Night Songs


The rays of the morning casted obnoxious blaring light to my face. I woke up, just my usual self, but then I looked over… Did I just sleep with the lead singer of Cinderella?

I smiled when I realized that Sarah is never going to know this.

We were still holding each other…

I looked down.


I blushed with an intense smile on my face.

He woke up next to me as I stared at him with my eyes full of glee. He smiled as he squinted from the light.

“Hey, babe.” He said groggily.

He kissed my forehead.

“Hey…” I slowly said.

He looked like he was satisfied with his staring, and smile that he presented me.

“So, what do you want to do today?” He excitedly said.

I blushed again, and looked up and down him from his mess of his hair to his strong looking feet.

He created a sinister grin from his protruding lips.

“I think I know what you want to do…” his grin became even wider.

“No…No, I was just looking…”I began to laugh at the end of my statement.

He caught me in my lie.

“Oh, yes, yes…” He crawled even closer to me, when I played around by backing up to the edge of the bed.

I accidently fell, and I took him along with me. We both broke out into laughter. We lied on the hard wood flooring trying to stop ourselves from laughing. I got on top of him. The sheet wasn’t even covering us anymore. We were both butt naked on the cold floor, but we didn’t mind, using each other’s heat was enough. I started to kiss his stomach then his Pecs, and then I worked my way up to his neck. His scent was irresistible. I laid kisses behind his ears, then the bottom of his chin. I was taking this all in, that the fact that I have a gorgeous man I have pinned down to the ground, and he is loving it. He bends his neck to have his mouth right on mine. He was an amazing kisser. I prayed to not have this moment stop. But then, a knock at the door, again, gives me the feeling of major displeasure. Major, major, major displeasure. But, he didn’t stop. I was happy that he didn’t. I ignored the door.

“Faye, dear, it’s your Mother! I know you’re in there!” She yelled. “Not a very smart girl…” Her voice vibrated my door with her shrilling voice. It could peel dry paint off of any wall.

Both our eyes bulged out of our heads.

“Shit…” I whispered.

I felt like I couldn’t move for a moment, and felt caught. I’m a grown woman, for god’s sake. I haven’t even seen her in years, why the hell now?! Why when I finally felt like I was on Cloud 9?

We kissed each other, and then dashed on a search for our clothes. I pick up his leather pants and a white t-shirt from my drawer. I was “free balling.” I never knew if that applied to girls too?

I raced to the door, with Tom whispering “wait!” when I sprinted. His pants were falling off me and to the ground every chance they got. Damn, gravity.

I wiped my face of any lingering makeup, and patted my hair down as best as I can. I opened the door. There, in the doorway, the women who made my childhood dreams come to a halt. She wore a long summer dress, with pink daisies. She had a yellow cardigan over that tablecloth of a dress. Her red lipstick feathered towards her wrinkles that striped her tan face. The tight curls of her head made me think if the carpet matched the drapes. I shivered.

“Why, look at you. Did you join one of those heavy music bands? God forbid would I let my own flesh and blood join those people and their rituals of sex and drugs, and their filthy parties. They’re lucky they don’t,” she walked in and continued with her screeching rant. “have a mother like me, I would straighten them out!”

“I envy them…” I said under my breath.

“Come again?” She turned her hive of a head.

“Nothing, make yourself at home…” I saw that she had no problem with doing just that.
She looked through my records.

“Huh, Chuck Berry… you’re turning into your father. What a fool of a man-“

“What did you come here for?!” I quickly changed the subject. I had to try really hard not to let my anger get the best of me. I hated her, and wanted to wring her neck, but she’s still my mother, I think.

“Well, the nerve!” she shouted.

“I don’t have time for your bullshit, “Mommy!”” I shouted back in her face. “Do you think I should listen to you, after what you did to Dad?!” I almost broke into tears just when I got over it.

“I came to say that your sister is in jail.” She folded her arms with her little bag swinging from her movements.

“Fabulous, can you leave now?” I motioned my hands to the door.

“I need some money to bail her out.” She turned her head away from me.

“Do you see where you are right now? In a roach infested apartment. I work at a convenient store for god sakes!”

