Night Songs


I was lying on the bed motionless for the past hour. I was on my side, just staring at his face while he slept. I caught the falling strands of his hair and placed them behind his ear. He moved to tighten is arm around me even more, and I went closer, kissing his forehead. He lifted a smile while his eyes were still closed. His skin was soft to the touch and glowed from the moon’s light. I nestled into his chest and we both fell back to sleep.

The next morning I was still in the same position while he clung over me. It was nice to have another person waking up to in your bed, especially the person that you’re in love with. I know the love part was coming out too soon, but I felt safe and assured that he wouldn’t take advantage of that.

He woke up from what seemed like a good dream coming from his facial expression, a smirk.

“Mornin’, babe.” He got up and stretched, then stretched back to kiss me.

“Did you have a good dream?” I smiled over to him.

He looked at me.”Only because you were in it.” He winked at me.

I laughed. How corny, but sweet. I got up from the bed while the blankets cascaded down. I was completely naked, and so was he. I ran into the bathroom and turned on some hot water in the shower. I got in while I grabbed onto the sliding door. I was dangerously clumsy when water came into the picture. I lathered my hair with shampoo and washed it out, and did my other shower routines until I felt two large hands squeezing my breasts. I whipped around.

“Jesus! You scared me!” I shouted.

He replied to my freight by laughter. He placed his arms to my waist and pulled me in for a kiss. He got a little carried away when he worked his hands a little lower.

“We can’t do it… in the shower!” I looked up to meet his eyes.

“Why not?”He smirked.

“Well…because, I’ve never done it in the shower…” I looked away embarrassed.

He chuckled. “Come here…”

He lifted me up, and I frantically grabbed onto him. I was thinking I was going to fall on my faucet… It happened before.

He thrust me against the tile. I heard squeaking from my skin rubbing up and down against it. I tried to keep my laughter in. He caught me smiling, but probably didn’t know what caused it, and pressed his lips against mine. I opened my eyes to see beads of water falling from his eyelashes, and his curls sticking to his cheeks. Just looking at him got me excited. In short, I was majorly turned on.

The phone ringing gave me something to worry about while Tom didn’t even flinch.

“Just ignore it…” He said as he started kissing down my neck.

“Tom, maybe it’s something urgent. Y’know how things are turning out as they are now, then it must be.” I nudge him. “Now put me down...”

He let out a big sigh. “And it was just getting good…”

I laughed. “Some other time.”

I got out of the shower and reached for one of the towels, Tom followed. I got to the phone when it was about to go to the sixth ring, which is the last ring when it goes to my message machine.

Hey, that rhymes.

I pick it up.

“Hello?...Speaking, who is this?.........What?.....How is she?!.....................Her Mother is in jail….Yeah, I’ll be there….” I gently hung up the phone. Tom looks at me waiting for me to tell him what just happened. “I have to go to the Hospital to visit my niece….she was in a car accident last night.” Tears began to streak down my face when I finally noticed.

Tom came over and held me in a tight embrace. “I’m sorry, Faye.” I held onto him even tighter.

“I have to go to Arizona.” I looked up at him.

A pause.

“I’ll drive…” He looked intent on his words. “Let’s get ready.” He started to get dressed and left me where I was.

I stood there, trying to comprehend what he just said. He’ll drive? “I don’t want you to go through all that trouble, I mean, I’ll find a way to get there-“

“Shut up, and let me drive you.” He kissed my head, and headed into my closet. “So what do you want to wear? Oh, this looks nice….” He turned to me and smirked. He pulled off my towel and put a purple summer dress over me. I snapped out of my trance.

“It’s winter…” I lifted a brow.

He chuckled. “Well, might as well get ready for Arizona.”
We got dressed and packed for our trip. We got onto I-90 and ended up on I-40. I had no idea where I was but the name of the hospital was stuck in my head, Arizona State Hospital, simple, and easy enough to remember. Plus, I was also conceived in that very same hospital. Gives me the shivers just imagining my Mother giving birth, but just thinking about my Mother gives me the creeps.

We arrived in the Hospital’s parking lot in Phoenix, Arizona. It took us 38 hours, and 26 minutes. I was completely exhausted, Tom wasn’t so great himself. Even though we’ve spent our time in some rinky dink hotel, it was still emotionally and physically draining.

“Well, this is some date.” I leaned into my seat and looked forward facing the hospital’s doors.

“Ah, I love your cynical remarks; they get me all hot…” He turned to me and gave me a faint smirk.

“I’ll stop you there. You’re beginning to sound like my ex-boyfriend.” I laughed.

We got out of the car, and went inside. Tom sat in the waiting room’s chairs while I went up to the reception desk. A short, little, old woman in pink scrubs filled a swivel chair. She had bleached blonde hair in a hive with caked on blue eye shadow, and pink lipstick smeared on couple of her teeth.

“How may I help you, darlin’?” Her penciled brows looked even more surprised when she lifted them without a smile. Her voice sounded gruff and low. It was very apparent that she constantly smoked, possibly since elementary.

“I’m here to see my niece. Her name is Jenifer Turner.” I landed my hands on the top of the teal counter that was in front of her face.

“She just came in this morning, poor thing…” She clicked her tongue in pity.

“Please tell me where she is.” I stared at her hive, which is all I could see when she was typing at her keyboard.

“She’s in room 308. Take the elevator, it’s-“I darted towards the stairs, before she could finish her sentence. It was way faster than waiting for an over packed elevator. Plus it was just three floors.

Tom noticed I headed towards the door leading to the stairs. He ran to me to catch up. We raced up the stairs, and reached the third floor. I looked everywhere for 308…..308…308. Found it! I opened the door to see my little niece hooked up to two machines. She had casts on both of her legs, and one on her right arm. Her head was thickly bandaged and was colored with dried blood.

I fell to my knees.

Oh, god! Oh, god! Oh, god! Why didn’t I just come to Arizona and see my sister?! Wouldn’t I have seen my niece if I got my sister out?! Why did this happen?! Why her! Why the fuck does she have to suffer like this?!

Tom helps me up and brings me to a chair closest to her bed. He sits right next to me while squeezing my hand. I hear a fast knock on the door frame.

“Hello? I’m Dr. Woods. Are you Faye Moore?” He came over to shake our hands.

“Yes. How did this happen?” I stared him down.

He opens his manila folder and skims it with his dark beady eyes.

“She was in a car crash on E. Fillmore and 2nd street. Her friend was the driver. The friend had minor wounds, but the car was severely T-Boned on Jenifer’s side. Her legs are broken, and her right arm is fractured. There is slight trauma to the head, but thankfully not to the brain. She needs a few days to recover while she’s still in the hospital. She will be able to go home Thursday morning.” He closes his folder. “What is your current address? We could not get a hold of the Mother or Grandmother. They never responded to our calls or messages we’ve left them. You were the only one we could come in contact with.”

“Yes, it’s 759 Columbus Ave. New York, NY.”

I was relieved from what I heard. I thought it was far worse from what I saw. Thank you, God! She’s okay! I couldn’t stop crying and smiling at the same time.

Tom hugged me and rubbed my side.

“It’s going to be okay.” He smiled with me.
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It's shorter from the other chapters but I was kinda busy with meeting up with some old friends from highschool. Which was not so long ago, haha. Well, I hope you've enjoyed this! I reveal a little more about Faye, but the next chapter will have her interacting with her little obnoxious niece, haha. :)