placed a kiss onto me.

I went with him up my stairs, and into my bed. We were wildly kissing, and pulling each other clothes off. He rushed to unzip my dress, and tugged it, while kissing down my legs. I moan in jolting pleasure, with every kiss he placed onto them. The next thing I know, we were under my blankets bare naked, rubbing against each other, without taking breaths from our long, warm, passionate kisses. I never want this warm feeling to go away. I felt like my heart was relaxed, and I had nothing to worry about. I had this beautiful man that filled my bed with me. I felt complete.

“You…ready?” he was gasping for air.

“Yeah…” I begin to chuckle, as I was trying to get some air also.

“Alright…” he felt around, and then entered. It felt so hot. It just penetrated every spot, and made me discover I had a few more.

He motioned his body at different speeds. We both moaned so loudly that the old man upstairs banged his broomstick on his floor for me to get the message to tone it down. I laughed so hard, that Tom felt it, and quivered. He put his mouth on mine to mute our moans. Our sweat mixed on the sheets. I let go from his mouth and moved his long, wet hair, and continued on his neck. He moved faster, and began to shiver and moan. Then both of us reached our climax together. He got off of me, and motioned for me to go on him. I clung my wet body onto his, and we held each other until we slowly fell into sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
This took all day, haha! I hope you liked it. :)