Night Songs

Home Again

I’ve stayed in Arizona for about a day or two, just until I could take my niece home with me. Then it quickly turned Thursday.

“So, Aunty Faye, I’m going home with you for now on?” She said as the nurse and I helped her into a wheelchair that I rented to take with us.

I lifted up from my crouch.

“Yeah, it looks like it. You’re Mother is nowhere to be found, since she recently got bailed out of jail.”

She sighed. “Yeah, well, she was always like that…” She looked down.

“It’s alright, cheer up. You’re coming home with me!” I raised my hands.

“Is that guy living with us too…?” She pointed at Tom.

He was sipping his over watered hospital coffee, while flipping through channels on the T.V. that was mounted from the ceiling.

He looked over with a forced smile, while I chuckled. She seemed not to like Tom very much. Well, I don’t blame her. He looked different from what she’s used to seeing every day.

He got up and lifted his hand for a friendly shake.

“I’m sorry I haven’t properly introduced myself. My name is Tom; I’m your aunt’s boyfriend.”
He turned his head to wink at me for the okay. I smiled.

She didn’t return his friendly gesture.

“I’m Jenny.” She grabbed her bags of clothes that she got from her friend, and rolled away to the elevators as I followed. I shrugged to Tom. I really didn’t know what her problem was with him. Tom followed us as we got out of the hospital’s doors. Then we all arrived at Tom’s car. She was dumbfounded as to how she’s going to get in it.

“Ah!” Tom rushed towards Jenny. “Here I’ll help you.” He smiled.

“Yeah thanks…” She was sarcastic. It runs in the family.

He ignored her attitude with him, and just continued to pick her up. I rushed to stable the wheel chair to the ground as she got up. Then I folded it and put it in the trunk, then rushed to where they were and threw myself in the back as quickly as possible and leaned the seat back. She got in and was strapped in by Tom. Lastly, he got in and we drove off into another 38 hours of watching the road pass us by.

5 hours in and I was nodding off until Jenny began to ask Tom some questions.

“How did you and my aunt meet?” She lifted her eyebrow. She probably was curious as to what a “square” like me ended up with a guy like “him.”

I’m so relieved that she didn’t meet Leon.

He was polite and lifted a smile. “Well, I met your aunt at her work…” She turned to me. I showed a nervous smile.

She turned back from me. “At the Piggly Wiggly?” She scoffed.

This girl is something else.

“Well, yes…” Now he was nervous to what she’s going to say next.

“Didn’t you go to college, Faye?” She looked right back at me.

I looked down and braced myself for this conversation to be degrading for me. Hell, I was used to it.

“Yes, yes I did.” I rested my elbow onto the seat and looked out the window to view the oncoming snow.

“Why aren’t you working then?”

“Well, I am working…”

“Yeah, but that’s not a ‘real’ job.”

“Well, I---“

“Don’t worry, your Aunt has a plan. She’s very smart. She probably just got caught up on something, and is trying to make a big decision. It just needs some time.” I whipped my head to look at the back of his. His aviators kept some of his expression hidden, but I found a smile on that remarkable face of his.

She turned, fully, back into her seat. “Well, she better hurry up…” She pouted.

I sighed.

So, she did have of a little of her Mother in her. Well, this is going to be a bumpy ride.
We arrived to the garage attached to my apartment building. Tom got out and unfolded the chair, and then opened the passenger door to reach for Jenny. He then placed her into the wheel chair and they both waited for me to get my tall ass out of the back seat. That was not pleasant.

We rode the elevator up to my complex. I never used the elevator. I’m weird, so sue me.

I opened my door and let Tom wheel her in. We took off our coats, bags, and got settled in.

“So, this is where you live?” She made her stink-face.

Tom plopped onto the couch. “It’s nice, isn’t it?” He responded before I could gather what to say.

He smirked when he noticed he caught Jenny off guard, because he knew her intentions, to make me feel even worse.

“I guess…” She felt disappointed when Tom saw right through her.

Fauna walks in. She seemed excited to see me. I think? I know cats are independent and all, and barely show attachment, but I still love her and annoy her with my neediness.

“Hi, Fauna!” I scooped her up. “I missed you!” I scratched her head as she was trying to wiggle away. Tom came over and petted her with me.

“So!” She broke up my moment with Fauna. “Where do I sleep?”

I placed Fauna onto the rug. “Oh…You can take my bed. I’ll sleep on the couch until I find out what to do.” I smiled.

I walked over to her bags and picked them up, and guided her to my room. She followed.

“So, here’s my room…nothing much to it. There’s the bathroom, if you need any help just shout and I’ll rush over to help you…” She looks around and picks herself up from her chair and lands on the bed. “I’ll put your clothes away then…” I rush over to my dresser. I made her own drawer; it’s in the middle so she can reach it.

“Thanks. I’m tired. I think I’m going to sleep now, so...” She looks over to the door.

“Oh, okay. Well, I’ll see you in the morning then.” I smile and walk out.

“Can you shut the door?!” She shouted to the hall.

“Oh, sure.” I grabbed the knob behind me, and closed the door.

I walk into the living room where I see Tom playing with Fauna on the couch. He noticed me and patted the cushion for me to sit down. I sat.

I let a long and tired sigh.

“That bad, huh?” He smirked.

“She’s been through a lot. If I had a Mother like that…I do have a Mother like that, she’s even worse. Either way, she’s lived off of her friends and I really want to show her a stable home.”
I rest my hands to my sides.

“You’re a good aunty.” He lifted his arm and placed it around my waist and pulled me in. “So…is your sister a heavy sleeper…?” He made a playful smirk.

I laughed. “Tom, are you serious?”

He kissed me and pulled my bra strap down.

“Tom, this is so wrong…” He kisses my neck and leans into me making me fall on my back to the couch. “Tom…we can’t be doing this…”

He lifted from nuzzling into my neck. “Remember that day where we were in the shower…” He grinned devilishly.

“No, I have no idea what you’re talking about…” I giggled. I knew. He knew I knew too.

“Oh, yeah? Want me to refresh your memory?” He puts himself between my legs, and lifts my dress up. “How bout’ it?” He smiles.

I lunged to his mouth, kissing him amorously. We attempt to undress one another until-

“FAYE! I need help!”

The moment went sour.

I look at Tom. “I’m sorry…”

He chuckles. “It’s okay. I should get going. You need a couch to yourself; I’ll be in the way.”
“Tom, you’re not in the way. You helped me out so much, I wouldn’t know how to repay you…literally repay you for the gas, hotel, and food for me and my niece.”

He kisses me, a long deep kiss.

“You don’t have to repay me for anything. You’re all I need, Faye” He caresses my cheek and gets up from the couch and slides his arms into his leather jacket.

I get up and walk towards him.

“I’ll call you tomorrow to check up on you two. I have to go to the studio this week to record and discuss with the band about our next single.” He finishes zipping up. “I’ll call you every day.” He smiles, and kisses me.

Our one last kiss, for the week.

“I guess I’ll talk to you then.” I faked a smile.

He started to walk out, but stops in his tracks.

“I love you.” He looks back.

I was halfway closing the door. I also stop in my tracks. My heart lifted.

“I love you too.” I smile. This time, it wasn’t fake.
♠ ♠ ♠
Somewhat better from the last chapter I typed out, ha ha. Well, I really hope you like this one. I'm going to probably... for sure add some more characters, ha ha. I'm workin' on it! I'm going to include more of a music scene from now on. :) Anyways, tell me what you think! :D