Sequel: This War's Not Over.
Status: In Progress.

Fall Into Your Sunlight.

Go and Get My Bones.

Eve woke to find her hope void of any bodies other than her own. Frowning, and feeling rather sick, she wandered off towards her room, only to find a lump beneath her sheets. Owning no animals, and noting the doors were locked before she wandered to her room, she figured it was one of only five possible people. The only question was which one.

As she stepped inside, she realized it was the ginger, Garrett. He shifted. "Evie? Shit, I'm sorry--"

"Dawn's come, you're not moving." She replied as she wiggled out of her jeans. The bed was big enough to fit both of them comfortably without either having to worry about touching one another, but Garrett opened his arms and nodded. Evie slipped in beside him and she snuggled into his arms as she drifted back off to sleep, grateful he hadn't left.

Evie didn't dream, if she could help it. It was painful when she did, almost like a knife to the chest. She would wake up screaming, or hitting the floor. Or both. Nightmares were the bane of her existence and she would have loved to have done without them. She hated waking up in cold sweats and choking down her own screams. Having seen all she had was bad enough; seeing it repeatedly was getting to be torture.

Thankfully, her sleep was dreamless and she was comfortable where she was, her body curled against that of a friend. When she woke, she found she almost didn't want to leave. The solution? Stay there.

Her fingers reached for her nightstand, and she booted her laptop to do a little bit of webpage cleanup. It had been a while since she had updated anyway. Sighing softly, she put her headphones in, and let Cycles by Cartel filter through her delicate ears.

Good afternoon! Well, afternoon for me, middle of the fucking night for most of you. If you're still up, congratulations, you have insomnia.

Anyway, it's been a while since I've updated this thing, and I'm sorry for my lack of attention. I've found myself rather lacking in things to say as of late. I think I might have been spiraling back into that fun phase I was in a year ago after the subsider incident.

Subsiders. Those are the batlike things I'd spoke of. I never thought I'd be confronted by one here though. No worries, there's now one less to worry about; hopefully it's ash by now. Anyway, I ended up meeting a few new friends.

Friends. It's funny, I almost forgot what the word meant. I've been alone for almost six years. Talking to myself became commonplace. And then I met ZombieKiller19 and his friends. Jesus Christ, that's a pretty face.

You can't see me right now, but I'm grinning like a fucking idiot. These guys are something else. John, Kennedy, Jared, Pat and Garrett. Some of the best people I've ever met. Normally, I'd spend my time avoiding them -- sorry, it's principle, they're vampires. Every other time I've met with a vampire, I've been on the wrong end of their fangs.

Speaking of: is there even a right end? Food for thought.

As I was saying, these five people have quickly burrowed their way into my heart. Again, friends. New word of the day. I have to relearn the meaning.

Anyway. Pardoning my verbal spew, I have other news. Barring the military burning it down, I've got a garden hidden out someplace in my backyard. Eventually, I'll get a chicken or two -- I miss eggs terribly -- and maybe find fishing line, but anyway. I am growing a few things, including watermelon and spaghetti squash and tomatoes and strawberries. I found a blackberry bush not too far from here, and all things considered, I'm happy. God willing, nothing else goes awry. I actually have food now, actual food and not junk! This is good. Now to pray nothing goes wrong.

I might not be dead yet, but my days are numbered. Dying tomorrow would suck.

Until later, I'm Eve, and I'm the last of my kind.

She was just finishing up when she felt Garrett move beside her. She closed down her laptop and wiggled back down into the sheets. Somehow, she felt colder than normal, but maybe it was just proximity to Garrett.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sooo, just out of curiosity, would someone like to make a banner for this story? So when I redo the layout, I don't have to worry about hunting for one? :D
As always, comments are much appreciated.