Night Songs


Doo…doo…doo…doo, coffee’s done.

I pressed the microwave door in, and it swung back.

French Vanilla is my favorite.

I release a loud yawn that startled Fauna as she was on the window sill. She knocked over one of my many cacti. I collected those things like a person would collect coins, or stamps. They filled all my windows, and always bothered Fauna when she wacked her tail into them a good number of times. But, the main reason why I collect them so much is because they remind of home. The desert.

I sat on the couch with my Care Bears mug, and turned on the TV. There was nothing but news in the morning, always has been, always will be. Never any good cartoons anymore, I have to catch them at 5:00 o’clock in the morning if I’m so dedicated into seeing some.

I glanced over to the window. Snow filled all the corners of my window. I like snow. I now have a reason to stay in my apartment and not go anywhere. I smiled at that fact. I wish Tom lived with me.

I smacked my head.

I just met this guy! Plus, he’s probably dating some other chick as I think about it. I mean, how faithful can a guy who’s living’ in the media be? Every woman has their eyes locked onto him, just waiting to fly in and take him when he’s down. A lot of people know he exists, so does that mean, if I was still being his girlfriend, I had to share?

I shutter from the thought. I want a family in the future, a nice, quiet, small family. Am I just wasting my time with him?

The thought of it just makes my heart feel like its being ringed out of all hope for a true long term relationship.

Fauna nudges my arms, causing me to spill some hot coffee on my leg.

“Ahh!” I screamed.

I placed the mug down and raced to the kitchen for paper towels.

Just my luck.

I gave up on the whole TV thing, and just laid back on my bed. Of course, Fauna follows.

I sigh, and began to pet her head.

“It’s not your fault, its fine…” I tried to make a smile from my pained look.

Well, the coffee woke me up in another way. I stopped stressing about Tom. Maybe I’ll just see where this takes me.

Laying on my bed in silence makes me anxious, just wondering what I’m going to do next. It’s Saturday, and I have a date. I wonder what we’re going to do. He said a movie, right?

I jumped from the phone ringing. Man, this is another thing about sitting in silence. You can’t brace yourself for any loud noise, because you don’t know when the hell it’s gonna happen.

I dropped the phone on the ground.


I got it.


“Hey, my gorgeous girl!” I heard an excited voice on the other end.

“Oh, hey, Tom.” My thoughts were blank.

“What’s wrong, Faye?”

I came back from my empty thinking.

“Oh, uh, nothing’s wrong!” I smile. I then noticed I was on the phone and not in person with him. God, I’m such a dork.

“Don’t give me that, I think I’ve slept with you enough times to know there’s something wrong.”

Well, if he puts it that way.

“I was just thinking…about things…” I twirl the phone cord.

“Things?” I knew he was not going to stop if I didn’t give him an answer. I think I’ve slept with him enough times to know that.

“Uhh, you’re probably busy right? So, I won’t hold you up. Go do your, uh, band things…?” Well, that was an idiot statement coming from my part. What the hell am I, a Grandma? Band things? Should I ask him if he wanted to sit on my plastic covered couch?

“No, I’m not busy, especially when there’s something wrong, Faye.” I didn’t want to say what I had in mind earlier. That would totally set him the wrong way, and leave me. “I’m coming over; I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”

“Wait, Tom-“He hangs up.

Shit, I’m still in my night gown, and my place is a mess.

Sigh. Whatever.

Then out of nowhere, there’s a knock at the door.

Wow, that was fast.

I pushed off the blankets and got up, and walked towards the door.

“Who is it?” I pressed my ear against the door.

No answer.

Alright, I guess no one is there. I began to spin on my heels back to the direction of my bedroom.

“It’s Leon!”

I froze in my tracks. Leon?


“I’ve wanted to talk to you for the longest time, but you weren’t here yesterday, or the day before. I was worried.” He shouted from the hall.

I went to the door, slid the locks off and opened it. He was standing there with his big black Doc Martens, and leather jacket. His black hair to match his ensemble was shaven on the sides but the rest of it was down. His nose and eyebrow had sliver hoops through them.

Yeah, he was a punk guy.

I dated him right away when I moved into the city. He was basically the only one ballsy and obnoxious enough to approach me. He showed me around for a bit, and things led to another…you get the picture. I was desperate then. I was in a new place. So in a way, I used him, and in return he used me.

“I was working. Why are you here? I thought I told you that I never wanted to see you again. Yatta, yatta, yatta, basically the other generic stuff a girlfriend says to her cheating boyfriend. So if you will, please leave.” I motioned to shut the door.

