Status: Completed hopefully with a sequel coming... Maybe

Blood Thirsty Times

The ceremony

“Hello children of God, we are gathered here today to slay this child to our Lord”
I ignored most of the ceremony, hearing only the occasional sentence that scared me out of my mind. I spent my time thinking of a way to escape this torture.
“ We will slice the boy down his chest” Were the distant and depressing words from the Priest.
Looking towards the sky, an idea occurred to me.
“ Kill him with poison” more distant words from the Priest.
I was still looking up, more dark clouds had gathered in the the evening winter sky.
“WAIT!” I screamed at the stop of my lungs.
“What boy?!” Were angry words from the Priest.
“Slaying a boy under the age of 11 summers will bring better crops.”
“No! Look boy, you are our sacrifice! You are going to be SACRIFICED!” The Priest was practically blowing his head up with rage.

“Tsk, Tsk, killing the King's song what a bad life you will have, just wait till he finds out”. I know by saying this I am full of myself, but what was a supposed to say?
“ You are not the King's son, boy! He hasn't had a heir yet!”
“ How would you know? This is just a small village, nowhere near the Royal Castle!”
“ Alright then, if you're really the King's son, what are you doing out here?”
“ I was visiting another village when thieves robbed me of my rich clothes and my money, then coming to this village, I get used as a sacrifice”
“Hmm, Take him out of the rope and stand him up!” The priest had calmed down slightly, but I knew that the rope I was balancing on, was very, very thin.
The priest looked across my sad, wounded body, then looked at my face.
“You may or may not be the King's son, but I'm not taking any chances in sacrificing you if you have some relation to King Tybalt.”