Status: Completed hopefully with a sequel coming... Maybe

Blood Thirsty Times

The Argument.

After that scream, an older boy, perhaps a bit older than me, came running out from some houses at the back. He ran past me. Stopped. Turned around. Then spat in my face.
“You God damned son a a bitch! That's my brother out there! You should be there, you should be getting sacrificed! You are a bloody god damned bastard! I hate you!” He screamed those, hated words at me.

“ You have no position to judge me, you damned scrawny coward! I had no reason to die! I am a stranger to this village. Why should I be the one to die?!” I vociferated at the incompetent boy.

“Well why should a 9 year old boy die in your place? Why should you escape harm free? Why should I suffer the loss of a brother? When you escape harm free!” He was fired and angry at me, buttons of sweat dripped down his face.

“ How would you even know? You never knew about my life! You never knew why I came to this village! SHE WAS INNOCENT! Damn it! She shouldn't of died! But she did!”
I was screaming hated words back now!
“ She was innocent.... Just like your brother...” I whispered more softly.

“He shouldn't die”, he wept. “He doesn't deserve to go. He had a life ahead of him. And he is dying in this manner”. Tears streamed down his face.
He screamed out, “ I love you FORTHWIND! I love you!”
After he screamed that, we both looked on in horror as he was set on fire. His skin melted him to the table.
The older boy collapsed to the ground in a teary mess.
“I'm sorry mother, father and Forthwind. I failed to keep you all safe, I failed to keep you alive.”