“Wait! See that! That’s what I miss, Faye! I miss your sarcasm and your cynical ways. I miss looking at a genuinely pretty girl! You’re basically the hottest chick I’ve ever dated! Please, I’m sorry, what I did was fucked up, but it meant nothing! I was drunk, and the girl just dug me enough to, you know, make moves. You gotta understand, Faye!” He dropped to his knees and tugged on my gown.

Okay, I was mostly worried about my dress unraveling. It was short enough as it is. I pushed his hands off me. He was going up my dress.

“Whoa, hey!” I slapped his head. “Listen, I need to tell you that-“

“She’s taken.” I noticed Tom was standing behind him when I looked up. Leon looked with me.

“Who the fuck are you?!” Leon got up, and got in Tom’s face.

“I’m her Boyfriend.” Tom was cheeky enough to smile.

Leon lifted his fist, and threw a punch. He then discovered he missed, and was knocked on his ass not knowing what had hit him.

I was greatly impressed. Leon went through enough bar fights as it is, but I’m guessing Tom also shared that too, because he didn’t look like a karate guy to me.

“Uhh…hi.” I looked at him.

He laughed. “Hey!”

I looked behind Tom and saw that Leon was gone. Good riddance.

Me and Tom went inside, as I doubled locked my door. Now I really had something to worry about.

Tom sat on the couch, and patted the cushion next to him for me to sit down. I sat, and he put his arm around me, squeezing me.

“I guess I should explain…”

“I heard as I walked into the building, I got the picture.” He smiled.

“Oh, well, okay then…”

“Is that what was wrong?” He looked down while gazing into my guilty eyes.


“No? Then what’s wrong?”

I cut my gaze from his and looked to my folded hands. How was I going to say this? He probably won’t take me seriously.

“I...uh, are we in a serious relationship?” I tightened my eyes, waiting for his expected rejection.

“Yeah, well, I would think, right?” I looked back to him, he was smiling. Huh, well, this was unexpected. “That’s it? That’s what was bringing you down? Of course, I mean, screwing a chick I actually connected with and then leaving her is really not my style.”

“That’s a big relief.” I brightened my face with a smile, which was rare for my muscles to work one up.

“Good…” He leans in for a kiss.

Before I knew it, we were both on the couch making out, while Fauna was eating her Meow Mix.

It got really heated when he lifted me up from the couch and dropped me on my bed. We both struggled to get our clothes off. I had it easy because I only wore a night gown, and of course some underwear, but he had on leather pants and jewelry. I laid there naked and ready, while giggling to myself. It was funny how he was really trying to take his stuff off. He succeeded and lunged toward me on the bed. I burst out a laugh of excitement. Then we locked lips. Those hard passionate kisses again. I always lose myself in them. We pressed together joining our heat, and our hearts. I felt his jumping at a constant fast speed, while mine was the same. Rubbing and kissing every one of my limbs. We were soon wet with each other’s sweat, and he easily slid into me. I clasp his hair in my hands while I felt the overwhelming tingling he created within me. I didn’t even realize how loud we were until the same man banged the same broom to his floor through my ceiling.

“Enough already, my grandchildren are over!” His shouting was faint, but I could hear him loud and clear.

But the only problem was; Tom wasn’t going to stop. He just kept going.

“Tom…” I whispered as I shuttered when he went faster. “Tom…you heard him…ohh.”

He looked at me with that apparent smile of his. Oh, he heard, but that doesn’t mean he’ll stop.

He went to kiss me again, trying to mute my moans…again. I wrapped my legs around his waist. He went deeper and deeper. He curved in other areas inside me. Okay, please don’t cum Faye, please don’t, please, please… Then he hit that part of me where I couldn’t hold it. I grabbed a pillow and shouted. He collapsed on top of me. We both were gasping for air. His face was in between my chest.

“You’re not going to get much air that way.” I lifted his head to the side.

“I like being in there.” He panted.

I laughed while his head bounced.

“I love you…” His breathing started to become steady again. But mine stopped altogether that very second he spoke those three words. “Faye?” He lifted his arms for him to get off of me and was still above me looking down.

I started to tear up, and I began to cry. I placed my arm onto of my eyes, trying to slowly wipe them. “I…I love you too…”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, gotta stop you there because I'm tiiiired, haha. But, I like graphic sex scenes, so I was kinda bumped to end it so fast. If I were to continue I would've never stopped, haha. But, anyways, I think I left it on a good note, and I'll continue the next chapter where I left off, which I'm already thinking of a lot of ideas for. I hope you enjoyed this short little segment of Night Songs! :) Please comment and tell me what you think??