“What happened to your college degree?” She turned to face me again, and raised that thin pencil brow of hers. She was painted to look surprised.

“I can’t get a job right now… I take this medicine for my depression, and anxiety.” I looked down.

She began to laugh.

“That’s a horrible excuse!” She lifted her head back in a good laugh.

“Is that what you said to Dad too?” I furrow my brow.

“You little, cunt!”

Her thumping of her heels dug holes into my rug. She ran towards me with her French tipped nails darting towards my throat. She grabbed me by the neck, and pushed those things through my skin. Fauna came into the room from the kitchen window sill. “Meow…meow…meow.” Each of her meows sounded quieter and quieter. Funny how things work out, Mother kills her husband, and then kills her youngest daughter. I prayed for my sister.

“Get your fucking hands off her!” I hear Tom shout.

My eyes came back from slowly glazing over. I coughed, hacked, and gasped for air as much as I could. I noticed I was on the ground, and my mother was across from me on her stomach with Tom holding her down, with her arms behind her back. He was in his grey boxer briefs, and his long sleved shirt.

“Get off of me, you son of a bitch!” She hissed.

He got up, and brought her up by her arms, and pushed her out the door.

“Get lost!” He slammed the door.

He sat down towards me and checked my neck.

“We need some rubbing alcohol, and adhesive strips. Do you have any?” He looked down to see my eyes.

“It’s…” Cough. “It’s in the bathroom…you won’t miss it…” Cough, cough. “Small place…”

He kissed me and lifted up from where I was, and fumbled through my medicine cabinet.

He runs back towards me and thumps down.

“Okay, I’ll be frank. This is going to burn.” He had a serious stare.

“Well, at least you’re honest.” I cringe my face to prepare for my painful reaction. I suck in and make an inverted hiss.

“1, 2, 3…”

He dabbed a drenched cotton ball to my wounds. It felt like acid was burning deeper holes in my neck. I loudly hummed a tune from his video I first saw yesterday.

“That sounds familiar…” he smirked.

I had a guilty look in my eyes as I turned to him.

“Hey, now, don’t move. I got to put the bandages on.” He focused on aligning the little white squares perfectly to my gouges.

“There!” He smiled.

He got up and put his arms out for me to do the same. I got up, and sat on my recliner.

“So, you have heard of me…” He raised his eyebrow.

I put my hand over my bandages. “Yeah. The night before, I learned you were a singer. My friend- Well, she’s not exactly my friend Sarah showed me, I didn’t know before.” I looked down.

He began to chuckle.

“Hey, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that!”

He went over to me and kneeled to the floor.

“I’m really glad I met you…” He put my hands in his, and kissed them. “Will you come to my show tonight?” He looked up with those droopy puppy dog eyes of his, and stared with pouting those lips again.

“I guess… but I really don’t like going out, to places I really don’t fit in, too much.” I leaned towards him.

“That’s okay! You’ll be backstage, with all the other girlfriends!” He smiled. He really wanted me to go.

Girlfriend…huh, that sounded good. It’s been a while since I’ve heard that term.

“So, I’m your girlfriend, huh?” I smirked down at him.

He blushed.

“Well, I’d like you to be…” He greeted my smirk with an innocent smile.

“I…well, I would like to be too-“

“What’s wrong then?” He raised a good question.

“You don’t know me all that well. I mean, it’s only been a day.” I got up, and walked into the kitchen.

He got up and chased after me.

“I want to know you! I really like you, Faye!” He was sincere.

I poured some old coffee into a cup and put it in the microwave.

“Tom, I have problems…” I looked at the timer.

“I noticed!” I knew what he was applying to.

I looked down. That ground became my friend after all these years. I stared at it for so long out of my horrible feelings I create.

He walked towards me, and bent down again to the same position from when I was on the couch. He took my hands.

“Please, I want to help…” I couldn’t bare his lovely stare. I started to cry.

“Okay…” I went to tears. There was someone who wanted to help.

He got up and embraced me.

“I’ll take care of you.”

I returned his embrace.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another update! Hope you enjoy!